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Arts Award. Unit 2 Leadership Daniel Taylor. I-Birmingham. Arts Award. Past Students. Eastside Park Opening. I-Birmingham.
Arts Award Unit 2 Leadership Daniel Taylor
I-Birmingham Arts Award Past Students Eastside Park Opening
I-Birmingham BOA as a regional Arts Connect hub school worked with Lillian De Lisa and Bordesley Green East Nursery schools, Tiverton, Stanville and Hillstone primary schools to raise funding to run a unique digital arts project based on identity. Students aged 3-17 years old across all six schools worked with professional artists: Alison Scott an animator, Fabrice Millet a filmmaker, Janette Bushell a digital photographer, The Ikon Gallery, Ashley brown and Dom Beardmore sound and digital installations to create a digital landscape around the theme. All the children, their parents and school staff, and professional artists attended the world premiere screening of the new work at BOA . Everyone was amazed at the quality of the work created and the project was acknowledged by everyone as a great success. Pepita Hanna Director of Partnerships & Extended Services BOA
Arts Awards BOA has been developing its Arts Awards programme and has been successful in achieving Arts Awards Gold for the first cohort of ten students. They covered a wide range of activities including contributing as delegates and documenters at Birmingham City Council’s Arts and Culture Summit at Birmingham University, running a Festive Fringe Event for Families at BOA, and setting up a new Boy’s Company which performed at Aston Community Centre for over 250 local people. The successful Arts Awards Gold students are: Sipho Eric Dube; Lillie Laverick; Conor Lavelle; Alexis Shannon Miller Warren; Bekky Ford; Georgia Chrysanthopoulo; Rumer Cooper; Poppy Anderson; Brittany Crawford; Alice Samuels A second cohort of nine students are currently completing their portfolios and go for Moderation for their Gold award on 25th July. They have been involved in leading and presenting at lots of events and programmes as part of their Award including: TEDxBrum; The first public event for Families in the new Eastside City Park; Culture Net film; Next Gen. Conference; BCC’s Arts and Culture Summit for Young People at The Hippodrome and a debate to an audience of 35 VIP’s on burning topics and issues in the Arts. The students all hoping to get their Gold are: Georgia Frend; Christina Sabbagh; Eleanor Jordan; Terry Kyriacou; Vanessa Patterson; Elliot Wray; Daniel Taylor; Ektaa Chanan; Natasha Brzezicki Arts Awards is a national scheme at Bronze, Silver and Gold which supports young people to develop personally and professionally in the arts . It is nationally accredited and at Gold level is worth 35 UCAS points. At Gold young people can choose any art form and deliver an art challenge; interview professionals from the arts and creative industries; find out about the arts industries, careers and HE; review professional arts work; take part in a public debate on the arts; and lead an arts project and event as a n arts leader. Janette Bushell Arts Award Leader Sipho Eric Dube Video About Arts Awards at BOA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r45cIcG6vr4
Sipho Eric Dube talking about Arts Awards I am Sipho Eric Dube, a young artist extremely grateful for my Arts Award experience. I’ve recently achieved my Gold Arts Award in Poetry, and I’m finding it difficult to express my gratitude. Arts award allowed me to develop a habit of documenting every artistic experience I came across, all was relevant and it’s great to reflect upon and also see how I develop and learn. I’ve met art sector professionals; from performers, curators and even administrators. I now understand that there’s plenty of opportunities for all with a passion to push creativity in the world. As a result of Arts Award Units such as the debate/issue and leadership I’ve become a creative and critical thinker. I’ve had opportunities to express my views, and listen to reasons as to the decisions about such issues as the arts funding cuts, and express my views to others that really could influence a big change. I had to adapt and develop a professional manner quite quickly during the arts award experience, it became an opportunity to practise my punctuality, clarity and articulation. As fun it is being an expressive artist, it’s important to sustain a professional mind frame; arts award helped me realise this and practise it to, all in a short amount of time. I would suggest an arts award gold to anyone passionate for the arts; it’s a great achievement, professional and all about the artist and their art.
Eastside Park Opening BOA students were involved with the Organising and also performance on the day, here’s one of our students who helped organise the Events: I was assigned to the welcome desk on the day of the Eastside City Park Launch, and so it was my responsibility to ensure that all acts, organisers and volunteers were signed in - If they weren't, it was my job to call them using the numbers on the contact sheet and find out when they were going to arrive. It was also my responsibility to send the acts waiting in the green room down to the stage in good time for their performance, and to answer any incoming calls from the chief organiser, Ms Hanna, if there were any problems. It was then my job to solve these issue.The event was a great success: a great number of people attended and left positive feedback, the sun came out and remained out until it had ended, and the acts had great fun performing. The artists from BOA who were comissioned to run stalls also got some great customer feedback, which must have been a great confidence-boost. The cupcakes being sold by one vendor were delicious! By: Christina Sabbagh Callum Wilkes, a Yr13 BOA Broadcast student filmed and also Edited the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbmwusC31rM&feature=youtu.be
Kieron Walker Apprenticeship with Motion house What are you doing next year? I am doing an apprenticeship with motion house company Dance Company, and I will be a understudy for all of the male dancers and will also be touring to different countries with them while they are on their world tour. So for example if a dancer gets injured before a performance in France, I can step in and the show will go on. How did you get involved with Motion House Company? I went to Miss Cheshire, who is the principle of BOA, because she is on the board of motion house, and she sent an email to Kevin Finnan and Louise Richards, who are the directors of motion house and saying that I a passionate about Motion House and wanting to be an apprentice to them, and because Miss Cheshire has worked with me for 2 years while at BOA she knows the level of ability I am at and also how I like to work with a professional mind in everything I do. What do you want to gain from Motion House? I want to gain a wider and more professional experience, so with Modus dance company, BOA all male dance company, that has given me the experience of what it is like to be in a company, however I want to know gain more talents and knowledge by expanding them more with motion house. I want to gain good trust from Kevin, Louise and also the other dancer, and also get a longer contract with them. What do you want to gain after? I would want to stay with them, because I know there style and working with them before with BOA I would want to carry on working with them on a professional and also full time contract.
Paris Trip Acting Acting the opportunity to go to Paris, but they had to write a convincing letter on why they should be allowed to go, here is a year 10 Acting student telling us what she though of the trip: