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Spirochetes. Dr. Jyotsna Agarwal Dept. Microbiology KGMU. Classification of spirochetes. Spirochetes are thin, elongated, spirally twisted, Gram negative bacteria There are 11 genera in this group
Spirochetes Dr. JyotsnaAgarwal Dept. Microbiology KGMU
Classification of spirochetes • Spirochetes are thin, elongated, spirally twisted, Gram negative bacteria • There are 11 genera in this group • Some are pathogens, but most are free-living, and are actually pretty common in the environment.
3 genera have human pathogens Treponema, Borrelia, leptospira Treponema(25 species)- Relatively short, slender, fine spirals. Associated with venereal and non venereal diseases, some are non pathogenic Treponema pallidum causes syphilis- venereal disease- STD.
Syphilis - T. pallidum • History- ancient disease, Columbus crew • Reservoir- humans only known natural host. • Name syphilis from a poem describing a shepherd boy
Transmission- sexual route- venereal • Syphilis is not very contagious; a person has 1/10 chance of becoming infected after contact with an infected person • In some stages, it is less contagious
Syphilis is conventionally divided into following stages: Primary, Secondary, Latent, Tertiary • Staging has prognostic and therapeutic implications.
Primary syphilis • 5 to 80 days after contact (sexual), a chancre develops at point of contact- external genitalia • Chancre is an inflammatory lesion containing spirochetes & lymphocytes. • It is painless, well circumscribed,indurated, heals spontaneously after ~10 – 40 days leaving a thin scar.(also called hard chancre)
Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and non tender • Even before appearance of chancre, treponema spread from site of entry via blood/lymph. • Multiple chancre may be seen in immunodefficient patients. • Once this heals patient remains asymptomatic till secondary stage
Secondary syphilis • 2 - 12 weeks after primary lesion heals, generalized symptoms of disseminated infection occur due to multiplication and dissemination of treponemes • Fever, headache, sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes develop • Papular skin rash develops on body and lesions appear on palms and soles of feet also
Abundant spirochetes in skin lesions- most infectious stage • Intensity of lesions in secondary syphilis varies • Can Heal spontaneously in months to years • Variable course spontaneous cure latent stage go to 3rd stage
Latent Syphilis • Absence of clinical symptoms • 3 possible outcomes Persist for life Tertiary syphilis Cure
Tertiary syphilis • 2-20 years later • Steady tissue destruction- Chronic granulomata formation- Gumma, lesions contain very few treponema • Cardiovascular system/CNS • ~1/3 die
Late tertiary or quaternary syphilis- • Tabes dorsalis- dorsal column of spinal cord • GPI- dementia
Congenital Syphilis • Fetus susceptible after 4th month IU life • 40% fetal death • Hutchinson's Triad peg teeth interstitial keratitis 8th nerve destruction- deafness
Treponema pallidum bacteria • It is slender and tightly coiled, measuring 5 to 15 µm long by 0.09 to 0.18µm wide • They have a characteristic motility on dark field microscopy- cork screw • This is due to axial fibrils, similar to flagella, varying numbers
T. pallidum has not been cultured in vivo. • It is rapidly inactivated by: Drying, Heat, Cold • Transmission is by direct contact or congenitally
Diagnosis Clinical- based on symptoms, history Laboratory • Darkfield examination Wear gloves, Clean the lesion with saline gauze, press it gently and collect exudate on a slide and examine in darkground microscope.
Serologic tests Non Specific/Non treponemal • A reactive material from beef heart called cardiolipin is used as antigen • It reacts with “reagin” antibodies that develop in syphilis • Also called Standard test for Syphilis (STS)
VDRL • This is a slide flocculation test to detect antibodies in patients serum using cardiolipin as antigen 1o 1/3 +2o 95% +latent +/-
Other Non treponemal tests • Kahn’s- Tube flocculation test • Wasserman test- Complement fixation • RPR- rapid plasma reagin test Biological false positives- BFP • Acute infections, major trauma, autoimmune conditions like SLE, • Leprosy, malaria
Specific - treponemal tests Using T. pallidum antigen to detect antibodies in patients serum • Treponema pallidum immobilization- TPI • Fluorescent treponemal Antibody (FTA) • T pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) 1o 80% + 2o & 3o >95% + latent >99% +
Treatment • Penicillin is drug of choice • Duration of tretment varies according to clinical stage of disease • If allergic to penicillin- Ceftriaxone
Summary • Treponema pallidum bacteria: characters • Syphilis disease: mode of transmissison • Clinical stages • Diagnostic tests: STS / Specific tests • Utility of tests / BFP