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PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room. Reports – City Administrator.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room.
Reports – City Administrator • Discussion item regarding Canal Place Preservation and Development Authority's request for the City to pass back to them 2% of the 5% hotel/motel revenues to assist in funding operations of the CPPDA. • Discussion item regarding a proposed Discounted Corporate Program for the purchase of parking permits. • Personnel Activity for the period November 16, 2008 through January 17, 2009.
Canal Place Hotel/Motel Proposal • CPPDA has requested that the City pledge (2% of the 5%) and the County pledge (2% of the 3%) collected to the CPPDA for local government support of their operations. • City/County staff recommend that if the elected officials wish to pledge that the following conditions apply: • The funds be designated to be placed in a “capital improvement and replacement” fund and not be used for general operating expenses, and • That the funds be committed for three (3) years with the agreement to be reviewed at the end, and • That CPPDA officials be required to twice a year brief the elected bodies on their operations and plans. • It is estimated that that the combined contribution amount will be approximately $ 50,000 a year.
MPA Business Discount Plan • City has been approached about the possibility of a “discount” plan for businesses who purchase bulk parking permits for the MPA garages/surface lots. • Staff would propose the following for consideration: • That for businesses who purchase 30 permits or more that: • The purchase would have to be for six (6) months in advance, and • The discount for bulk purchase would be 15% off the total cost. • Example: Business A purchases 30 $ 55 per month parking tickets for six months would today be: $ 9,900.00. Under discount plan the 15% discount $ 1,485.00 reducing the $ 55 permit to $ 46.75 per month or a per permit savings of $ 8.25 per month.
Directors Reports Police • Police Department Monthly Report for December, 2008. Fire • Fire Department monthly report for December, 2008. Administrative Services • Administrative Services Monthly Report for December, 2008. Public Works • John DiFonzo, Assistant Director of Engineering, will provide a review of the City's $120 million federal stimulus package request. • H:\Public Works\Engineering\Mayor City Council Meetings\2009 Federal Economic Recovery Package.ppt • Paul Eriksson, Natural Resource Technician, and Jim Noonan, KCI Technologies, will provide an update on the City's Urban Tree Canopy Project. • Utilities Department Activity Report for December 2008
Approval of Minutes • Regular • Minutes of the Regular Sessions of November 18, 2008, December 9, 2008, and January 6, 2009.
Public Hearings • Public Hearing - 2009 CDBG Past Needs and Accomplishments Assessment 2009 City of Cumberland CDBG.ppt
Ordinances – 1st Reading Only • Ordinance - establishing a Bicycle Advisory Commission to administer and manage the long-term implementation of the 2008 Cumberland Trails and Bikeways Master Plan.
Consent Agenda • Order appointing members of Council and staff as representatives to various Board and Commissions. • Order authorizing appropriation transfers for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 in the total amount of $1,540,642.00 • Order authorizing the execution of a Water Purchase Agreement with the Allegany County Commissioners to supply water to the Bowmans Addition area through the County's new water distribution system. • Order accepting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Cumberland for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2008. • Order authorizing the execution of a grant request on behalf of HRDC/Cumberland Community Center Project in the amount of $120,000 for "green building" design/engineering components. • Order authorizing the execution of a Loan Modification Agreement with David R. and Margaret A. Romero with regard to the property and improvements located at 55 Baltimore Street, Cumberland.
Letters & Petitions • Letter from Governor O'Malley to Mayor Lee Fiedler approving a grant increase of up to $500,000 from the Supplemental Assistance Program for the Evitts Creek Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) project. • Letter from Courtney Thomas, Executive Director HRDC, requesting an extension of the lease agreement for the property located at 19 Frederick Street, Cumberland, through October 31, 2009. • Letter from the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) to Mayor Lee Fiedler advising that the Rolling Mill Historic District has been entered into the National Register of Historic Places • Letter from State Highway Administration to the Town of Ridgeley advising that the cooperative signage project to reduce truck traffic through Ridgeley, WV has been completed at an estimated cost of $25,000.00.