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Introduction to Java - Access Specifiers

Department of Computer and Information Science, School of Science, IUPUI. Introduction to Java - Access Specifiers. Dale Roberts, Lecturer Computer Science, IUPUI E-mail: droberts@cs.iupui.edu. Access Modifiers public and private. private keyword Used for most instance variables

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Introduction to Java - Access Specifiers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Department of Computer and Information Science,School of Science, IUPUI Introduction to Java- Access Specifiers Dale Roberts, Lecturer Computer Science, IUPUI E-mail: droberts@cs.iupui.edu

  2. Access Modifiers public and private • private keyword • Used for most instance variables • private variables and methods are accessible only to methods of the class in which they are declared • Declaring instance variables private is known as data hiding • public keyword • Exposes variables or methods outside the Class. • Declaring public methods is know as defining the class’ public interface. • Return type • Indicates item returned by method • Declared in method header

  3. Instance variable courseName set method for courseName get method for courseName Call get method Outline • GradeBook.java

  4. Call get method for courseName Outline • GradeBookTest.java • (1 of 2)

  5. Constructor to initialize courseName variable Outline • GradeBook.java • (1 of 2)

  6. Outline • GradeBook.java • (2 of 2)

  7. Call constructor to create first grade book object Create second grade book object Outline • GradeBookTest.java

  8. Call constructor to create first grade book object Create second grade book object Outline • GradeBookTest.java

  9. Acknowledgements • http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/getStarted/TOC.html • Pearson Education, Lewis and Loftus. • Deitel, Java How to Program • http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~plezbert/contcom/thesis/node6.html • http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~parrt/course/652/lectures-Spring-2004/language.impl.overview.pdf • http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Youmans.Java.html

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