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Lions Clubs International. East Bay Lions - District 4-C3. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Livermore Lions Club. Lions Clubs International . Session A: History & Structure of Lions Clubs International Session B: Structure of Multiple District 4 & District 4-C3 Session C:
Lions Clubs International East Bay Lions - District 4-C3 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Livermore Lions Club New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International Session A: History & Structure of Lions Clubs International Session B: Structure of Multiple District 4 & District 4-C3 Session C: History & Structure of Livermore Lions Club New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International Session A: History & Structure of Lions Clubs International Presented at all meetings in the months of January, April, July, October New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • Lions Clubs Internationalbegan in 1917 as the dream of Chicago insurance man Melvin Jones. He believed that local business clubs should expand their horizons from purely professional concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large. Melvin Jones served as the association secretary until his death in 1961. He was often quoted for saying, “You will not go far in life, until you help someone else.” • Dr. W.P. Woods of Evansville, Indiana, was elected as the first President of the association in October, 1917, in Dallas, Texas. Thirty-six delegates representing 22 clubs from 9 states were in attendance. New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • The Greatest impact on the association’s service commitment occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at the international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA. It was there that she challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness” • Since that time Lions have dedicated themselves to curing and preventing blindness around the world. Since 1990 Lions have cured or prevented blindness in over 24 million people. New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure ABOUT LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL World’s largest community service club: Today with more than 1.3 million Lions in 45,000 clubs in 205 countries and geographical areas, Lions have expanded their focus to help meet the ever-increasing needs of our global community. Our programs are continually changing to meet new needs and greater demands, but our mission has never wavered: "We Serve." New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure ABOUT LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL International Headquarters is in Oak Brook, IL a suburb of Chicago. 290 full time employees11 Operating Divisions 20 Languages are supported Extension & Membership Club Supplies & Distribution Convention District/Club Administration Finance Public Relations & Production International Activities & Program Development Leadership Legal LCIF Info Tech WWW.LionsClubs.org New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure ABOUT LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL There are seven Constitutional Areas that elect 34 International Directors for two-year terms to the LCI Board of Directors with approximately one-half being elected each year at the International Convention. USA-14 Canada-1 Central/South America-2 Europe-6 Orient & SE Asia-6 India/Africa/S. Asia/M East-4 Australia/New Zealand-1 New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • Major International Programs include: • Sight Conservation • Eyeglass recycling for underdeveloped nations • Sight First II to eliminate the preventable causes of blindness worldwide. 30 million cured/prevented since 1990. 37 million more will be prevented/cured in the next 5 years. • World’s largest corneal transplant bank. 7 million transplants completed • Hearing & Speech Services • Diabetes Awareness • Community Services such as Habitat for Humanity • Environmental Services such as tree planting, recycling, parks • Youth Opportunities such as Leo Clubs, Youth Outreach, Peace Poster Contest, Lions-Quest, Youth Exchange, Youth Camps • International Relations such as Club Twinning & Disaster Assistance New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Based on a recent report of Lions clubs worldwide, it is estimated that each year Lions clubs donate approximately $449 million and 76 million hours, which is equivalent to more than 31,000 people working full time for a year. New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Dana Biggs Past International Director 2007-2009 Home Club: Reedley Kings River Ambassador Lions Club Fresno, CA USA New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Dr. Bill Iannaccone Past International Director 1993-1995 Home Club: Walnut Creek Host, Walnut Creek, CA USA Currently COO of Lions in Sight MD4 LCIF Director Vice Chair – USA/Canada Ldrshp Forum – 2009 Memphis New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Kay K. Fukushima Past International President 2002-2003 Home Club: Senator Lions, Sacramento, CA USA New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Past International President 2006-2007 Jimmy Ross of Quitaque, Texas, USA “We Serve” New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Past International President2007-2008 Mahendra Amarasuriya of Colombo, Sri Lanka “Challenge to Change” New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Immediate Past International President 2008-2009 Al Brandel of West Hempstead, New York, USA “Everyday Heros performing Miracles through Service” New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure International President 2009-2010 Eberhard Wirfs of Hofheim AM Taunus Lions ClubHessen, Germany New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure LIONS CLUBS OBJECTIVES • To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the nations of the world. • To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship • To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure OFFICIAL COLORS PURPLE Stands for loyalty to friends, and for integrity of mind and heart. Symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity of life, and generosity in mind, heart and treasure to those in need. GOLD New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure THE EMBLEM • Gold letter “L” on a circular purple field • Two lion profiles at either side facing future & past, proud of the past and confident of the future • The word “Lions” appear on the top • The word “International” on the bottom • Wear emblem or pin on left side of shirt, jacket, vest • Wear name tag on the right side of shirt, jacket, vest New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure LIONS MISSION STATEMENT “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.” Revised 2008 New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Code of Ethics • To Showmy faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service. • To Seeksuccess and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part. • To Remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another's; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. • Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself. • To Hold friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given. • Always to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state, and my community, as to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act, and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means. • To Aidothers by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy. • To Be Carefulwith my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy. Lions Clubs International History & Structure New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure THE MOTTO WE SERVE What better way to explain our mission? New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure THE LION MASCOT Represents Courage, Strength, Activity, & Fidelity New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure L iberty, THE SLOGAN I intelligence, O ur N ation’s S afety New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure AT A GLANCE – HISTORY TIMELINE 1917 Association founded in Chicago, Illinois, USA on June 7 by businessman Melvin Jones. 1920 Association became international with the formation of the first club in Canada. 1924 Livermore Lions Club is chartered Sept. 19, 1924, with sponsorship by the Oakland Lions Club New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure AT A GLANCE – HISTORY TIMELINE 1925 Helen Keller challenges the Lions to become her “knights of the blind in the crusade against blindness.” 1935 First club in Latin America (Panama) chartered. 1945 Association helps form the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) section of the United Nation. 1947 First club in Australia chartered. New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure AT A GLANCE – HISTORY TIMELINE 1948 First club in Europe chartered. 1953 First clubs in Asia & Africa chartered. 1968 LCIF chartered. (501c3 Charitable Foundation) Lions Clubs International becomes the first service club to admit women as members. 1987 1988 International Peace Poster Contest begins 1990 First club in Russia New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure AT A GLANCE – HISTORY TIMELINE 1990 SightFirst, a major blindness prevention initiative, is launched. $200 million raised. First Lions Club in China 2002 2003 The Multiple District and District level Women's Membership Development and Participation Chair began on July 4, 2003. SightFirst II, a continuation and expansion of the program to eliminate preventable causes of blindness worldwide. $200 million raised. Livermore Lions adopt membership goal of “85 Strong on our 85th!”(19 members – 6 active) 2005 2006 New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure AT A GLANCE – HISTORY TIMELINE LCI Ranked as “Best NGO” by 445 corporations in “Corporate Citizenship & Philanthropy.” (NY Financial Times) Livermore Lions pledge $10,000 donation to SightFirst II. Lions Clubs admitted to China. First clubs and first Multiple District formed. Livermore Lions 85th Anniversary Celebration, Sept. 12, 2009. “85 And Growing” 53 current members. International 2nd VP Tam is Guest Speaker. 2007 2008 2009 New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure Since Lions clubs were established, Lions have been dedicated to giving back to their communities. Lions clubs provide community parks, playgrounds, senior citizen programs and medical care for those in need. Lions remain committed to improving the lives of those less fortunate – around the world and right at home. New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • Session A Quiz • Motto? • Official Colors? • Founder? • What challenge did Helen Keller make? • Who was the first International President? • Where was the association founded? • Slogan? New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • What country joined the USA to make it international? • When was the association founded? • Who is the current International President? • Name 3 of the 11 operating divisions at International headquarters. • Name 3 of the 7 International Areas. • International Web Site address? • Lions Pin is worn on which side of jacket? New Member Orientation 2009-2010
Lions Clubs International History & Structure • The • END • Of • Session A New Member Orientation 2009-2010