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Implementation of CAP in Hong Kong Observatory. TONG Yu- fai Scientific Officer Hong Kong Observatory Hong Kong, China. Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 – 24 April 2013. Presentation Outline.
Implementation of CAP in Hong Kong Observatory TONG Yu-fai Scientific Officer Hong Kong Observatory Hong Kong, China Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 – 24 April 2013
Presentation Outline • Weather Warnings Service in Hong Kong • Delivery of Warning Warnings in XML Format • CAP Implementation for Local Warnings • CAP Implementation for TC Warnings for Shipping • Next Steps
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) • A government department of Hong Kong • Responsible for forecasting weather and issuing warnings on weather-related hazards in HK • Monitor and assess radiation levels in HK, and provide geophysical services
Weather Warnings in Hong Kong Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) is the alerting authority in Hong Kong to issue the following weather warnings: • Special Announcement on Flooding • Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals (number-coded) • Landslip warning • Strong Monsoon Signal • Fire Danger Warning • Rainstorm Warning Signals • (colour-coded) • Very Hot Weather Warning • Cold Weather Warning • Thunderstorm Warning • Frost Warning
Dissemination of Weather Warnings Internet Website http://www.weather.gov.hk http://www.hko.gov.hk eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Mobile applications Telephone enquiry system Public Social Network Twitter/Weibo Mass media (newspaper, radio and television) SMS Delivery via diverse and multiple means to communicate weather information of different volumes and degrees of details
Delivery of Warning Messages in XML format • Currently, HKO disseminates weather warning messages in its own XML-based format to users with the needs of system automation, facilitating exchange of weather warnings between machines. • Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a XML-based data format for exchanging warning messages. Why do HKO need to deliver weather warnings in CAP - another XML-based format?
Presentation Outline • Weather Warnings Service in Hong Kong • Delivery of Warning Warnings in XML Format • CAP Implementation for Local Warnings • CAP Implementation for TC Warnings for Shipping • Next Steps
HKO’s XML data service • Provision of weather bulletins (including warnings ) in XML since 2003 • A website was set up to allow users to retrieve the XML bulletins over the Internet
HKO’s XML data service Transport operators Media Service Industry Utilities Weather Info in XML Government users Telecom • Wide spectrum of users • Effective means to deliver up-to-the-minute weather reports/forecasts and warning electronically
Limitations of the HKO’s XML Service for Delivery of Weather Warnings “Proprietary” XML Schema • The schema specifying the HKO’s XML bulletins is proprietary, not adopted from any open data standard • No open library support. Users have to develop their tools to retrieve the HKO’s XML bulletins and ingest them into their systems. • Could not contain reference to additional information in the form of a digital asset • No geographic information. Messages target to all people in HK even though the incident affects only a specific area.
Limitations of the HKO’s XML Service for Delivery of Weather Warnings Multiple messages on same incident For certain weather warnings, multiple XML bulletins referring to the same incident are issued to users, but containing different aspects of the information about the incident. TC signal bulletin (which TC signal is issued?) TC bulletin (TC analysis info) Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal TC warning announcement (event description & actions to be taken) Multiple messages for same event may cause user confusion and incur extra effort on users to incorporate the XML bulletins into their information systems.
Presentation Outline • Weather Warnings Service in Hong Kong • Delivery of Warning Warnings in XML Format • CAP Implementation for Local Warnings • CAP Implementation for TC Warnings for Shipping • Next Steps
Why do HKO need to deliver weather warnings in CAP? CAP is an XML-based data format for exchanging public warnings. It has advantages over the HKO’s XML data service:
Implementation of CAP for Local Weather Warnings CAP Combine messages of same event into a single CAP message Example: TC warning signal TC warning bulletin (which TC signal is issued?) TC analysis & forecast track information Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal TC warning announcement (event description & actions to be taken) Combine them into a signal CAP message These messages are originally coded in 3 different XML bulletins
Implementation of CAP for Local Weather Warnings Combine messages of same event into a single CAP message Example: TC warning signal CAP message for TC warning TC warning bulletin (which TC signal is issued?) <headline>TC No. 3 is issued at XX:XX HKT</headline> TC warning announcement (event description & actions to be taken) <description>…</description> <instruction>…</instruction> <parameter> [analysis/forecast positions & intensities] </parameter> TC analysis & forecast track information
Challenge of Applying CAP for Weather Warnings in HK Certain CAP elements could not be directly determined by HKO’s warning messages
Option 1 • Develop rules to assign values of CAP <severity> for each type of weather warnings. Rainstorm Warning Signals CAP <severity>: Extreme, Severe, Moderate, Minor ? 30 mm/hr 50 mm/hr 70 mm/hr • As HK people already get used of the number- and colour-coded warning systems, the selection of CAP <severity> values must match their perception on the severity of local weather warnings. • The warning types (e.g. amber/red/black for rainstorms ) will be coded in the <eventCode> element.
Option 2 • Extend the value domain of the CAP <severity> element to include the HKO’s number- & colour-coded warning systems • However, it would NOT conform to the XML Schema of CAP!
Presentation Outline • Weather Warnings Service in Hong Kong • Delivery of Warning Warnings in XML Format • CAP Implementation for Local Warnings • CAP Implementation for TC Warnings for Shipping • Next Steps
Tropical Cyclone Warning for Shipping by Hong Kong Observatory • Tropical cyclone over the South China Sea could pose a threat to mariners and ships at sea over the region • HKO issues TC warning to ships when a tropical cyclone is located with the area 10o to 30o N and 105o to 125o E HK Target users: mariners/ships over the warning area TC Warning Area of Hong Kong
Tropical Cyclone Warning for Shipping by Hong Kong Observatory • Contain information about TC analysis and position/intensity forecast up to 72-hour ahead • Update every 3 hours • Broadcast to ships via NAVTEX (a radio frequency broadcast system)
TC Shipping Warning: Event focusing Affected Area • TC warning for shipping are focusing on the event, moving from one place to another • For TC shipping warning, defining an area for sending alert is not as straight-forward as other warnings T+48 hrs T+24 hrs T+0
Issues need to be rectified in adopting CAP for TC shipping warning • Define what kind of alert to be delivered for the CAP message of the TC shipping warning. • Decide how to determine the alert area of the CAP message to better meet the needs of the recipients. • Decide whether and how to break message into individual CAP alerts for different areas that will be affected at different forecast periods, e.g. 0<T<=24; 24<T<=48, etc. • Design rules for assigning values to elements urgency, severity and certainty • Decide on how forecast track could be encoded and in what format
Provide alert / notification for the presence of TC of a particular strength • Break the TC shipping warning into different time intervals, e.g. 0-24, 24-48, 48-72, etc. • Alert area would be the polygon bounding the initial and final positions of the TC including the uncertainty circles • Provide alerts for the strongest intensity • Forecast track could be encoded in other XML format, e.g. CXML, KML, etc. and attach to the CAP in the <resource> element
Provide alert / notification for the presence of TC of a particular strength Area B Area A T+48 hrs T+24 hrs T+0 CAP (0<T<=24) Urgency: Immediate Target Area: A CAP (24<T<=48) Urgency: Expected Target Area: B
Next Steps … • Develop rules and automatic system to convert all local warnings & TC advisories into CAP format • Set up a dedicate website to publish the CAP warnings and feeds • Develop public outreach and promulgate users (media, public utilities, transport operators, government users, etc) to make use of CAP in their information systems
Benefits of Applying CAPfor TC Advisories • CAP is a standard for delivering alerts and notifications • WMO endorsed standard • Messages could be delivered timely for disaster prevention and mitigation • CAP supports geographic information. Messages could be delivered to people who need them, and only those who need them • In adopting the CAP standard, multiple alert system could be activated with single input • With a standard, it benefits users because applications, e.g. WMO Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC), could be developed to meet individual needs.
Characteristics of CAP • Ideal for sending alert / notification of hazards for people at some particular area / location • Convey messages of urgency, severity and certainty • Prompt action of recipients (in <instruction> element)