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What is the SKYNET?

2003.11 Khon Kaen, Thailand GISP Report, Radiation Teruyuki Nakajima ( teruyuki@ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp ) Center for Climate System Research The University of Tokyo. What is the SKYNET?. Network of observation sites for atmospheric radiation

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What is the SKYNET?

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  1. 2003.11 Khon Kaen, ThailandGISP Report, RadiationTeruyuki Nakajima(teruyuki@ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)Center for Climate System ResearchThe University of Tokyo

  2. What is the SKYNET? • Network of observation sites for atmospheric radiation • Grass roots activity: Universities/Institutes, GAME, APEX, ACECAP, ADEOS-II/GLI etc. since 1998 • NASA/AERONET, GEWEX/BSRN, WMO/GAW • Data policy • Permission; co-authorship or acknowledgment • Data owners share all SKYNET data and software • Data release to the SKYNET data center at earliest timing • Data to public within one and half years

  3. SKYNET Workshop • 12 Nov. 2003 • 35 Participants • Visits at Phimai and Sri-Samrong • Coordination of SKYNET, AERONET, ARM, and ABC

  4. SKYNET APEX Koganei Sites for aerosols, clouds, and radiation

  5. SKYNET instrumentation

  6. SKUNET data flow

  7. Aerosol type remote sensing MODIS monthly mean Higurashi and Nakajima (GRL2002)

  8. Fukue May 2003 Forest fire NIES Lidar net N. Sugimoto

  9. Aerosol and (cloud: ABC) radiative forcing retrieval Aerosol optical thickness Single scattering albedo Aerosol size distribution Complex refractive index Sun/sky spectra Diffuse flux Chem-Phys. Meas. Direct flux Aerosol direct forcing Aerosol indirect forcing SeaWiFS/MODIS aerosols Cloud forcing MODIS clouds GMS cloud amounts Pyrheliometer Pyranometer PREDE Skyradiometer

  10. b= -ARF/t500 30 Charlson 92: No abs. 50 63 Nakajima 03: APEX 70 Russel 99: TARFOX 75 Ramanathan 01: INDOEX 90 DRF(sfc)= 50% (t500) 12% (w) 6% (g)

  11. UNEP/ABC project • UNEP C. Töfler • V. Ramanathan, P. Crutzen • Meeting with Surendra Shrestha, 13 Aug. 2003 • Director, UNEP-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRCAP) • T. Nakajima, M. Hashizume, Boossarasiri Thana • Meeting at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, 15 Aug. • Ampan Pintukanok, Director, Office of International Cooperation on Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment • Nakajima, Hashizume, Somchai Nakapadungrat, Boossarasiri

  12. ABC sites

  13. New Phimai site perspective • Possible move of Sri-Samrong site to Phimai site • Meeting at BRRAA, 15 Aug. • Waewchark Kongpolporm, Director, Bureau of the Royal Rainmaking and Agriculture Aviation, Warawut Khantiyanan • Nakajima, Hashizume, Noppadol Muangnoicharoen, Boossarasiri • Meeting at Chulalongkorn U., 13 Aug. • Usanee Yodyingyuard, Vice President • Nakajima, Hashizume, Noppadol Muangnoicharoen, Boossarasiri

  14. Sri-Samrong Phimai

  15. Newer developedAsian Particles Monitoring System in NIES Pre-analysis module Control+Data receiving Aerosol module (REAP) Cloud module (CAPCOM) IIS/U-Tokyo TRMM/VIRS,TMI module (CAPCOM+α, not yet started) MODIS data ■Control Machine Intel Pentium4 (2.53GHz)x1 ■Cluster Machines AMD Athlon (2.1GHz) x 2cpu x 4 ■Hard disk Control Machine (80GB) Cluster Machine (160GB) RAID (1.2TB@RAID5)

  16. Typhoon Etau captured by GLI (Aug. 7, 2003) Cloud thickness & Water vapor Droplet size RGB image Small:White Large: Blue Cloud: Blue WV: Yellow

  17. Collocated-Coincident observation MODIS vs G-II SPIDER

  18. Complex Asian Aerosol Mixture Onset ofBiomass-CO, SO4, Dust CCSR/NIES+SPRINTARS CFORS; I. Uno (2003) Stream line at 3 km

  19. SPRINTARS vs SeaWiFS (Higurashi) Takemura (2002)

  20. Global & Annual Mean SAT Change Nozawa (2003)

  21. GCM aerosol-cloud interaction process Emori (2003) Without aerosol indirect (cloud lifetime) effect With aerosol indirect (cloud lifetime effect) Relative humidity Unrealistically Shallow PBL Cloud water

  22. Radiative forcing of climate change factors from 1850 L(NIR) L(Angle) DNa/Na~1 Nc=f (Na) DNa/Na=0.3 Huan (2003)

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