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This course involves lecture, discussion, and tests on American Government topics. Participation and preparation are essential. Learn about assessment, grading, absences, and classroom rules.
Mr. Moeller Government Explanation of Syllabus
Class: • Each class will require some form of preparation. This may include reading a chapter, reviewing prior material, completing an assignment or studying for a test. • PARTICIPATION is vital to your success in class. • Class will typically involve lecture, discussion, debate, and cooperative learning.
Materials: Book – American Government Folder/Binder for this class Highlighter Binder paper (college ruled) Pen/pencil, red pen.
Evaluation Process: • Bell Work Warm-ups (participation) will contribute to your formative assessment. • Assignments/Homework will contribute to your formative assessment. • Tests will be given every 1-3 chapters. Tests will consist of short answer, multiple choice, matching and essay questions. Quizzes will be given as well. Quizzes may be announced or “pop” in nature. Tests and quizzes will contribute to your summative assessment.
Evaluation Process: • Semester Grade Weighting • Formative/Summative 80% plus • Final Exam 20% = Semester Grade (District Policy) • Quarter Grade Weighting (80% of total grade) • Formative Assessment = ~40% • Summative Assessment = ~60%
Grading: 80% of a student’s grade will consist formative and summative work. The final exam will make up 20% of each student’s semester final grade. 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D Below 60=F
Bell Work, Assignments, Homework Projects, Quizzes and Tests: Bell Work This will be done at the beginning of the class hour as a warm up activity. Assignments Many different assignments and activities will take place during class. If it is not finished in class it will usually be assigned for homework. Homework The amount of homework will change from week to week. It is expected to be turned in at the beginning of the hour.
Quizzes Quizzes will be given periodically after lectures/discussions/notes. Tests Tests will be given every 1-2 chapters. They will consist of multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short answer and essay. Project/Paper There will be 1 major projects/paper throughout the year.
Absences: • For any excused absence, the student must consult Mr. Moeller (better yet my teacher webpage) to find out if you have missed any work. • If a student has an excused absence on the day on the day of a test, they have that many days to make up the test unless the student consults Mr. Moeller. In other words, if a student missed two days of class and they are excused, the student has two days to make up that test unless they make arrangements with Mr. Moeller. After two days expire, the student will receive a zero on that test.
Absences • Every student is allowed 10 absences a semester. A student who is absent from my class 8 times will be referred to administration. School business does not count as an absence. • In the event you are absent the day a major assignment is due, it is your responsibility to get all work to Mr. Moeller by 3:00 pm. • Unexcused absences will result in a 0 on homework/test.
Late/Make Up Policy: • To retake an assessment, you need to attend tutoring. • To retake an assessment, you must first make up any missing work within the unit. • Redoing, Missing & Late Work • I will allow full credit for assignments submitted before the unit exam(summative assessment). • Any work submitted after the exam will receive half credit. • You must submit late work before the next unit exam. • If a zero is input into the gradebook, there will be a comment stating the reason(s) why.
Classroom Rules: • Observe all school rules. • No electronic devices unless I have permitted. • No food or drink in class. Exception water. • No talking while others are talking. • Golden Rule – Treat others how you want to be treated.
Consequences: • Verbal warning. Exception: cell phones-If Mr. Moeller witnesses or hears a student using their cell phone, I will confiscate the phone and return it at the conclusion of the day. If it continues to be a problem, the phone will be turned in to the office. • Change of seat or removal from class. • Phone call to parents. • Referral to office. • Meeting with parents.
Review Quiz What are the two types of assessment in this class? What is the semester final worth? How do I figure out your final, semester grade? How many absences are allowed per semester? How can you make up an assignment? What is the GOLDEN RULE?