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China Development Bank 国家开发银行. www.cdb.com.cn. Contents 目录. 1. China Development Bank 开行简介. 2. Domestic Business 国内业务. 3. International Financial Cooperation 国际业务. 1. China Development Bank 国开行. Established in 1994. Head Office in Beijing 成立于 1994 年
China Development Bank 国家开发银行 www.cdb.com.cn
Contents 目录 1 China Development Bank开行简介 2 Domestic Business 国内业务 3 International Financial Cooperation 国际业务
1. China Development Bank 国开行 • Established in 1994. Head Office in Beijing成立于1994年 • Turned into a commercial bank in 2008. 于2008年转制为商业银行 • 36 Province Branches, covered the • whole China • 共36家分行(或代表处), • 覆盖全国
1. China Development Bank国开行 • Economic Indicators (Billion RMB) 我行经济指标(十亿人民币)
1. China Development Bank国开行 • Credit Ratings 国际评级公司对我行评级
Contents 目录 1 China Development Bank开行简介 2 Domestic Business 国内业务 3 International Financial Cooperation 国际业务
2. Domestic Business 国内业务 - Power & Petroleum电力与石油 • Infrastructures • 基础设施 Hubei Three Gorges Hydropower Station 长江三峡电站 Petrochina, Daqing 大庆油田
2. Domestic Business国内业务 • Infrastructures Beijing Badaling highway 北京八达岭高速公路 - Highway高速公路 The Highway Network For Jilin Province 吉林省高速公路
2. Domestic Business国内业务 • Infrastructures - Ports 港口 The Yangshan Deep water Port In Shanghai 上海洋山深水港
2. Domestic Business国内业务 • Social Development - Education教育 Student Loan Project At Henan Agriculture University助学贷款 University Town In Guangzhou 广州大学城
2. Domestic Business国内业务 • Social Development - Public utilities 公益设施 Water Supply Project In Puyuan, Zhejiang 浙江普元供水工程
2. Domestic Business国内业务 • Social Development 社会发展 • Environment 环境 • Medical & Health 医疗与健康 • Small and medium enterprises 中小企业发展 • Etc. 其他
Total Outstanding Loan Balances by Industry Sector贷款领域分布 电力 其他 高速公路 公共基础设施 铁路 石油化工 农业及相关工业 煤炭 邮政通信
Contents 目录 1 China Development Bank开行简介 2 Domestic Business 国内业务 3 International Financial Cooperation 国际业务
3. International cooperation 国际业务 • 为配合国家能源资源战略和经济外交政策,开行自2005年开始大力开拓国际合作业务。 • The Bank actively cooperated with the State's energy and resource strategy and economic foreign policies to further explore our strategic areas of international business.
3. International cooperation 国际业务 • 2009年末,开行国际业务已覆盖78个国家,外汇贷款余额974亿美元,呈现信贷、基金、股权投资、融资并购等多元化发展格局,资产质量保持优良。 • At the end of 2009, the Bank's international businesses covered 78 countries, with outstanding balances in foreign currencies reaching USD 97.4 billion. This was accomplished through a combination of financing methods, including direct lending, funds management, equity investment and M&A financing. The quality of our international business asset base remains sound.
3. International cooperation 国际业务 (Billon USD)
3.1 Cooperate with Finland与芬兰国际合作情况 • 派驻一名国际合作专员及两名助理专职推动中芬企业间合作 • Presence of a full-time international cooperation Commissioner and two Assistants to promote cooperation between Chinese and Finnish enterprises.
3.1 Cooperate with Finland与芬兰国际合作情况 • 重点合作领域 Areas of Cooperation : • 清洁技术(节能、减排、环保、新能源等)的引进、转化及其产品的应用;其他适用高新技术的合作 • IntroduceClean Technology (including Energy Saving, Reduce Emission, Environment Protection and New Energy) into China and relevant prodcution; and other High-Tech cooperation.
3.1 Cooperate with Finland与芬兰国际合作情况 • 合作模式Cooperation Model: • 模式概述 Overview: • 将芬兰政府的组织、协调优势与开行的信息、信用、融资优势相结合,通过项目建设,推动两国企业间的经济、技术合作 • Combine Finnish Government’s advantages of organization and coordination with CDB’s Information, Credit and Financing advantages.
3.1 Cooperate with Finland与芬兰国际合作情况 The current model 前一阶段已经确定的模式 City of Vantaa 万达市政府 CDB 国开行 Finland - China Technology Committee 芬中技术合作委员会 Financial Support 金融支持 Chinese Company 中国企业 Finnish Company 芬兰企业 Project 合作项目
Tentative idea of nextstage model下一阶段模式的设想 Finnish Central Government relevant Department and other City Government芬兰中央政府相关部门或其他市政府 Potential Chinese Client 中国潜在客户 City of Vantaa 万达市政府 CDB 国开行 Other Finnish Agencies 芬兰其他机构 Finland - China Technology Committee 芬中技术合作委员会 Finnish Company 芬兰企业 Chinese Company 中国企业 Financial Support 金融支持 Project 合作项目
Steps of cooperation推动合作的路径 Financing 现金流 Project 项目流 Companies 企业群 CompleteProject 建成项目 Information 信息流
3.2 Cooperation Results合作效果 CDB sign Cooperate Agreement with Vantaa City 我行与万达市政府签署合作协议
3.2 Cooperation Results合作效果 CDB sign Cooperate Intent Letter with YIT 我行与YIT公司签署合作协议
3.2 Cooperation Results合作效果 China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group’s vice president visit Finland 中国节能集团副总裁到芬兰考察
3.2 Cooperation Results合作效果 China Honwen Group’s President visit Finland 中国宏文集团董事长到芬兰考察
3.3 Outlook 展望 • China‘s industrialization and urbanization have potential demand for clean technology . 中国的工业化与城市化进程对清洁技术存在潜在需求 • Finland has a strong clean technology R&D capability, and results-intensive. 芬兰清洁技术研发能力强,成果密集。
3.3 Outlook 展望 2014/8/16 Both sides have great potential cooperation in Clean Tech. 中芬两国在清洁技术领域合作空间十分广泛。 CDB wish cooperate with Finnish organizations, such as Golden Bridge Oy etc., to promote the cooperation between both sides enterprises. 开行愿与金桥等芬兰各界通力合作,积极推动两国企业间的合作
Thank You ! Contact: Name:Wang Yuanzheng Mobil.: +358 40 184 9600 +86 151 2456 9030 Email: wyz0212@cdb.com.cn Website: http://www.cdb.com.cn