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LSS Review: BT Injection systems (LSS8R(L), 2L(R))): V.Mertens + TI’s (LSS part) Tune/aperture kickers (LSS4L): V.Mertens Beam dumping system (LSS6L, 6R): B.Goddard With input and support from AB / ABP: M.Gevrey AB / BT: L.Ducimetière, W.Weterings
LSS Review: BT Injection systems (LSS8R(L), 2L(R))): V.Mertens + TI’s (LSS part) Tune/aperture kickers (LSS4L): V.Mertens Beam dumping system (LSS6L, 6R): B.Goddard With input and support from AB / ABP: M.Gevrey AB / BT: L.Ducimetière, W.Weterings AT / MEL: D.Gerard, D.Smekens AT / VAC: J.M.Jimenez TS / IC: K.Foraz IRR for injection systems presented at TCC in September 2005 http://lhcp.web.cern.ch/lhcp/tcc/planning/tcc/Minutes/Mins2005/tcc2005-09/tcc2005_09.pdf
Injection system (LSS2L, schematic) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 beam (ring 1) + TCLIM (M) + instrumentation BTVSS, BTVSI, BTVST
TI 8 layout (in LSS region) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 MBIAH MQI, MCIA, TCDI, TCDIM MQI MCIA MQI MCIA MQI, MCIA, TCDI, TCDIM, BTVI + other instrumentation (BPMI, BLMI)
Equipment + groups involved (focusing on LSS installation) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • Legend: (#LSS2L + #LSS8R) • Spares not included • TI 2, 8 outside LSS not included AB / ATB TCDI Transfer line collimator (3 + 3) TCDIM Shielding associated with TCDI (2 + 2) TDI Injection beam stopper (1 + 1) TCDD Mask (mobile, LSS2L) associated with TDI (1) TCDDM Mask (fixed, LSS8R) associated with TDI (1) TCLIA Auxiliary injection collimator (1 + 1) TCLIB Auxiliary injection collimator (1 + 1) • AB / BI BPMI Beam position monitors (3 + 3) • BTVI Beam screens (1 + 1) • BLMI Beam loss monitors (a few) • BTVSS Beam screen downstream of MSI (1 + 1) • BTVSI Beam screen up-/downstream of MKI (2 + 2) • BTVST Beam screen upstream of TDI (1 + 1) • AB / BT MKI Injection kickers (4 + 4) TCLIM Mask associated with TCLIB (1 + 1) • AB / CO WIC Warm interlock controllers (magnet temp. surveillance) • FCCM Fast magnet current change monitors • BIC Beam interlock controllers • AT / MEL MQI Main quadrupoles (x + 3) • MBIAH Recuperated dipoles (B340) (LSS8R: 7) • MBIBH Recuperated dipoles (B280) (LSS2L: 6) • MCIAH/V Correctors (x + 6) • MSIA Injection septa (2 + 2) • MSIB Injection septa (3 + 3) • AT / VAC Remaining TI 2 + TI 8 parts (ca. 2 x 0.12 km), special gear for injection equipment R.Assmann opposite side of the insertion C.Fischer opposite side of the insertion
TI 8 magnets installed (I) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 MBIAH TI 8 UJ88
TI 8 magnets installed (II) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 Layouts updated and integration re-checked in 06/2005 UJ88 TI 8 MCIAV MBIAH MQI TCDIH87904 LHC
TI 8 magnets installed (III) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 MCIA TI 8 MQI LHC RH87
TI 8 magnets installed (IV) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 MCIAV MQI TCDIV88123 TCDIH88121 RA87 TI 8 • Remaining works (apart from vacuum): • Alignment/re-alignment from MBIBV87715 + downstream: April • Installation of cable descents, cabling: starting now • Water connections: intended to start this week (DS) LHC
TI 8 vacuum system LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 AT / VAC (J.M.Jimenez) • ~ 120 m remain to be installed • Detailed layout exists • Additional vacuum valve just at end of TI 8 (disentangles TI 8 works from LHC) • No vacuum window added (not good for emittance) • Rather differential pumping (similar to start of dump lines) + some NEG parts • Hardware in preparation • Equipment will be “ready when needed” • Installation planned by Russian team as of June • Work can be done with LHC in front of it
TI 8 vacuum system, cont’d LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 Q6 Some special cases have been looked at a long time ago.
Septum magnets (MSI) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 AT / MEL (D.Gerard) • All magnets since long at CERN • Currently supports being installed • Installation of 3 MSIB + 2 MSIA foreseen during 2 weeks, starting 3 April • Vacuum chambers still to be inserted • Presently testing special vacuum chambers + procedures on magnet # 1 MSIA MSIB injected beam circulating beams vacuum intermodule bakeout tests
Injection kickers (MKI); layout (LSS8R) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 AB / BT, L.Ducimetière beam (ring 2) Q4 vacuum valves electronics MKI magnets Q5 PFN RCPS RA87 electronics transmission lines RCPS PFN UA87
MKI LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • All 4 MKI for LSS8R assembled and inserted into their vacuum tanks. • Presently inserting magnet # 7 and starting assembly of magnet # 8. tank before closure magnet, nearly assembled circulating beams injected beam cell assembly
MKI, cont’d LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 HV test cage with series PFN and series magnet prototype Bakeout oven Preparation: ~ 150 h bake-out cycle (at 300 °C) + ~10 days HV conditioning to reach nominal voltage ~ 3 – 4 weeks turn-around time to see the effect of modifications (while other magnets can use the chain …) Constraints: 1 oven, 1 HV test stand, work interleaved with preparation + testing of other series components)
MKI status, beam screen LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • Magnets very good from basic HV and vacuum viewpoint (after lots of preparation work) • Long learning curve for 1st generation of beam screens (3 m long ceramic tube; stripes etched from inside into metallic paint) • With that sparking inside beam screen at quite low voltages (not inside magnet as such) bad effect on vacuum at higher voltages, field (?), … • Devised new type of screen end of last summer • Magnet # 1: Still sparking above 80 % of nominal voltage (which is 54 kV PFN); magnet kept under vacuum after test • Magnet # 2: Result as # 1 (with identical configuration); magnet under vacuum • Magnet # 3: 9 wires less than # 1, near end of HV conditioning, reached > 55 kV PFN yesterday • Magnet # 4: Wires as # 3 + better wire “geometry” + additional damping resistor; in bake-out, HV result expected by mid April (should “normally” be better than # 3) • At least a “startup solution” seems now at hand. (reduced wire configuration checked for impedance: “factor 3 increased power”; t.b.c.) F.Caspers, T.Kroyer
MKI status, beam screen issue LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • Strategy: • If magnet # 4 performs as # 3 (or better), equip # 1 and # 2 as # 4 (1-2 weeks). • Install all 4 magnets in LHC, without (?) further bake-out/conditioning cycle in lab. • Full re-bake-out/conditioning needs anyway to be done in tunnel (mount heating jackets) • Every bake-out involves a risk; possible ageing effect from prolonged HV conditioning. • Unexpected effects could potentially also arise from transport to LSS. • Install (if possible) equipment which is at least good for the first years of operation. • Use available time before “hard LSS deadline” for measurements • Magnet calibration (field strength vs. PFN voltage) • Pulse form, with improved pickups (to confirm or not fast transients at flat top) • Also various investigations in view of possible longer-term solution to be made. • If problems appear in LSS, could inject during sector test with MKI between 0 and 100 % (using other LHC elements, like MCBYV.5R8.B2 and MCBYV.B4R8.B2) • Disposing of a separate vacuum sector is helpful for any later re-fitting.
LSS8R schedule (draft SCR, doc 703600, 16/2/2006) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 TS / IC, K.Foraz New version already in preparation … Basic iteration made with TS/IC, AT/VAC, but also other constraints to be looked at. Consolidation, communication, ... M J J today A see next page …
Vacuum schedule (draft) TS / IC, K.Foraz AT/VAC, J.M.Jimenez LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 2006 2007
Protection element TCLIM (LSS8L) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 TCLIM TCLIB DFB Q6 • Similar in design to TCDQM (which is for LSS6) • Will be constructed along with TCDQM (to become available for installation as of October/November 2006) • For 2nd installation campaign, together with TCLIA/B TCLIA D1 D2 beam (ring 2)
Vacuum schedule (draft) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 2006 2007 envisaged period ?
LSS2L LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 No particular new problems expected for second injection. Material, procedures, ... should be available and proven by then. Check on magnet temperatures upon beam impact on certain TCDIs to be finalised: (expected end March). Followed by final update of TI 2 layout, detailed vacuum layout, ... Integration ok. Detailed installation planning still to be made.
Vacuum schedule (draft) LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 2006 2007
MKQA, LSS4L LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • ECR made, layout defined. • 4 magnets not yet built (were last after MKI / MKD / MKB chain to be dealt with). • Do currently not expect problems here: • Very similar to MKD (uses practically only proven components), different mechanics. • Less sollicited than MKD. • Not in vacuum. • Generator prototype under test – ok so far; “series” of other 3 to be built now. • Ceramic vacuum chamber first to be installed on its support (both existing). • No impact (delay) to be expected on vacuum closure. • Installed chamber needs then to be aligned and baked out. • At the end magnet will be installed around it, with own lifting table (a la MKD). • Magnet should also be ready in time for installation, once preparatory work is done. • No 3-month « reliability run » foreseen as for LBDS.
Summary LSS Review: BT / V.Mertens / 29.3.2006 • Lots of ECRs, ESs published. • No open layout, integration or database issues known w.r.t. LHC V6.501. • For TI 2 still waiting for OK for chosen TCDI positions, to be followed by layout update. • Some concerns over LSS8R ... • MSI (insertion of vacuum chambers), • MKI (beam screen), • TDI (beam screen welding) • Some slippage of certain items but no showstoppers identified for sector test. • No problems visible right now for LSS2L, LSS4L. • Planning to be adapted, resp. detailed plannings to be made. • Still risks (new technical problems, very heavy workload, dependency on suppliers, ...). • Maintain close follow-up and good communication.