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Main Assignments Screen Lists all of the assignments currently in the class section. - You can now filter assignments displayed by the 4 categories shown. Term, Standard/Task, Category, and Student Group. - Active checkbox determines whether the assignment is actively being used for grading.
Main Assignments Screen Lists all of the assignments currently in the class section. - You can now filter assignments displayed by the 4 categories shown. Term, Standard/Task, Category, and Student Group. - Active checkbox determines whether the assignment is actively being used for grading. - Hide determines if the assignment is hidden from the student/parent portal. - Assigned Date is when you assign it to students. - Due Date is when the assignment is due. - Alignment is how the assignment is aligned(for possible standards based reporting). - T/M/L/I/Ch/X is the count of scores that were marked: Turned In, Missing, Late, Incomplete, Cheated, and Exempt for this assignment. - In the Assignment Name column, clicking on the assignment name will allow you to edit the existing assignment. Clicking on the workbook icon will allow you to score the assignment without entering the actual Gradebook.
Teacher Preferences Screen You can get here by clicking on the Edit Teacher Preferences link on the Assignments screen. You can check the option settings to your preference. Click Save when done.
Grade Calc Options Screen You can get here by clicking on the Edit Grade Calc Options link on the Assignments Screen. You can adjust these options to fit your way of teaching.
Category Screen You can get here by clicking on the Edit Categories link on the Assignments Screen. You can adjust these options as needed.
Assignment Detail Screen You can get here by clicking on the Create Assignment link on the Assignments Screen or by editing an existing assignment. Name, Abbreviation, and Due Date are required fields. You will also need to check which course/section the assignment will be in and which grading task and Scoring Type it will need to be under. The ability to assign the assignment to multiple sections means you do not have to copy the same assignment from section to section. 2 more buttons of note are the Save & Score and the Save & Create New Assignment. Clicking on the Save & Score button immediately takes you to the Student Scoring screen. Clicking on the Save & Create New Assignment button saves your current assignment and refreshes the screen for a new assignment.
Student Scoring Screen You can get here by clicking on the workbook icon link on the Assignments screen or by clicking on the Save & Score button on the Assignment Detail screen. Assign scores to students. You can mass assign comments to the students score by clicking on the comment checkboxes on the grey bar. Click Save or Save & Create New Assignment when done.
Copy Assignments Screen You can get here by clicking on the Copy Assignments link on the Assignments Screen. Select your Source Section and your Destination Section(s) and check the assignments you want to copy. Click on the Next button. Verify your choices on the next screen and if correct, click on the Copy Assignments link.
Tree View Screen You can get here by clicking on the View Tree link on the Assignments Screen. Similar to the previous version of Infinite Campus. On this screen however, you need to click on the word Score instead of the workbook icon to score the students.
Daily Planner Screen You can get here by clicking on the Daily Planner link on the I.C. Instruction Branch. Similar to the previous version of Infinite Campus. Changes include: By Month/Week/Day selectable. Student Attendance is at the top. On click you can Hide/Show Attendance and/or Assignment information. You can add activities to the Daily Planner by clicking on the New Activity link.
Student Groups Screen You can get here by clicking on the Student Groups link on the I.C. Instruction Branch. This allows you to assign students within a class to groups. A student may belong to more than 1 group. To add students to groups, click on New, give the group a name, drag students into the group, click the Save button.