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Bargain Hunters

Bargain Hunters . Jeff Hancock . What do you bargain hunt for?. Designer jeans? Cologne ? Hair products? Purses? Cars? Healthcare?. Would you shop around for the best price on a medical procedure? . I’ve got great insurance. What if you don ’ t have insurance? .

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Bargain Hunters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bargain Hunters Jeff Hancock

  2. What do you bargain hunt for? • Designer jeans? • Cologne ? • Hair products? • Purses? • Cars? • Healthcare?

  3. Would you shop around for the best price on a medical procedure? • I’ve got great insurance. • What if you don’t have insurance?

  4. Questions Asked in the book. • Determine the cost for a colonoscopy in your city. • What is the least and most expensive? • Are prices comparable to the national average? • Why are there differences or similarities in the range of prices for the two cities?

  5. Colonoscopy United States Average Cost $3,262.00

  6. St Louis Prices $9200.00-$1800.00

  7. Rolla Prices $1,950.00-$1,900.00

  8. Chicago Price $10,600.00-$1,900.00

  9. Sites Used to Gather Pricing • www.outofpocket.com • www.newchoicehealth.com

  10. Would you use a site like this for healthcare? NO

  11. WHY ? • To me its all about quality when it comes to healthcare. • If my doctor recommended the best surgeon and that surgeon charged the highest price, I would not care, I’d just want the best because its my health and my body.

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