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By: Ankush Boparai. JOHN WAYNE GACY. JR. CHILDHOOD. Born on March 17 th 1942 in Chicago, Illinois Went to a Catholic school Was part of part-time positions and Boy Scout activities Wasn’t very popular in school Liked by teachers and co-workers, exception from his father

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Ankush Boparai JOHN WAYNE GACY. JR

  2. CHILDHOOD • Born on March 17th 1942 in Chicago, Illinois • Went to a Catholic school • Was part of part-time positions and Boy Scout activities • Wasn’t very popular in school • Liked by teachers and co-workers, exception from his father • Got hit by a swing on his head when he was 11 years old, that caused a blood cot which was later discovered when he was 16 years of age.

  3. EARLY ADULTHOOD • Diagnosed with a non-specific heart ailment at age 17, found no exact cause for the pain • Relationship with his father was uncertain, but was strong with his mother and sisters • His Father would abuse his mother and assault John and his sisters • John loved his father and wanted to gain attention and the same love from his but failed to do so. • His father died which John deeply regretted because he did not get that attention and get close to him • Attended four high schools in his senior year and never graduated • Dropped out and left home and worked as a janitor in Vegas

  4. TYPE OF SERIAL KILLER • LUST KILLER • He killed young men for sexually and homosexual needs • Was a Process-killer (killed them amusingly by raping them first) • Was a ORGANIZED SERIAL KILLER because he didn’t leave any evidence behind and knew what to do with each body (where to put it)

  5. MURDERS • Killed 33 victims, mostly teenage boys • Hid the bodies in the crawl space under Gacy's middle class home in the Chicago suburbs • One body was in a river • One of the kills was for self defense, but it was a whole misunderstanding.

  6. PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES • AURA- Homosexual and had desires to rape men and kill them after • TROLLING-He would go find young men also his employees • WOOING-He would hire young men and offer them a job • CAPTURE- He would Handcuff them • MURDER- Stuff underwear or a sock in the victims mouth and press a wooden board to their neck • TOTEM-Clothing that was too small for him, kept bodies under his bed, and crawl space • DEPRESSION-He wasn’t satisfied with his killings he wanted more young boys

  7. VITIMOLOGY • Rape men by putting board against their necks • Stuff socks and under wear in their mouth so they won’t scream • Choose young men • His Employees • Hide bodies around his house • He showed himself as a good person and made them feel safe

  8. CHILDHOOD/BEHAVIOUR • Gacy’s father was an alcoholic • Was not close to him • Wanted his fathers love (which he still regretted later on in life) • His father verbally assaulted him and it probably effected him • His father also beat his mother when he was a child

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