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Introduce students to living an active, healthy lifestyle through fitness, goal setting, and nutrition. Empower students to make informed decisions for overall well-being. Enhance physical and mental health.
Comprehensive Health & Wellness Mr. Ellis 303-326-4729 ceellis@aps.k12.co.us Students USE - http://ceellis.aurorak12.org/
Mr. Ellis’ classes for 2015-16 • Comprehensive Health & Wellness – • Comprehensive Health and Wellness is a class designed as an introduction for students to understand and evaluate the importance of living a active and healthy lifestyle. Students will be introduced to the standards, concepts and components of wellness, decision making, health related fitness, skill related fitness, fitness guidelines and principles, goal setting, nutrition, in order to promote lifetime physical fitness. • Students who complete this course will have the tools necessary to make informed decisions about their physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being to live an active healthy lifestyle.
Getting to know you - • Why do you come to school? • What does Health & Physical Education mean to you? • What do you wish to be when you grow up? • 20 years, 5 years, this year. • What do you want to get out of this class? • What activities do you already know how to do? • What physical activities do you participate in outside of school? • What are the benefits of physical fitness? • What are your strengths? • What would you like to improve about yourself?
Class Expectations • SR2 – Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible • What is an Acronym? • PRIDE – • Productive • Responsible / Respectful • Inclusive / Independent • Dedicated • Excellence
Class Expectations continued Student Responsibility: (School Supplies) • 11/2 in. 3 Ring Binder w/plastic sleeve for a cover (Notebook=Project) • 1 Pack 3 ring dividers (divide units) • 1 spiral notebook with at least 100 sheets(journal entries) • 1 box Colored Pencils, Pencils, Pens, Erasers • 1 Pencil holder • School Google Account • Electronic devices are not to be seen unless used for THIS class.
Typical Day • Enter correctly through the door and sit down in your seat before the tardy bell. • Start working on (Warm-up) – • Journal in spiral notebook - Bell Ringer Activity • Activity / Discussion for the day (Work-out) • Closure (Cool-down) • The teacher dismisses class after the bell rings!
National Health Standards • Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. • Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. • Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. • Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to useinterpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. • Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. • Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. • Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviorsand avoid or reduce health risks. • Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
NEW National Physical Education Standards: • 2013 National Standards for Physical Education • The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual: • Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities. • Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in various types of physical activities. • Participates regularly in physical activity. • Is physically fit. • Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.
2013 NEW National PE Standards • Standard 1- The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. • Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. • Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. • Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. • Standard 5- The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Colorado Academic Standards Comprehensive Health and Physical Education: The Colorado Academic Standards in comprehensive health and physical education are the topical organization of the concepts and skills every Colorado student should know and be able to do throughout their preschool through twelfth-grade experience. • 1. Movement Competence and Understanding (Physical Education) • Includes motor skills and movement patterns that teach skill and accuracy in a variety of routines, games, and activities that combine skills with movement; demonstrates the connection between body and brain function; and creates patterns for lifelong physical activity. • 2. Physical and Personal Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes physical activity, healthy eating, and sexual health and teaches lifelong habits and patterns for a fit, healthy, and optimal childhood and adulthood; examines society, media, family, and peer influence on wellness choices; practices decision-making and communication skills for personal responsibility for wellness; and identifies the consequences of physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, and early sexual activity. Includes health promotion and disease prevention, and teaches responsibility and skills for personal health habits as well as behavior and disease prevention; sets personal goals for optimal health; examines common chronic and infectious diseases and causes; and recognizes the physical, mental, and social dimensions of personal health. • 3. Emotional and Social Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes mental, emotional, and social health skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, handle challenging situations constructively, resolve conflicts respectfully, manage stress, and make ethical and safe choices; examines internal and external influences on mental and social health; and identifies common mental and emotional health problems and their effect on physical health. • 4. Prevention and Risk Management (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention; violence prevention; and safety; teaches skills to increase safe physical and social behavior in at home, in school, in the community, and in personal relationships; provides specific knowledge on avoidance of intentional and unintentional injuries; and practices decision-making and communication skills to avoid drug use, bullying, and dating violence.
Fitnessgram • Fitnessgram is to promote lifelong physical activity. It is a comprehensive fitness assessment based on a battery of health-related physical fitness tests designed to assess students’ cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Fitnessgram provides students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be active for a lifetime. • (* Denotes mandatory pre & post test assessments.)
Fitnessgram • Cardio-vascular or Cardio Respiratory Endurance • Aerobic Capacity (Assessment Examples) • *Pacer Test • One-mile run/walk • Walk test • Swimming Laps
Fitnessgram • Body Composition (Assessment Examples) • * Body mass index • (calculated from height and weight) • Percent body fat • (calculated from triceps and calf skin-folds) • Bio-electrical Impedance
Fitnessgram • Muscular Strength, Endurance (Assessment Examples) • *Abdominal strength and endurance (curl-up) • Trunk extensor strength and endurance (trunk lift)
Fitnessgram • Upper body strength and endurance (Assessment Examples) • *Push-ups • Modified pull-up • Flexed arm hang
Fitnessgram • Flexibility (Assessment Examples) • * Back-saver sit-and-reach • Shoulder stretch
Career Options Related to PEYou need to be physically fit, no matter what you choose to do for a career!!! • Athletic Trainer • Athletic Coach • Community Health Care • Dancer / Choreographer • Dance Teacher • Dance Therapy • Doctor / Surgeon • Emergency Medical Technician • Fish & Game Warden • Fitness/Exercise Management • Golf Course Design • Health Educator / Promotion • Lifeguard • Massage Therapist • Nutritionist • Nursing • Outdoor Recreation • Park Ranger • Personal Trainer • Physical Education Teacher • Physical Therapist • Recreation Director • Recreation Therapy • Sr. Citizen Fitness Coordinator • Sports Journalist • Sports Management • Sports Marketing • Sports Medicine • Youth Physical Activity Coordinator (After school/Summer)
Activities • Clumping – (Groups creation) • Team Juggle • CHAOS or Key Pad Game • Quiz – Do you know what these concepts are? • Standards • Health Related Fitness Components • Skill Related Fitness Components • F.I.T.T Guidelines • Fitness Principles • S.M.A.R.T Goals
Warm up: 8-14-15 • In a paragraph, summarize what you know about health and wellness. Explain what you would like to learn about in this class and how you will apply your skills into your real lifestyle.
Binder Cover Page • Design and create a FANCY cover for your binder • Please Include: • Title: Health and wellness + • Name: First and last • Grade: • Period number • Positive Artwork: FANCY, health related, physical activity or sport related.
Warm up: Monday 8-17-15 • What does having pride in your work mean to you?
Colorado Academic Standards Comprehensive Health and Physical Education: • The Colorado Academic Standards in comprehensive health and physical education are the topical organization of the concepts and skills every Colorado student should know and be able to do throughout their preschool through twelfth-grade experience. • 2. Physical and Personal Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes physical activity, healthy eating, and sexual health and teaches lifelong habits and patterns for a fit, healthy, and optimal childhood and adulthood; examines society, media, family, and peer influence on wellness choices; practices decision-making and communication skills for personal responsibility for wellness; and identifies the consequences of physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, and early sexual activity. Includes health promotion and disease prevention, and teaches responsibility and skills for personal health habits as well as behavior and disease prevention; sets personal goals for optimal health; examines common chronic and infectious diseases and causes; and recognizes the physical, mental, and social dimensions of personal health. • 3. Emotional and Social Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes mental, emotional, and social health skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, handle challenging situations constructively, resolve conflicts respectfully, manage stress, and make ethical and safe choices; examines internal and external influences on mental and social health; and identifies common mental and emotional health problems and their effect on physical health.
Monday 8-17-15 • Learning Target: • Students will incorporate literacy by demonstrating their knowledge of Acronyms by completing Assignment #1 Name Page in their notebooks. • Success Criteria: • I can utilize each of the letters in my first name to create an acronym using characteristic vocabulary that describe me. • Essential Question: • Why is it important for health students to assess their own values and characteristics?
Monday 8-17-15 • Discuss Warm up responses and review • PRIDE: • Productive • Responsible/Respectful • Inclusive/Independent • Dedicated • Excellence • PRIDE student habits: Whole name on papers etc… • Students will complete Wellness Component Quiz • Students will complete #2 Name Page • Finish #1 Cover Page and Interest Survey
#2 - “My name is…” Page: • a. In the middle of the page, write your first name vertically. For each of the letters, write a word or a phrase that may start or is inclusive with that letter. The word or phrase should describe you or tell something about you (i.e. - likes and/or dislikes). • b. On the back write a paragraph answering the following questions: • i. Do you like your name? Explain why. • ii. If you could change your name, what would it be? Explain why?
Colorado Academic Standards Comprehensive Health and Physical Education: • The Colorado Academic Standards in comprehensive health and physical education are the topical organization of the concepts and skills every Colorado student should know and be able to do throughout their preschool through twelfth-grade experience. • 2. Physical and Personal Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes physical activity, healthy eating, and sexual health and teaches lifelong habits and patterns for a fit, healthy, and optimal childhood and adulthood; examines society, media, family, and peer influence on wellness choices; practices decision-making and communication skills for personal responsibility for wellness; and identifies the consequences of physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, and early sexual activity. Includes health promotion and disease prevention, and teaches responsibility and skills for personal health habits as well as behavior and disease prevention; sets personal goals for optimal health; examines common chronic and infectious diseases and causes; and recognizes the physical, mental, and social dimensions of personal health. • 3. Emotional and Social Wellness (Shared Health & PE Standard) • Includes mental, emotional, and social health skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, handle challenging situations constructively, resolve conflicts respectfully, manage stress, and make ethical and safe choices; examines internal and external influences on mental and social health; and identifies common mental and emotional health problems and their effect on physical health.
Warm up: Tuesday 8-18-15 • Describe the 4 components of wellness and explain why it is important to maintain balance between them. • Learning Target: Students will be able to describe the Health and Wellness components. • Success Criteria: I can explain why all of the components of health and wellness are important. • Essential Question: What is the difference between health and wellness?
Tuesday 8-18-15 Warm up: Describe as many characteristics of a “team player” as you can in a paragraph. Wordle “team player” Review standards 2&3 Notes - highlight Read chapter 1 of your text book. Define vocabulary Finish Cover & name page. • Define the following: Chapter 1 –Health and Wellness • Health • Physical Health • Hygiene • Emotional Health • Mental Health • Social Health • Wellness • Heredity • Environment • Lifestyle • Attitude • Preventative Healthcare • Life Skills
Wednesday 8-19-15 Warm up: Describe the 4 components of wellness and explain why it is important to maintain balance between them. Discuss the student’s responses to the warm-up question. Review the rules for the Key Punch Game and allow students to review their strategies for playing the game. Students will participate in the Key Punch Game. • Clumping – (Groups creation) • Switch, Change, Rotate • Team Juggle • CHAOS or Key Pad Game
Thursday 8-20-15 Warm up: Copy and complete the Health Inventory Discuss the student’s responses to the warm-up question. Review Vocabulary Copy Nine Life Skills Chart Notebook Check Finish Survey, Cover, Name Page • Nine Life Skills Chart • Assessing your Health • Making good decisions • Setting Goals • Using Refusal Skills • Communicating Effectively • Coping • Evaluating Media Messages • Practicing Wellness • Being a Wise Consumer
Friday 8-21-15 Warm up: What do you believe is the meaning of the following statement; “There is no status quo. You are either in a state of progress or a state of decay.” Describe something in your life that you would like to improve upon. Discuss the student’s responses to the warm-up question. Video • Skills for Healthy Living – Taking Charge of Your Health