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Foothill Knolls News Volume 1, Issue 1 October 20, 2003 Quarterly Issues Next deadline: January 15, 2004 Editor: Diane Phillips board@foothillknolls.com. Foothill Knolls. Holiday Party & Annual Meeting At Sunol Golf Club. Be there! On Sunday, November 16, from 5 to 8 pm, at the Sunol
Foothill Knolls News Volume 1, Issue 1 October 20, 2003 Quarterly Issues Next deadline: January 15, 2004 Editor: Diane Phillips board@foothillknolls.com Foothill Knolls Holiday Party & Annual Meeting At Sunol Golf Club Be there! On Sunday, November 16, from 5 to 8 pm, at the Sunol Country Club, we’ll have our Foothill Knolls Holiday Party and Annual Meeting. Bring the whole fam- ily! Our board has ar- ranged a formal adult dinner party and an adjoining room for our children, including their dinner and some entertainment. Our annual meeting will follow dinner, so now’s a good time to bring your thoughts, ideas, and issues to share! Send or call in your RSVP with your directory update and survey, attached. NEWS NOTES TWO BOARD positions are up for this year’s annual meeting elections: John Cassidy (Treasurer) and Jim Amos (VP). Come vote at the An- nual Meeting or send in the Nomination/Proxy Form, at- tached. WELCOME to our new neighbors … Thanks to Kevin Scanlon for getting our new WEBSITE and Internet access set up… UPDATED DIRECTORIES will reach our doors shortly with your input (see attached form) and the time and effort of our neighbor Dianna Nuss- baum. Thank you, Dianna. Please REMEMBER that all landscaping, construction and painting need the ap- proval of the Architectural Committee… We need to continue remind- ing each other to stop at our STOP signs and keep our driv- ing SPEED down... BLOCK PARTY RETURNS EARLY SUMMMER We were unable to hold our annual Block Party this year. Our Holiday Party will provide an opportunity for families to gather together. The board is discussing rescheduling the Block Party for late spring,/ early summer, near the end of school. NEWSLETTER! Please contact the newsletter editor or a Board member to let us know if you would like your idea, issue or concern placed in this Foothill Knolls Neighborhood Newsletter. The upcoming deadline is listed in the upper left-hand corner. Mark your calendar! Holiday Party / Mtg. 11/16 Dec. Ornament Exchange Holiday Luminaries Dec. Christmas Caroling Dec. ? Progressive Dinner ? Easter Egg Hung Board Members—2002 President Sajid Sohail Vice President Jim Amos, Kevin Scanlon Secretary Robert Barrett Treasurer John Cassidy Communications Mailbox: Foothill Knolls Homeowners Asso- ciation, 7801 Foothill Knolls Drive, Pleasan- ton, CA 94588 Email: board@foothillknolls.com architecturalreviewboard@foothillknolls.com socialcommittee@foothillknolls.com Website: www.foothillknolls.com Committees Architectural: Lori Kenney, TJ McGrath Scott Adams Social: Kim Sanchez Sharon Santos Vicki Wainscott Bock Party Coordinators ? Neighborhood Watch ? 1
BOARD NOTICE – PLEASE READ! The Board requests us all to re-read our CC&Rs regard- ing car parking. Garages and driveways are for cars. Every attempt should be made to keep cars off the street in the evening. Bring your concerns to the Annual Meeting. The board is considering some action plans, including an observa- tion, notice, fine, and en- forcement consequence. 2
HOLIDAY PARTY & ANNUAL MEETING RSVP **** DIRECTORY UPDATE, NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY NOM INATION & PROXY FORM Please read both sides! Please return form to Sajid Sohail at 7977 Foothill Knolls Drive by Sunday, November 2, 2003 HOLIDAY PARTY & ANNUAL MEETING RSVP Yes, I/We will be at the Holiday Party/ Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 16, from 5 to 8 P.M. at the Sunol Golf Club! ** Name(s): Adults _________________________________________________________ Children/Ages ___________________________________________________________ Adult Dinner Choices (please mark selections; includes salad, vegetables, dessert, wine) · Prime Rib w/Roasted Petite Potatoes · Roasted Balsamic-rubbed Chicken w/Garlic Mashed Potatoes · Sea bass w/ Rice Pilaf Children’s dinner includes pizza and chicken fingers. ** Our association funds cover this event. No, I/We can’t make it. Our Nomination Form and Proxy is filled out and turned in! 3
DIRECTORY UPDATE Name(s) Last _________________ First __________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________ Phone __________________ Email __________________________________ Children? Yes/No Ages _______________________________________ NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Are you interested in a Board or Committee position? Please specify ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What would you like to see in your neighborhood newsletter? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What are your neighborhood concerns? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4
NOMINATION AND PROXY FORM FOOTHILL KNOLLS ANNUAL HOMEOWNER’S MEETING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2003 Nomination of Board Members: You can nominate yourself or another resident of Foothill Knolls to serve a two (2) year term on the Board. The Board currently has two (2) positions open for reelection/election. The new Board will determine the roles of each member at its first meeting. The Board currently meets on a quarterly basis. Nomination—Board Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination– Committee Architectural _____ Social _____ Name ________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________________________________________________________ 5
Proxy: I, the undersigned, hereby appoint the following person to represent me at the Annual Meeting of the Foothill Knolls Homeowner’s Association on November 16, 2003. By signing this proxy, I authorize the person I have designated to vote to fill vacancies on the Homeowner’s Board. I also authorize said individual to vote on other business conducted at the Annual Meeting. I reserve the right to attend the meeting and retain my vote. Please check one of the options offered below 1. _____ Sajid Sohail 7977 Foothill Knolls Drive 2. _____ Jim Amos 7827 Foothill Knolls Drive 3. _____ Kevin Scanlon 7839 Foothill Knolls Drive 4. _____ John Cassidy 7833 Foothill Knolls Drive 5. _____ Robert Barrett 7941 Foothill Knolls Drive 6. _____ Other Please Print: Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO Sajid Sahail at 7977 Foothill Knolls Drive by November 2, 2003 6