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Learn about the European Commission's objective to promote standardisation, better use in policy areas, and environment goals.
European Commission DEVELOPMENTS OF THE EUROPEAN STANDARDISATION POLICY Norbert ANSELMANN(norbert.anselmann@cec.eu.int) Head of Unit, ENTR G2, Standardisation Directorate General Enterprise European Commission
OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMISSION’S STANDARDISATION POLICY • * To promote European standardisation as a tool to support various policy areas in the EU • * To fully integrate the new Member States into the European standardisation system • * To improve the efficiency, quality and market relevance of the standardisation system • * To improve access to world markets through a systematic use of international and European standardisation *
BETTER USE OF STANDARDISATION IN POLICY AREAS (1) * Further extension of the area of application of the “New Approach” e.g future Directive on measuring instruments * Inclusion of standardisation in the Directive 2001/95/EC on General Product Safety * Examples in the transportation area : = Directive 2001/16/EG on the interoperability of trans- European railways system = Proposal for a Directive on intermodal loading units (COM(2003)155) = Proposal for a Directive on the introduction and interoperability of electronic road toll systems (COM(2003) 132)
BETTER USE OF STANDARDISATION IN POLICY AREAS (2) * Reference to European standards in the forthcoming revised EU-legislation on fertilisers * Examples in the Information and Communication Technology area : = Directive 2002/21/EC on the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services = For the first time, CWAs (CEN/CENELEC Workshops Agreements) were referenced in the context of Directive 1999/93/EC on electronic signatures (OJ L 175 of 15.7.2003); * Improvement of the EU Internal Market for services:Mandate to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI to set up a work programme to elaborate standards in the service sector
STANDARDISATION AND ENVIRONMENT (1) * CONTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN STANDARDISATION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT : =Standardisers are being encouraged to take up environmental aspects into their standards = Preparation of a Commission Communication on the integration of environmental aspects into standardisation
STANDARDISATION AND ENVIRONMENT GOALS OF THE COMMUNICATION (1) * Member States, standardisers and interested parties should give high priority to the protection of the environment when drafting standards; * Environmental awareness amongst standardisers should be sharpened; * Use of existing instruments (e.g. helpdesk, consulting committees, databases) should be used and where necessary extended; * Participation at national level of all stakeholders (non- governmental organisations included) must be ensured
STANDARDISATION AND ENVIRONMENT GOALS OF THE COMMUNICATION (2) * INCENTIVES = Voluntary standards can contribute to reduce legislative solutions to a minimum or even to avoid legislation; = Standards used in non-regulated areas should contribute to the marketing of environmental friendly products Further information : europa.eu.int/comm/environment/standardisation/communication_questionnaire.en.pdf
STANDARDISATION AND ENVIRONMENT Proposal for a framework directive on eco-design requirements for energy useing products (COM(2003) 453) : *Follows the concept of the New Approach * To be implemented by means of particular “application directives” * Involves the elaboration of a broad standardisation work programme in support of the Directive
INTEGRATION OF THE NEW MEMBER STATES * Full membership of the national standards organisations of all 10 new Member States should be achieved by 01.05.2004 * Active contribution from national standards organisations to European standardisation needs to be encouraged * Use of European standards
Improvement of efficiency, quality and market relevance of European standardisation * All stakeholders of the enlarged EU should be fully committed to European standardisation * Standardisation should become or remain a strategic priority for senior management of enterprises * Continuous improvement of the efficiency of European standardisation * A Commission Communication on the future orientations of the European standardisation policy * Preparation of a modification of Directive 98/34/EC – Need for the inclusion of the standardisation principles in this Directive
Standardisation and better access to world markets * The EU supports the development and use of International standards (ISO, IEC, ITU) as well as their transposition by means of European standards. European standardisation must be the foundation for our international engagement * The UN/ECE regulatory model for the reference to standards in legislation should be further implemented by our trade partnerswww.unece.org/trade/tips/stdpol
Standardisation and better access to the world markets * International standardisation represents an important element of EU co-operation with third countries * Concrete projects of co-operation with third countries : = EU-Mercosur = EU-Russia, = EU-MED * The EU can share its experience and know-how with its trading partners
IMPORTANT INTERNET-ADDRESSES http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/regulation/index.htm DG Enterprise ….. List of harmonised …... standards http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/newapproach/ standardization/harmstds/index.html New Approach ...http://www.newapproach.org www.cenorm.be www.cenelec.org www.etsi.org