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RWS 100: ch - ch - ch - ch -changes. Let’s talk about the papers from Unit #2. What resources do you have? What happens when you use them?. If you don’t like your grade, you can revise your paper and re-submit it. This will annihilate your current score.
Let’s talk about the papers from Unit #2. What resources do you have? What happens when you use them?
If you don’t like your grade, you can revise your paper and re-submit it. This will annihilate your current score. You will need to provide your original paper, and your new paper, both in hard copy on the final day of class. I would recommend coming to see me during office hours to get feedback on what you need to do (unless today’s lesson helps). You must E-MAIL me by Thursday to let me know if you are taking this option. Everyone’s final paper due date is pushed back until 12/20. You will now E-MAIL it to me (scottmbruner@gmail.com).
The rest of the semester, here’s what it looks like: 11.29 (That’s today!) Review problems with Unit #2 papers, and review new schedule for end of the semester. Review prompt #3. 12.1 Review of They Say/I Say readings, a quiz and then more review of the final paper. 12.4 Your final blog post is due (on a conversation you had). 12.6 Your charted text AND the first draft of your paper are due. 12.8 Conferences(the Doodle is already up!) 12.13 Last day of class, your updated paper #2 is due. I will collect papers, and answer any questions about the final paper and/or do mini-reviews. (If you don’t have any questions, and aren’t dropping off a paper, enjoy the extra sleep!) 12.20 Your final paper is due. E-mail!
The purpose of the unit #2 paper was to make sure we all can: • Identify rhetorical strategies • Analyze rhetorical strategies • Assess the use of rhetorical strategies in a conversation… • …the second two become impossible without being able to do the first.
What is the difference between a “mode of persuasion” and a “rhetorical strategy?
So, ethos, pathos, logos are all modes of persuasion. They are the three major modes that people use to make their argument. (Practice this in real life the next time someone tries to get you to do something. Identify what they are appealing to.) Within the three modes, however, are a number of RHETORICAL STRATEGIES! These strategies are tools a rhetor uses which fit in one or more of the modes. (“Authority” is a strategy that is sometimes used logically: an expert logically talking about her field, for instance. Sometimes it’s used emotionally: a social justice leader talking inspirationally.) In your papers, you’ll need to identify both the mode and the strategy. (it’s easy, though.)
Review: What are modes of persuasion? Logos, ethos, logos What are rhetorical strategies? Tools that help writers and other communicators craft language (textual) or images (visual) so as to have an effect on the audience/reader. Strategies are means of persuasion, a way to get the reader’s/audience’s attention. How does evidence fit in to this? Evidence is used as part of a rhetorical strategy. For instance, a rhetor might use historical evidence as a part of establishing precedent.
In your body paragraphs… Start every paragraph with a topic sentence that includes rhetor, rhetoricalstrategy, audience, andanassessment! Examples: Thompson uses cause and analysis to effectively to convince his skeptical, older audience of how the Internet is helping them think more efficiently. Through expert testimony, Carrattempts to prove to millennials that authorities in the field are terrified of the implications of the Internet, although the experts he cites are obviously prejudiced and not credible.
Write that down! Start every paragraph with a topic sentence that includes rhetor, rhetoricalstrategy, audience, andanassessment!
In your body paragraphs, it’s up to you if you want to compare one rhetorical strategy by each author together, or break it up, although it’s probably easier to break them up. In other words:1. Thompson and Carr both use prolepsis, but Carr does it better (one longish paragraph). [Explain how each uses it, while comparing with the other.] …or… Thompson uses definition well. [Explain how he uses it, why it works so well.] Carr sucks at using definition. Then a sentence or two saying how Thompson was better. [Explain how he uses it, why it doesn’t work. Then say why Thompson wins.]
Connect the rhetorical strategy and the evidence to the audience! Successful rhetorsalways choose their strategies and evidence with their audience in mind. Explain why they chose their evidence (and/or if they chose poorly) and the effect it will have on their intended audience!
We went over Rhetorically Accurate Verbs and how to use them last week…how can you get that info if you started your vacay early? (It’s an easy concept, but you need to understand idea for paper #3.)
What conversation are all three texts talking about? What is a point of difference between the texts? What is a point of connection? How can you find and construct your argument?
You need to develop your point of view. • Perhaps you want to illustrate how the Internet is changing us. (illustrating a point of connection) • Perhaps you want to complicate the debate about whether we are stupider or smarter because of the Internet by arguing that no one knows, and that we can’t know! (complicating the disagreement) • You could qualify the argument that the Internet is changing the way we think by asserting that it only changes parts of our thinking, and that the alarmism around it totally changing us is not true. (qualifying a connection) • There’s a lot of ways to go…it’s up to you! My advice is to start with what you think now, and then, do:
This paper requires three outside sources. I guarantee you will have no problem finding them. The librarians aren’t coming, so let’s talk a quick walk through the SDSU library site.(demo) The other option, of course, is GOOGLE! You could google “internet research studies” or “response to Carr” or “criticisms of Boyd.” It will take time, but you can easily find a lot of info. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE OF BEFORE YOU USE A SOURCE? • That the source is… • CREDIBLE! • RELEVANT! • (It will be sufficient if you find at least 3).
Questions?!? Just FYI, I will post these slides on the wiki. If I forget, e-mail me. (Oh, one other note, if you need to meet with me, but 1:30-3 TTH doesn’t work, you can always e-mail me for an appt. I will always make time for students.)
Homework: • Finish your They Say/I Say reading. Be prepared for quiz. • E-mail me if you want to re-do your paper #2.