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The ABC’s of PreK Mrs. Tristan 2014-2015

The ABC’s of PreK Mrs. Tristan 2014-2015. I “ ” you to follow the ABC’s of PreK !. A.

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The ABC’s of PreK Mrs. Tristan 2014-2015

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  1. The ABC’s of PreKMrs. Tristan2014-2015 I “ ” you to follow the ABC’s of PreK!

  2. A • Absence- If your child is absent, please send a note, including the reason for their absence. Please send a doctor’s excuse if you child has been out more than 2 days. If your child must leave early for an appointment, please go to the office to sign them out before picking them up in the classroom. We cannot release your child unless this is done. • Assistants – There are two teacher assistants working with Pre K. In Mrs. Tristan’s room is Mrs. Maria Ramirez, in Ms. Mendez’ room is Ms. Gloria Cardenas. • Attendance – A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parent, and the school. Your child’s progress, both academically and socially, is highly impacted by daily participation. Regular attendance and promptness is key. • Arrival/Dismissal – The Pre K building will open at 7:30AM each morning. Please do not drop your child off before this time. Children should be walked to their classroom door. The Bell rings at 8:05 and your child is tardy at 8:10. If it is 8:10am you must pick up a tardy slip first and then bring your child to my class. Children will be dismissed from the classroom at 3:20PM. Please pick up your child promptly. This is very important because quite often teachers are required to attend meetings and will not be available to supervise your child. If you are late, your child will remain in the classroom or in the school office. If you know you will be late, please call the school office at 978-7940. Students will not be released to anyone who is not noted on the emergency card. Please park on the perimeter of the block, do not go through the Pre K parking lot for safety reasons. • Awards- At the end of each nine weeks your child may be eligible to receive an award in the classroom. The categories for Pre K included: reading, perfect attendance, academic excellence and handwriting. We will only have one awards ceremony in the main building at the End of the Year on Monday, June 2, 2014 at 8:30AM

  3. B • Backpacks – A backpack is your child’s most important school supply. It allows children to carry important notices from school as well as their school and homework. Please check your child’s backpack daily. • Birthdays – Birthday parties are NOT permitted at school such as pizza for the class or candy goody bags. Your child may bring cupcakes, juice, plates, and napkins to celebrate with our class. If you make goody bags, they need to be a healthy treat, please no candy. • Book Orders (Scholastic) Book order forms will be sent out every other month, depending on the volume of orders. If you are interested in placing an order, please complete the order form and send it back to school with cash or check payable to SCHOLASTIC. Be sure to write your child’s name on the order form. Place order form and money in a baggie or envelope with you child’s name. It is your child’s responsibility to make sure to give me the order. You may also order online using a debit or credit card. I will give you the login information with the first order form. This is a great opportunity to get great books for your child at a low price. As a bonus, I get points for every dollar spent to buy things for the classroom. Please note that it takes about 2 weeks to receive the order so take this into consideration when shopping for holidays and/ or birthdays. • Breakfast – It is important for children to have breakfast. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast at school. Pre-K students eat breakfast together family style everyday at 8:30AM in the classroom. Please do not send food with your child in the morning. No food will be allowed in the classroom at this time. • Box Tops- Box tops are collected year round to raise funds for our school to purchase equipment used on campus. Send these in, and we can earn prizes!

  4. C • Change of Clothes – It is not uncommon for young children to have a “restroom” accident. Children will be treated respectfully and the accident will be handled discreetly. Please send a change of clothes with your child to be kept at school. If your child has an accident, they will be given their clothes so they can change. Wipes will be provided to them if needed. Parents may be called if a bath is necessary. Please work with your child putting on bottoms and getting dressed by him or herself. • Conferences will be held after the first nine weeks and if necessary again for the third nine weeks. Schedules will be sent out so that you can choose a time that will work best for you. Please feel free to schedule additional conferences at any time throughout the year if the need arises. Please contact the teacher at 978-7940, send them a note, or speak to the teacher after school. If you have any concerns, please direct them to the classroom teacher.

  5. D • Discipline Children are learning to get along, share, and work together in Pre-K. We have 6 classroom rules: 1) We walk, 2) We listen, 3) We share, 4) We clean up, 5) We take care of our school, 6) We stay in our own space and we keep our hands to ourselves. We spend time talking about and role playing the rules in class and discuss the difference between good and bad choices. Children are redirected and given reminders about their behavior if it needs to be changed. If a child continues not to follow the rules, their “stick” is moved from the green “good choices” pocket to the following. • GREEN– Good choices were made all day • YELLOW– Warning (Think about your choice- what do you need to do?) • RED– Time out, and note or phone call home • BLUE-Super good all day and showed excellent friendship or a helping hand to others.

  6. E • Emergency Cards – It is very important that emergency card information is accurate and updated when necessary. Please notify the data clerk in the office if changes are to be made on the card and keep the teacher informed of any changes. If you get a new phone number please also be sure to let your child’s teacher know. • Email- ltristan@saisd.net

  7. F • Field Trips – Any Adult who wants to attend field trips must submit school district paperwork for background checks and be cleared through the district. Forms are available from the school office and you will need your driver’s license to receive and fill one out. Due to field trip restrictions, the guidelines for chaperones will be followed. i.e. no sibling are allowed to attend because your responsibility is to watch your child and the children in the class. Pre K usually takes at least one or two field trip a year if not more. • FOLDERS - I will be sending a folder home each day with your child. It will have a calendar inside which will have your child’s behavior for each day. Please initial the folder each day. Also, on the calendar will be the snack schedule. A reading chart will also be in the folder. YOUR CHILD WILL BE GETTING REWARDS FOR BRINGING THEIR SIGNED FOLDER EVERY DAY. I WILL BE TEACHING THE CHILDREN TO BE RESPOSIBLE FOR THEIR BELONGINGS.

  8. G H • Good Behavior- Your child will be rewarded at the end of the week for good behavior all week. • Homework – Your child’s homework will be reading every single night. There will be a reading chart in the folder to be filled out each night. If reading goals are met each nine weeks, your child will receive a reading award. I will start other academic homework 2nd/3rd nine weeks of school. The reading will be a requirement after parent orientation is given. • Health – If your child needs to take medication, please take it to the school nurse. Please let the school nurse and teacher know if your child has any special circumstances that may affect their health, such as food allergies. You can only leave prescription medications with the nurse and it can not be sent with the child in their backpack. You will be responsible for taking it to the nurse in the morning

  9. I J • Illness– If a child does not feel well, they will be sent to the nurse. If a child has a fever or is vomiting, the nurse will call the parent or guardian to come pick them up. Children should only be kept home if they have a fever or something contagious. A doctors note or parent notes needs to be sent to the teacher when the child returns to class if your child is absent for an illness. • Joy – What your children bring us at Barkley/Ruiz Academy!

  10. K L • Kindness– We treat children with kindness and respect. • Lunch – The children eat lunch together “family style” everyday in the classroom. This is a very special learning time for your child. We practice using good table manners, serving self food, and cleaning up any spills or mess. The children are encouraged to be independent. The children serve themselves the food the cafeteria provides. Please do not send your child a lunch from home. Since this is considered learning time, we ask that you not ask to join your child for lunch. There is no extra seating and there will plenty of opportunities when your child eats in the cafeteria once your child is in Kindergarten.

  11. M N • Music is a big part of our classroom. We sing many songs, move around, and sometimes we are SILLY! Music is also a big part of our learning. We learn about the calendar, ABC’s, numbers, colors, seasons, and a great deal more. • Nap- The children take a nap everyday. Please send a beach towel for your child to cover up with. You may also send a nap mat. Towels are sent home every Friday before the weekend. Please return them on Monday after being washed over the weekend. • Name – Please put your child’s name on personal belongings such as towel, jackets, and sweaters. It is a good idea to allow your child to keep a light jacket or sweater in their backpack because sometimes they get cold in the classroom.

  12. O P • Outstanding success is our goal! • Parents – You are your children’s first teachers. Thanks for your support!

  13. Q R • Questions – Please direct any questions to the teacher. You may talk to be before or after school, send a note in your child’s folder or leave a message (978-7940). • Report Cards are sent home after each nine weeks.

  14. s • SAFETY – Your child’s safety is our number one priority. Safety issues are discussed and role played in the classroom on an ongoing basis. Fire drills are held monthly and students are also taught about what to do if we have a containment. Students are instructed not to open classroom doors at anytime. Only adults are permitted to open doors for visitors to our classrooms. • Self help skills-Please teach your child to button or snap pants and to tuck in their shirt. This is an SAISD objective and part of our campus guidelines, “Take Pride in yourself.” • Snack calendars will be in the folder at the beginning of each month. I will assign your child a snack to bring on their assigned day. Please take time tonote your child’s snack day. I will send a “snack bag” as a reminder the day before. • Supplies – Your child’s most important supplies include: A BACKPACK, A CHANGE OF CLOTHES, A RESTING MAT, AND A TOWEL. If I’m out of something that is needed in the class room I will post a “Wanted” note on my door. It’s usually for Kleenax, hand sanitizer, plates, and dixie cups because we go thru a lot of those items in our class.

  15. T U • Tardies – Class begins at 8:10 AM. If your child is tardy, please get a tardy slip from the main office. Please note that breakfast will be served at 8:30AM. • Every child is UNIQUE! • Uniforms- Your child is required to wear uniforms consisting of Khaki pants, shorts, capris, or skirts and a red, white or blue polo shirt. T-shirts are not considered uniform. Students may wear their Barkley/Ruiz spirit shirts on Fridays and are for purchase in the front office. All shirts need to be tucked in. Please work with your child tucking their shirt. Please be sure your child also wears comfortable, well fitting shoes everyday. Please do not send your child in Flip Flops or heels which are dangerous on our floors and playground. • Understanding- I am a very understanding person. If you have a concern or a suggestion, please feel free to talk to me

  16. V W • Visitors MUST sign in at the main office and wear a visitor’s badge. This is for the safety of all students and staff members. • I will Work hard to ensure that your child is ready for Kindergarten!!! • Website: This is Pre-K’s website. I try and keep it up to date with what we are learning and with upcoming events. Check it out after this week (it’s under construction) : http://barkleyruizpre-k.weebly.com/

  17. XYZ! • Is anything that I may have left out and to ensure you that your child will be very successful here at Barkley/Ruiz Academy!!!

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