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Unit 6. Text A. Animal Intelligence. Text A. Part Ⅰ Background Information Part Ⅱ Pre-questions Part Ⅲ Comprehension Questions Part Ⅳ Language Points Part V Post-questions Part VI Text Structure Part VII Translation. Text B. Background Information:.
Unit 6 Text A Animal Intelligence
Text A Part Ⅰ Background Information Part Ⅱ Pre-questions Part Ⅲ Comprehension Questions Part Ⅳ Language Points Part V Post-questions Part VIText Structure Part VIITranslation Text B
Background Information: • During the past few years, people have been trying to talk to some lively animals that live in the sea. These animals are dolphins. They are small members of the whale family. Dolphins have always seemed to like people. A tale from Greece tells of a drowning boy. He was saved by a dolphin. About a hundred years ago, dolphins were reported to have led ships through the dangerous waters between the islands of New Zealand.
Background Information: • During the past fifteen years, scientists have been studying the sound of dolphins. Special instruments were built so that people would be able to hear the dolphins’ underwater sounds. • Dolphins make two kinds of sounds. First, there are sounds that they use to find their way around the ocean. There are clicking sounds. Then, using their good hearing, they listen for the echoes that bounce off (反射) things in their path. Although dolphins have tiny eyes, they are able to avoid bumping into things.
Background Information: • The second kind of sounds made by dolphins is those used for ‘talking’. In California, people studying dolphins have heard and recorded tweeting and whistling sounds. They believe that these are sounds of dolphins “talking” to each other. Other animals such as apes, birds, and dogs also use sounds to talk to each other. However, dolphins can make many more sounds than any of these other animals.
Background Information: • Many people now wonder if the dolphins have their own “language”. Dr. John Lilly, who worked in the Virgin Islands, believes that they do. In 1965 he trained two dolphins to imitate human sounds. Since then, more work has been done to find a way for people and dolphins to talk to each other.
Background Information: • 1. According to the passage, dolphins feel ____ toward people.A) angry B) shy C) afraid D) friendly • 2. What did dolphins lead through the dangerous waters between the islands of New Zealand?A) A drowning boy B) ShipsC) Whales D) Apes
Background Information: • 3. Which of the following is true?A) Dolphins have their own language.B) Dolphins cannot hear sounds.C) Dolphins are nearsighted.D) Dolphins only make sounds underwater. • 4. In the last paragraph, the word “they” refers to ____.A) many people B) scientists C) dolphins D) the Virgin Islands
Background Information: • 5. What is the best title for the passage?A) Dolphins and Whales B) Sounds Dolphins MakeC) Scientists Trained Dolphins D) Dolphins Help People
Background Information: Keys: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B
Pre-questions: 1. Do you believe animals have intelligence? If yes, please cite an example to illustrate your point. 2. Besides human beings, what animal do you think is the most intelligent on the earth? 3. It is believed that animals of the same species may communicate with one another through a certain ‘language’. Do you believe that? Can you imagine in the future human beings can also learn various kinds of animal ‘language’ and communicate with them?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 1 1. Is the author satisfied with the way to study animal intelligence with experiments designed to teach human signs? 2. When will the animals probably do their best thinking, according to the author?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 2 1. Do vets, animal researchers and zoo keepers encounter animal intelligence every day? 2. What does the author think about the stories told by vets, animal researchers and zoo keepers?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 3 1. What were the responses of Colo respectively when she was offered peanuts and pineapple? What did they reveal? Para. 4 1. Why did Colo broke the key chain and gave Jendry only a link?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 5 1. Cite one or two examples from the textbook to illustrate an animal can show skill in handling money. Para. 6 1. How did Chantek manage to eat all the fruit and at the same time demonstrate his virtuous habit of sharing?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 7 1. Why, according to behaviorists, would an animal want to cooperate with a human? 2. What does the author think? Para. 8 1. In what way was Orky believed to be the most intelligent, according to Gail Laule?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 9 1. What happened when the keepers tried to return the baby whale to the tank? Para. 10 1. What did Orky do to help his baby whale?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 11 1. Is there any other evidence of animal intelligence which can be found? What is it? 2. How did Melati succeed in getting two oranges?
Comprehension Questions: Para. 12 1. What did Towan learn from Melati? Para. 13 1. If intelligence is meant to serve the survival of a species, which is cleverer, sea turtle or human being?
Language Points: 1. over: during, in the course ofExamples:Over the years John has become more and more patient.The poor little boy fell asleep over his homework. 2. controversy: (an) argument about something over which there is much disagreementExamples:enter into (a) controversy with sb. over/about sth.beyond controversyThe point in controversy is not whether we can do it, but whether we should do it.
Language Points: 3. surround: be or go all around (sth. or sb.)Examples: The school is surrounded with many trees.It is believed that every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field.c.f. enclose:He enclosed a cheque for $5,000 with the letter.encircle:He carefully encircled every misspelled word on the page.
Language Points: 4. explore: ① examine thoroughly, learn aboutExamples:The conference explored the possibility of attracting more foreign fund.The researchers are exploring ways and means of solving the problem.② travel over (an area) for the purpose of discoveryExamples:He explored three continents by canoe.It is his dream to explore the fascinating space when he grows up.
Language Points: 5. serve: to be good enough or satisfying for (a purpose or the needs)Example:One room had to serve as both bedroom and living room.related expressions:serve someone right: to be a good punishment for someoneif (my) memory serves (me): if I remember correctly
Language Points: 6. encounter: (formal) meet, esp. unexpectedlyExamples: The more dangers you encounter, the harder you should push forward.On their journey they encountered an English couple. 7. reveal: make (sth.) knownExamples:They were not willing to reveal any details of the arrest.A newspaper once revealed that he had wanted to become a middle school teacher.Howard now revealed a certain talent for writing.
Language Points: 8. convince: make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidenceExamples:He was convinced that her mother was innocent.This convinced me of his honesty. 9. perform: to do, carry out (a piece of work); to fulfill (a promise, order, etc.); to act (a part)Examples:to perform a task/ a promise/ a surgical operation/ one’s duty/ a part in a play
Language Points: 10. dominant: ruling; stronger, more powerful, or more noticeable than other people or thingsExamples:My sister had a very dominant nature; we all had to do what she said.The mansion was built in a dominant position on a hill where everyone could see it.dominate: v. to have or exercise controlling influence or powerExamples:Her desire to dominate her husband has caused trouble in her family.The strong dominate over the weak.
Language Points: 11. make a deal: reach an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics; do a dealExample:Let’s make/ do a deal with each other and stop quarrelling. 12. on the scene: present; appearingExample: This great leader came on the scene just when his country needed him.
Language Points: 13. only to: ‘Only’ can be used before an infinitive to introduce an event which happens immediately after the previous one, and which is rather surprising or unfortunate.Examples:He hurried to the station, only to find the train is pulling out.I had tried this years before, only to receive a polite refusal.
Language Points: 14. negotiate: discuss in order to come to an agreement.Examples:Paul is negotiating for a job worth $18,000.He negotiated a trade agreement with Brazil. 15. stake: sth. that may be gained or lost; interestExample:He lost his stake when the horse finished last.related expressions:at stake: at risk; dependent on what happens; able to be changed or lost
Language Points: 16. maintain: ① continue to do or have (sth.)Examples: maintain public order/ a speed of 40 miles an hour/ an open mind on a question/ a position/ the lead till the end of a race/ an increase/ close contact with sb./ the friendship for 20 years② state as trueExamples:maintain one’s opinionHe maintained that he was innocent.
Language Points: ③ support with moneyExample:He took on too much work to maintain his family.④ keep in good condition, by making repairs to, and taking care ofExample:maintain one’s car/ a building/ the railway
Language Points: 17. relieve: free (sb.) from pain, anxiety, etc.; ease (pain, anxiety, etc.)Example: The news relieved him of some of his embarrassment.relieved: a. feeling glad because sth. unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happeningExamples:I am relieved to hear that it is not my fault.He felt enormously relieved that they had accepted the decision so calmly.She has a relieved look on her face.
Language Points: 18. figure: v. (not formal) consider, believeExample: I figured that you’d want some tea.n. ① any of the number signs from 0 to 9② an important person③ the human shapes considered from the point of view of being attractively thinrelated expressions:figure out: work out, understand by thinkingExample:I can’t figure out why she married such a person.
Language Points: 19. trade A for B: buy, sell, or exchange (a product, goods, etc.)Example:The early settlers on this island traded copper for corn.
Language Points: 20. undertake: carry out, take upon oneself (a task, etc.)Examples:Most shareholders have undertaken to accept the offer.undertake the responsibility/ a task/ more work/ a journey/ a detailed investigationc.f. overtake: come up level with from behind (and usu. pass)Example:A car overtook me although I was going very fast.
Language Points: 21. extend: (cause to) stretch or reach, make larger or longer(意为‘扩充’、‘伸长’,指空间范围等的扩大,长度,宽度的延伸及时间的延长。)Examples:The factory compound extends eastward as far as the railway.The hot weather extended into October.c.f. expand: (cause to) grow larger(意为‘扩大’、‘使膨胀’,指范围、体积扩大。)Examples:Iron expands when it is heated.Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years.
Language Points: 22. switch: change, shift (used with ‘to’)Examples: I would like now to switch to quite a different topic.He switched his attention back to the magazine.
Language Points: 23. catch up with: ① talk to someone who one has no seen for some time to find out what he/she has been doingExample:Once in a while John goes to town to catch up with a close friend of his.② come up from behind, draw level withExample:When will Britain catch up with Japan in industrial production?③ begin to have a damaging effect onExample: Too much drinking and smoking finally caught up with him.
Language Points: 24. envy: v. wish that you had a quality or possession that another person hasExamples:It would be unfair to envy him his good fortune.n. feel envy at/ out envy/ become the envy of (someone)Example: It has a robust economy that is the envy of its neighbours.
Language Points: 25. cooperate: act or work togetherExamples: The workers cooperated with the management and the police.The two companies cooperated with each other in building a plane that neither country could afford by itself.Let’s all cooperate to get the work done quickly. 26. in sb.’s interest(s): for or to sb.’s advantageExamples:It is in your interest to put your point of view first.It is not in the interests of any of us to have a weak government.
Language Points: 27. go far: be successful, succeedExamples:The boy is clever and will go far (in his job).Records such as these go far toward explaining why so many people are killed on our highways every year. 28. assess: judge the quality, importance or worth ofExamples:She looked the house over and assessed its rough market value.They assessed his house at $50,000.
Language Points: 29. thrive: grow strong and healthy, develop wellExamples:Trees can hardly thrive in the desert.Are you the type of person who thrives on activity?thriving: healthy, happy, successful, or strongExamples: thriving economy/ business/ market/ community
Language Points: 30. emergency: an unexpected and dangerous event which must be dealt with at onceExamples: an emergency airport/ brake/ call/ door/ landing; emergency measures/ a state of emergency/ in case of emergency 31. go wrong: stop developing well; make a mistakeExamples: Their relationship went wrong after the birth of their child.Something must have gone wrong with the door, so I can’t open it.Where did I go wrong?
Language Points: 32. halt: v. (cause to) stopExamples:He took a step and halted.The firm ran into foreign exchange problems which halted its imports of nylon.n. a stop or pauserelated expressions:come to a haltExample: The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.
Language Points: 33. throw up: ① (informal) vomitExample:The unpleasant smell made her feel so sick that she began to throw up.② give upExample:I hear you’ve thrown up your job and are now looking for a new one. 34. size up: carefully examine a situation or person in order to make a judgmentExamples:size up the possibilities for action/ the goods for sale… people sizing each other up as if for a fight
Language Points: 35. release: set freeExamples:This failure released him from any obligation to take further exams.They were released from personal responsibility after the decision had been made. 36. reach: the distance that one can reachExamples:put the bottle within/ beyond/ out of one’s reachbeyond the reach of one’s imagination/ human power
Language Points: 37. evidence: sth. that gives a reason for believing sth., traceExamples: We saw evidence everywhere that a real effort was being made to promote tourism.There was no evidence of quarrels between them.related expression:in evidence: able to be seen and noticedExample: Violence was particularly in evidence in the towns.
Language Points: 38. attempt: v. make an effort at, tryExamples:He attempted the examination but failed.I attempted to speak but was told to be quiet.I attempted walking until I fell over.n. an effort made to do sth.Examples:He failed in his attempt to pass the examination.The young birds manage to fly several kilometers at their first attempt.
Language Points: 39. deceive: try to make (sb.) believe sth. that is falseExamples: He was deceived into lending a large sum of money to his untrustworthy cousin.His unkempt appearance deceived the staff into believing that he was a student.They try to deceive themselves that everything is all right.(‘deceive’ can be used in the sentence pattern ‘deceive sb. into doing sth.. Besides ‘deceive’, these verbs, such as ‘frighten’, ‘trick’, ‘talk’, ‘force’, ‘persuade’, ‘shock’ and ‘cajole’, can also be used in the sentence pattern.)
Language Points: c.f. cheat:日常用语,指用不诚实的手段取得所需的东西,常用于骗取钱财的场合。用作vi.时,可指在考试、买卖、竞赛中的欺骗行为。Example:They cheated a man out of his money.deceive:常指歪曲事实,隐瞒真相或造成错误印象,使人上当受骗。有时不一定意味别人有意的欺骗。Example: I was deceived in his apparent competence.