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How to clean a mattress and keep it free of mites and bad

Have you ever considered the importance of keeping your mattress clean for your health? According to the experts, it is advisable to change the mattress every ten years, but this will largely depend on the quality of the mattress and the maintenance you do on it. <br>

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How to clean a mattress and keep it free of mites and bad

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  1. How to clean a mattress and keep it free of mites and bad? Have you ever considered the importance of keeping your mattress clean for your health? According to the experts, it is advisable to change the mattress every ten years, but this will largely depend on the quality of the mattress and the maintenance you do on it. But why is the hygiene of your mattress so important? Remember that if you don't clean it properly, up to a hundred million mites, bacteria and fungi can infect it, which can greatly affect your health. If you want to keep your mattress very clean, free of stains and undesirable bugs, do not miss the tips and tricks that we leave you below. It is much easier than it seems and your health and rest will greatly appreciate it.

  2. GENERAL HYGIENE TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Should I make the bed every morning? Well, although it can sometimes be lazy, the answer is yes, but with some nuances. According to a recent study from Kingston University, it is best not to make the bed immediately after waking up. It is advisable to wait at least two hours for it. Other important practices to ensure the hygiene of your mattress are to open the windows before making the bed - allowing clean air to enter the room and preventing the proliferation of mites -, shaking sheets and pillows when making the bed and changing the sheets frequently (every 1-2 weeks). Mites are microscopic arachnids that feed, among others, on dead skin cells. These bugs thrive with pleasure in warm environments with some humidity. Therefore, your bed is a paradise for these tiny animals.

  3. PRODUCTS TO CLEAN THE MATTRESS To keep your mattress in perfect condition it is important to remove any stains it may have. Let's see which are the best natural products that you can use for this purpose, and then we will show you how to use them for each type of stain. Water and lemon One of the most used is the mixture of water and lemon, which is ideal for cleaning stains such as urine, sweat, or vomit. Its preparation is very simple, as well as its application. Baking soda It is a product that can be very useful for Mattress Cleaning in Sydney. It allows to eliminate humidity, deodorize and eliminate various types of bacteria and annoying mites. It is very economical and

  4. efficient, so it is a safe bet. White vinegar It is one of the most effective products for cleaning the mattress. It is especially effective against urine and sweat stains. Don't worry, after a few hours the vinegar smell disappears. Peroxide Ideal for getting rid of one of the most difficult stains to remove: dried blood. Detergents If after trying the natural products that we have discussed, you do not get the results you expected, you can resort to using detergents. It is better to use liquid detergent. Simply wet cloth and once it is damp spray it with a little detergent. With this cloth, rub the stain you want to remove. Rinse the area with water and let it dry well before making the bed.

  5. HOW TO CLEAN THE MATTRESS ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF STAIN? Urine, sweat, blood, moisture, and vomit stains are some of the most common that you can find on your mattress. Here's how you can easily remove them with homemade products. URINE The most effective household product for these stains is baking soda. How to use it: Place the amount equivalent to a cup full of baking soda with a little water on the stained area. Cover the mattress with a large plastic wrap and let it sit for six to eight hours. After this time, remove the plastic and vacuum the bicarbonate. Another solution for this type of stain is the mixture of water with lemon. Thus, in addition to helping to remove stains from the mattress, you will also eliminate odors.

  6. SWEAT In this case, the product that can best help you remove these stains from the mattress is white vinegar. BLOOD Among the different formulas that you can use to clean blood stains from a mattress, the best is to use bleach such as hydrogen peroxide, as it breaks it down.

  7. HUMIDITY Bicarbonate is very effective in eliminating moisture as it has dried, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties. THREW UP Vomit can be difficult to remove, especially if it has dried up. To eliminate these stains, white vinegar is ideally mixed with warm water and liquid soap. Another good alternative is the aforementioned mixture of water and lemon. If you cannot remove the stain with either of these two options, you can try an enzyme cleaner that you can find in any drugstore or supermarket. The enzymes dissolve the stain and facilitate its removal from the mattress.

  8. HOW TO REMOVE BAD ODORS FROM THE MATTRESS Bad smells on the mattress can be very unpleasant, making it difficult to rest. White vinegar has adequate acidity to neutralize the bad smell of the fabric, is highly recommended for an odor elimination treatment. To use the vinegar, you will simply have to use a damp cloth with vinegar to rub the stained area. Another easy and inexpensive home remedy is bicarbonate as it has great antibacterial and hygienic power. You can see how to apply it in the previous section. Another good way to eliminate odors is essential oils. Mix it with baking soda and apply to get a clean, scented mattress. And which essential oil is better? Well, it depends, fundamentally, on your preferences. Pick one that smells nice to you. I like lavender for its relaxing properties.

  9. MATTRESS MAINTENANCE To keep your mattress in optimal condition for your health and rest, you should: Clean it at least once a month. How? Vacuuming both sides of the mattress to remove traces of dust and mites. It is essential to remove any stain the moment it occurs to prevent it from embedding and making it more difficult to remove. Do a deep mattress clean once or twice a year? Flip the mattress over and rotate it to avoid warping. You should do it every three to six months. If you are looking for couch cleaning services, contact Clean Couches Sydney for Sofa and Carpet Cleaning Services in Sydney. We offer cleaning services at range able prices…

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