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Squeezed light for future gravitational wave detectors

Squeezed light for future gravitational wave detectors. S. Chelkowski University of Birmingham 09.07.2008 WG1 Meeting, Hannover. Overview . Quantum noise in gravitational wave detectors Generation of squeezed states Using squeezing in a gravitational wave detector

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Squeezed light for future gravitational wave detectors

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  1. Squeezed light for future gravitational wave detectors S. Chelkowski University of Birmingham 09.07.2008 WG1 Meeting, Hannover WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  2. Overview • Quantum noise in gravitational wave detectors • Generation of squeezed states • Using squeezing in a gravitational wave detector • Frequency dependent squeezing • Generation of squeezing in the gravitational wave frequency band • Best squeezing measurements so far • Squeezed light in GEO600 WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  3. A simple gravitational wave detector WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  4. Quantum noise limited sensitivity Shot Noise Radiation Pressure Noise factor 100 in power = factor 10 in sensitivity = factor 1000 in event rate WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  5. Squeezed light enhanced interferometer WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  6. Squeezed light enhanced interferometer 20dB of squeezing = factor 10 in sensitivity = factor 1000 in event rate WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  7. An explanation of squeezing Amplitude-Quadrature coherent state Phase-Quadrature squeezed state Heisenberg uncertainty relation WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  8. Vacuum Noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  9. Squeezed Vacuum WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  10. OPA - optical parametric amplification 532nm 1064nm • Strong interaction between seed- and pump field • MgO:LiNbO3 – crystal as nonlinear material • Phase matching via temperature • Fractions in phase get amplified, out of phase deamplified WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  11. New oven design • MgO:LiNbO3 2 x 2.5 x 6.5mm • 7% doping • bikonvex or plane/konvex rc=8mm • coatings @ 1064 and 532nm • Side A: AR (R < 0.05%) • Side B: HR (R > 99.98%) • hemilithic Resonator @ 1064nm coupling mirror R = 96.7% • Finesse = 180 • FSR = 3.9GHz • phasematching temp. ~65°C • temp. stabilized via peltier elements WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  12. Squeezing results from a normal OPA Relaxation oscillation of the Laser Broadband squeezing up to 30MHz Vacuum noise Dark Noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  13. Squeezing in a real gravitational wave detector WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  14. GEO600 WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  15. Quantum noise in GEO600 WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  16. Reducing the quantum noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  17. Reducing the quantum noise 68% amplitude squeezing WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  18. Reducing the quantum noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  19. Squeezed Vacuum Interaction with a cavity Effect of a detuned filter cavity WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  20. Reducing the quantum noise -45° +45° amplitude squeezing WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  21. Reducing the quantum noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  22. Frequency-dependent squeezed light How can we create it? WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  23. Frequency-dependent squeezing 67% Detuned locked to +15MHz Chelkowski et al.,PRA71, 013806 (2005) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  24. Frequency-dependent squeezing Anti-Squeezing Phase quadrature Vacuum Noise Amplitude quadrature Squeezing Chelkowski et al.,PRA71, 013806 (2005) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  25. A rotating squeezing ellipse – FC detuning +15MHz Chelkowski et al.,PRA71, 013806 (2005) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  26. A rotating squeezing ellipse – FC detuning +15MHz Chelkowski et al.,PRA71, 013806 (2005) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  27. Angle of the squeezing ellipse +15 MHz -15 MHz Chelkowski et al.,PRA71, 013806 (2005) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  28. Generation of squeezed light on the gravitational wave frequency band WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  29. Generic squeezing from an OPA Relaxation oscillation of the Lasers broadband Squeezing up to 30MHz Vacuum noise Dark Noise WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  30. OPA – optical parametric amplification • Seed field carries technical noise from the laser. • Technical noise is imprinted onto the squeezed field. • Seed field is needed for the generation of error signals. WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  31. Seed field is a control field WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  32. OPA without seed turns into an OPO WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  33. Setup for low frequency squeezing  squeezing angle  homodyne angle WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  34. Setup for low frequency squeezing  squeezing angle  homodyne angle WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  35. Setup for low frequency squeezing  squeezing angle   homodyne angle WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  36. Setup for low frequency squeezing  squeezing angle   homodyne angle WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  37. Measured vacuum noise vacuum noise for 176µW vacuum noise for 88µW vacuum noise for 44µW 3dB 3dB WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  38. Measured squeezed vacuum noise vacuum noise for 88µW squeezed vacuum noise ~6dB Chelkowski et al., PRA 75,043814 (2007) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  39. Squeezed vacuum enhanced Michelson interferometer WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  40. Best squeezing measurements so far WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  41. Optical layout Vahlbruch et al. PRL 100, 033602 (2008) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  42. Measured squeezing Vahlbruch et al. PRL 100, 033602 (2008) WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  43. Squeezed light in GEO600 WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  44. GEO HF: Detuned Signal Recycling WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  45. GEO HF: Tuned Signal Recycling WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  46. Do we need a filter cavity? WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  47. Conclusion • Squeezed light can be used to reduces the quantum noise in gravitational wave detectors • Reflection at a detuned cavity creates frequency dependent light • Without a filter cavity, tuned signal recycling is the best choice • All needed techniques for the implementation of squeezed light into a gravitational wave detector are developed WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  48. Appendix WG1 Meeting, Birmingham 07/2008

  49. GEO 600 Layout GEO 600:

  50. GEO HF Layout: short 8m Filter Cavity 3dB SQZ: 6dB SQZ:

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