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STORIE INDEX The Storie index is a method of soilrating based on soil characteristics that govern the land's potential utilization and productivity capacity. It is independent of other physical or economic factors that might determine the desirability of growing certain plants in a given location.[1] The evaluation is easy to be realized, being this an advantage of this method. A variety of categories are comprised in few categories. Four or five parameters are evaluated: A: Soil depth and texture; B: Soil permeability; C: Soil chemical characteristics; D: Drainage, Surface runoff; E: Climate (only if it is not homogeneous, if so than it should not be included in the formula); The index is calculated from the multiplication of these parameters, that is: Sindex = A x B x C x D x E The disadvantage of this method is that if we have a value of zero in any category, than the result will be zero and won't be suitable for using. DiunduhdariSumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storie_index.................... 3/11/2012 .
STORIE INDEX RATING SYSTEM The Storie Index Rating system ranks soil characteristics according to their suitability for agriculture from Grade 1 soils (80 to 100 rating), which have few or no limitations for agricultural production to Grade 6 soils (less than 10), which are not suitable for agriculture. Under this system, soils deemed less than prime can function as prime soils when limitations such as poor drainage, slopes, or soil nutrient deficiencies are partially or entirely removed. The six grades, ranges in index rating, and definition of the grades, as defined by the NRCS, are provided below in Table Storie Index Rating System. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.ci.oakley.ca.us/UserFiles/File/planning/RiverOaksCrossing%20Revised/3.9_Agricultural%20Resources_final.pdf.................... 5/11/2011 .
Storie Index Rating System … DiunduhdariSumber: .................... 5/11/2011 .
Rating soils for agricultural, forest and grazing use. STORIE, R. E. Journal Transactions 4th Int. Cong. Soil Sci. 1950 Vol. 1 pp. 336-339 … . The Storie Index, a general soil-rating system of particular use in evaluating soils from an agricultural standpoint for tax assessment, land appraisal and general land-use planning purposes, is obtained by the multiplication of the per cent ratings given to FACTORS: A, the soil-profile depth and permeability; B, texture; C, slope and X, factors modifiable by management, namely drainage, salinity or alkalinity, nutrient level, acidity, erosion and micro-relief. The crop-productivity rating of a soil type is based on its yield as compared with that of the soil types giving the highest yield under stated management practices and climatic conditions, and is expressed in ratios from 10 to 1 (that is 100% to 10% of highest yields). A given soil type may have one rating when undrained, another when drained and a third when d "a ned and fertilized and so on. Timber soil ratings are similarly handled but where production is unknown, they are worked out bλ multiplying the ratings for factors A, depth and texture; B, permeability; C, chemical properties such as salinity; D, drainage and runoff and E, climate, including rainfall, temperature, aspect. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/19511900206.html;jsessionid=C0E71A3FA5EEDD62EF48270B1D7C59AA .................... 5/11/2011 .
.Storie Index Rating System… The Storie Index Rating System ranks soil characteristics according to their suitability for agriculture from Grade 1 soils (80 to 100 rating), which have few or no limitations for agricultural production, to Grade 6 soils (rating of less than 10), which are not suitable for agriculture. Under this system, soils deemed less than prime can function as prime soils when limitations such as poor drainage, slopes, or soil nutrient deficiencies are partially or entirely removed. The six grades, ranges in index rating, and definition of the grades as defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service are provided below in Table. DiunduhdariSumber: ftp://ftp.co.imperial.ca.us/icpds/eir/east-brawley-geothermal/07ag-resources.pdf .................... 5/11/2011 .
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X Faktor A : Rating karakterfisikprofiltanah Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X Faktor A : Rating karakterfisikprofiltanah Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X Faktor A : Rating karakterfisikprofiltanah Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X FAKTOR B. RATING BERDASARKAN TEKSTUR TANAH LAPISAN ATAS Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X FAKTOR B. RATING BERDASARKAN TEKSTUR TANAH LAPISAN ATAS Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X FAKTOR C. RATING BERDASARKAN KEMIRINGAN Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X FAKTOR X. RATING BERDASARKAN FAKTOR LAINNYA, SELAIN FAKTOR A, B, DAN C. Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X FAKTOR X. RATING BERDASARKAN FAKTOR LAINNYA, SELAIN FAKTOR A, B, DAN C. Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978
SOIL RATING CHART .Storie soil index rating = Faktor A x Faktor B x Faktor C x Faktor X SOIL GRADING Sumber: Storie Index Soil Rating. R.E. Storie. Experiment Station Berkeley, Univoc California. 1978