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after a paper by: H. Sugawara, H. Hagura, T. Sanami

Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using an Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam . Markus Gaug IFAE Thursday meeting. after a paper by: H. Sugawara, H. Hagura, T. Sanami. hep-ph/0305062. Outline. Introduction nuclear bomb(s) Some physics about the bomb(s) (Historic) approaches to ban the bomb(s)

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after a paper by: H. Sugawara, H. Hagura, T. Sanami

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  1. Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using an Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam Markus Gaug IFAE Thursday meeting after a paper by: H. Sugawara, H. Hagura, T. Sanami hep-ph/0305062

  2. Outline • Introduction nuclear bomb(s) • Some physics about the bomb(s) • (Historic) approaches to ban the bomb(s) • Proposal by Sugawara et al. • Some critical remarks • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • 1938: Discovery of nuclear fission by O. Hahn and F. Strassman • 1939: First theoretical explanation of fission by L. Meitner. Einstein and other scientists write to President Roosevelt about efforts of Nazi-Germany to purify U-235 • US start Manhattan-Project led and sustained by many famous physicists (Oppenheimer, Bohm, Wigner, Bloch, Bohr, Franck, Fermi, Teller, Lawrence, Feynman, ...) Cost: 20 billion US$ (1996 equiv.) • 1938: Discovery of nuclear fission by O. Hahn and F. Strassman • 1939: First theoretical explanation of fission by L. Meitner. Einstein and other scientists write to President Roosevelt about efforts of Nazi-Germany to purify U-235 • US start Manhattan-Project led and sustained by many famous physicists (Oppenheimer, Bohm, Wigner, Bloch, Bohr, Franck, Fermi, Teller, Lawrence, Feynman, ...) Cost: 20 billion US$ (1996 equiv.) N. Bohr, R. Oppenheimer, R. Feynman, E. Fermi

  4. Introduction • 1938: Discovery of nuclear fission by O. Hahn and F. Strassman • 1939: First theoretical explanation of fission by L. Meitner. Einstein and other scientists write to President Roosevelt about efforts of Nazi-Germany to purify U-235 • US start Manhattan-Project led and sustained by many famous physicists (Oppenheimer, Bohm, Wigner, Bloch, Bohr, Franck, Fermi, Teller, Lawrence, Feynman, ...) Cost: 20 billion US$ (1996 equiv.) • July 16, 1945: First atomic bomb test in New Mexico • August 6, 1945: Uranium bomb exploded over Hiroshima • August 9, 1945: Plutonium bomb over Nagasaki • 1949: First atomic bomb of USSR • 1958: First Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by US

  5. Some physics about the bomb • Separation of U-235: • Magnetic separation:UCl4 in Cyclotron (E. Lawrence) • Gaseous diffusion: UF6 through porous filters (G. Groves) • Gas centrifuges: • Production of P-239: • Neutron capture of U238 in reactor • Critical Mass: • Exact amount of material needed to sustain a chain reaction – depends on form and purity • (~50 kg U-235, 16 kg P-239, 10 kg P-239 surrounded by U-238)

  6. Some physics about the bomb • Energy release by fission (per nucleon): • U-235, P-239: ~200 MeV • Number of neutrons per fission: • U-235: ~ 2 • P-239: ~ 3 (!!) • Energy of fission neutrons: • U-238: 10 MeV • U-235: 5 MeV • P-239: 5 MeV

  7. Juristic Approaches-I • 1899: Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague II): ¨The attack or bombardment of towns, villages, habitaions or buildings which are not defended, is prohibited.¨ • 1907: Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague IV): ¨It is especially prohibited to employ arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering..¨ • 1923: Draft Rules of aerial warfare (Hague): ¨Areal bombarding for the purpose of terrorizing the civilian population (...) is prohibited..¨ • 1938: Protection of Civilian Populations Against Bombings From the Air: ¨The intentional bombing of civilian populations is illegal¨

  8. Juristic Approaches-II • 1961: Resolution on Nuclear Weapons, United Nations ¨Any state using nuclear weapons is to be considered as violating the Charter of the United Nations, as acting contrary to the laws of humanity and as committing a crime against mankind and civilization.¨ • 1970: Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT): ¨Each nuclear-weapon state undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons¨ ¨Each non-nuclear-weapon state undertakes not to receive the transfer of nuclear weapons¨ • 1960´s t6 1970´s: SALT-I and SALT-II treaties: Agreements between US and USSR to limit the number of Intercontinental atomic missiles

  9. Current situation • Number of nuclear missiles built: 70000 / 65 types • More than 1000 nuclear weapons tests • Fissile material produced: 100 tons Pu, 1000 tons highly enriched U • 7 declared Nuclear Powers, 2-3 probable more • 1962 edge of Nuclear War (Cuban Missile Crisis) • 20 documented mishaps which might have started nuclear war accidentally • 4 countries had their nuclear arsenals dismanteled (South Africa, Ukraine, Kazhakhstan, Belarus)

  10. Is it possibe to destroy the bomb technologically?? Uranium tamper • Idea: • Heat the bomb to 300°C • Surrounding explosives explode • Bomb fizzles away reflector ¨We discuss the possibility of utilizing the ultra-high energy neutrino beam (1000 TeV) to detect and destroy the nuclear bombs wherever they are and whoever possess them.¨ H. Sugawara, H. Hagura, T. Sanami nuclear bomb muon storage ring HOW ?? initiator • VERY EASY!!: • Neutrino beam targets the bomb • Interacting neutrinos cause hadronic showers • Shower cause fission reactions of the tamper U-238 and the P-239 • Slow neutrons from U-238 cause fission of P-239 neutrino beam Plutonium core trigger device exploxive

  11. What do we need? • 1016 fissions / 10 kg P-239 • Edep 10 MeV (typ. Energy of spallation neutrons) · Nfiss •  104 J on 0.1 m2 • Edep I t  E  (Rh/R)  (d m/E)-2  Abomb2 • ~ E 4 • I  1014 for E  1000 TeV and t  100 sec. • rbeam 1 m radiating with 1 Sv/sec.

  12. Do the simulation: • For neutrino part: HERWIG • For interaction of hadron shower with soil: GEANT4 • temperature increase of Plutonium system: MCNPX • With Prob. of ~ 1 get fizzle explosion • with 3% of full strength

  13. Possible accelerator scheme: Synchrotron B Hazardous plane Synchrotron A Hazardous plane Injection system

  14. Critical Issues (authors): • Without invention of magnets of at least 100 Tesla totally • ridiculous (need 1000 km circumference with 10 Tesla) • Required steering accuracy: 10-7 ~ 0.1 micron / m • (current effort towards construction of linear collider: 1 micron / m • Power consumption: Only neutrinos: 1014·10-19·1015 W  10 GW • Calculate with: 50 GW  whole capacity of Japanese nuclear power • Radiation hazard: Two radiation planes cleared from air planes, etc. • Through earth: Only 10-7 of whole energy deposited (and in 1 m2) • H-bomb much more complicated and more risky • No single country will be able to afford it -> world project

  15. Critical Issues (People from IFAE): • Have to know the current location of the bomb to precision of 1 m • Models of bombs are not adequate enough, • higher risk of nuclear explosion • Neutron yield unclear for possible bombs without U-238 • Governments possessing the bomb will never give money for that • If there is money, then probably only for enforcing non-proliferation • Governments possessing the bomb might therefore not even • give money for a neutrino factory

  16. Timeline: • Construction of neutrino factory (E < 1 TeV) and do physis • (Neutrino masses, mixing angles, CP violation, Majorana properties) 2. Construction of muon collider beyond 10 TeV (Up to then, straight forward extension of current technology) 3. Construct muon collider of > 100 TeV and study the inner structure of the earth (completely new approach necessary) 4. Build muon collider with movable straight sections N.B.: In some models of extra-dimensions, neutrino interaction cross-sections increase more rapidly with energy -> Don´t need to go to 1000 TeV (and destroy the bombs earlier)

  17. Conclusions: • ¨We have shown that it is possible to eliminate the nuclear bombs from the surface of the earth utilizing the extremely high energy neutrino beam. When the neutrino beam hits a bomb, it will cause a fizzle explosion with 3% of the full strength.¨ • No weapon of mass destruction, • but no single country will be able to afford it by itself • Gero has to work even harder on extra-dimensions

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