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Chapter 28

Chapter 28. DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination. Outline. DNA Replication is Semiconservative General Features of DNA Replication DNA Polymerases The Mechanism of DNA Replication Eukaryotic DNA Replication Telomeres and Telomerase DNA Repair Reverse Transcriptase.

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Chapter 28

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  1. Chapter 28 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination

  2. Outline • DNA Replication is Semiconservative • General Features of DNA Replication • DNA Polymerases • The Mechanism of DNA Replication • Eukaryotic DNA Replication • Telomeres and Telomerase • DNA Repair • Reverse Transcriptase

  3. DNA Replication Double Helix Facilitates the Accurate Transmission of Hereditary Information • Semiconservative replication:

  4. Meselson & Stahl Experiment Experiment of DNA semiconservative replication Density-gradient equilibrium sedimentation • Parent DNA is labeled with 15N by growing E. Coli in 15N containing medium (15NH4Cl) • Transfer E. Coli in 14N containing medium • Look at distribution

  5. Significance of semiconservative replication The genetic information is transferred from one generation to the next generation with high fidelity.

  6. DNA Replication: Melting of double helix • Replication requires separation of the two strands of double helix • Hydrogen bonds between the base pairs are disrupted • Heat • Acid/alkali • Inside a cell is done with the help of helicases which use ATP • Dissociation of double helix is termed as melting • It occurs abruptly at a certain temperature • Melting temperature (Tm): • Melting is monitored by measuring absorbance at 260 nm

  7. DNA Replication: Melting of double helix • The temperature at the midpoint of the transition (tm) is the melting point. It depends on • pH • ionic strength • the size • base composition of the DNA

  8. DNA Replication: Melting of double helix Relationship between tm and the G+C content of a DNA

  9. Annealing/hybridization • DNA strands with similar sequences will form partial duplexes or hybrid with each other. • Closer evolutionary relationship • between species • Similar DNA sequences • DNA hybridize • This property is used to “fish out” • (clone) a similar gene from different • species, if the gene sequence from • a species is known. Why human DNA hybridizes much more extensively with mouse DNA than with yeast DNA?

  10. DNA Replication Replication: polymerization of deoxyribonucleosidetriphosphates along a template What is required?

  11. DNA Replication DNA Polymerase • The first DNA Polymerase(short for DNA-pol I) was discovered in 1958 by Arthur Kornberg • received Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1959

  12. Structure of DNA polymerase enzymes • First determined DNA polymerase structure • “Klenow fragment” of E. Coli DNA polymerase I

  13. DNA Polymerases • 5 structural classes • Finger and thumb domains wrap around DNA and hold it across the enzyme’s active site • Similar overall shape • Similar mechanism

  14. What DNA polymerases require for replication? • Template • DNA polymerase is a …………………………..that synthesizes a product with a base sequence complimentary to that of the template • Primer • DNA polymerase requires a primer with a free 3’-hydroxyl group already base-paired to the template.

  15. Polymerase reaction • Two bound metal ions participate in the reaction • One metal ion attaches to dNTPand 3’-OH group of the primer • Second metal ion interacts only with dNTP. • Two metal ions bridged by carboxylate groups of two Asp residues.

  16. Polymerase reaction

  17. How accuracy is maintained during DNA replication? • Binding of dNTP with correct base is favored by formation of a base pair with its partner on the template strand • H-bonds contribute to this formation • Can direct the incorporation • of thymidine • shape complimentarity

  18. Why shape complementarity is important? First reason: • Minor groove interactions • DNA polymerases donate 2H bonds to base pairs in minor groove • Hydrogen bond acceptors are present in these 2 positions for all Watson-Crick base pairs

  19. Why shape complementarity is important? Second reason: • Shape selectivity: • Binding of dNTP to DNA polymerase induces conformational change • generates a tight pocket • residues lining this pocket ensure the efficiency and fidelity of DNA synthesis

  20. Synthesis of RNA primer • Primase: An RNA polymerase • Synthesizes a short stretch of RNA • complimentary to one of the template DNA strands • Later removed by hydrolysis and replaced by DNA

  21. How replication proceeds along the parent DNA? • Both strands of parental DNA serve as templates. • Site of DNA synthesis called “replication fork”. Parental DNA

  22. How replication proceeds along the parent DNA? • Unwinding of any single DNA replication fork proceeds in one direction • Problem • The two DNA strands are of opposite polarity and DNA polymerases only synthesize DNA 5’ to 3’ • Solution:DNA is made in opposite directions on each template • Leading strand -synthesized 5’ to 3’ in the direction of the replication fork • ………………….. • -requires a single RNA primer • Lagging strand -synthesized 5’ to 3’ in the opposite direction. • -……………………… • -requires many RNA primers • DNA is synthesized in short fragments called Okazaki fragments

  23. How are Okazaki fragments joined? • DNA ligase reaction: • DNA ligase catalyzes formation of phosphodiesterbond • In eukaryotes, this is and ATP-driven reaction • In bacteria, this is NAD-driven reaction • DNA ligase seals breaks in dsDNA

  24. DNA ligase mechanism

  25. DNA ligase mechanism

  26. How are DNA strands separated? • Helicases separate DNA strands for replication • Helicases utilizes energy of …………….to do so • Typically oligomers with 6 subunits • Each subunit has P loop NTPasedomain • Neighboring subunits interact closely in the ring structure • Only a single strand of DNA can fit through the center of the ring • DNA strand binds to loops on 2 adjacent subunits

  27. Helicase Mechanism • Initially both domains bind ssDNA • Upon ATP binding, • Cleft between domains closes • A1 domain slides along DNA • On ATP hydrolysis • Cleft opens up • Pulls DNA from B1 domain toward A1 • dsDNA separated

  28. DNA Unwinding and Supercoiling • As helicase unwinds DNA • the DNA in front becomes overwound • torsionally stressed DNA double helices • fold up on themselves to form tertiary structures

  29. Topoisomers • Circular DNA molecules with • same nucleotide sequence • different linking numbers An electron micrograph showing negatively supercoiled and relaxed DNA

  30. Linking number • It is equal to the number of times that a strand of DNA winds in the right-handed direction around the helix axis when the axis lies in a plane • The linking number for a relaxed B-DNA molecule: • = the number of base pairs present/ 10.4 • ………….. is the number of base pairs per turn

  31. Other Terms • Right-handed vs Left-handed • Important numbers • Linking number (Lk) • Must be integer • Molecules differing only in linking number are topoisomers • Twisting number (Tw): a measure of the helical winding of DNA around each other • Does not have to be integer • Writhing number (Wr): a measure of the coiling of the axis of the double helix. i.e. supercoiling • Does not have to be integer • Lk = Tw + Wr

  32. Linking number Unstressed DNA

  33. Unwinding the linear duplex by two turns before joining its ends • Two limiting conformations are possible: • The DNA can fold into a structure containing 23 turns of B helix and an unwound loop • The double helix can fold up to cross itself • Such crossings are called ……………..

  34. Supercoiling • Why is supercoiling biologically important? • Supercoiled DNA has more compact shape (packaging becomes easy) • Supercoiling affects DNA’s interactions with other molecules

  35. Dealing with supercoiling during replication • Negative supercoils must be removed and the DNA relaxed as the double helix unwinds • Topoisomerases introduce or eliminate supercoils • Type I Topoisomerases • Catalyze relaxation of supercoiled DNA • Type II Topoisomerase • Adds negative supercoils to DNA

  36. Dealing with supercoiling during replication They alter the linking number of DNA in a 3-step process • Cleave one or both strands • Type I cleaves one strand • Type II cleaves two strands • Passage of a segment of DNA through this break • Reseal DNA break

  37. Type I Topoisomerases • Human type I topoisomerase comprises • Four domains around a central cavity • Diameter of 20 Å (diameter of B-DNA) • Includes a tyrosine residue (Tyr 723)

  38. Topoisomerase I Mechanism On binding to DNA, TopoI cleaves one strand of the DNA through a Tyr (Y) residue attacking a phosphate. When the strand is cleaved, it rotates in a controlled manner around the other strand. The reaction is completed by religation of the cleaved strand. This relaxes the DNA!

  39. Topoisomerase I Mechanism

  40. Type II Topoisomerases A more complex mechanism • cuts dsDNA Will not be covered for Chem 361

  41. Clinical importance of Types I and II topoisomerases • Human topoisomerase I • Inhibited by Camptothecin, an antitumor agent • Bacterial topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) • Target of several antibiotics • Novobiocin blocks binding of ATP to gyrase • Nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin interfere with breakage and rejoining of DNA chains • Used to treat urinary track and other infections • Including Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)

  42. Coordination of enzyme activity is required for precise and rapid replication of genome. -Requires highly processive polymerases : Example: DNA Pol III DNA Replication is Highly Coordinated Structure of sliding clamp It allows the polymerase to move with DNA

  43. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion DNA polymerase III synthesizes

  44. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion • DNA-poly III begins synthesis of the leading strand starting from RNA primer • Helicase unwinds DNA • ss-binding proteins bind to the unwound strands, keeping the strands separated so that both strands can serve as templates • Lagging synthesis more complex • DNA-poly III makes Okazaki fragments • DNA-poly I removes …………………. • DNA ligase connects fragments • DNA synthesis in eukaryotes, more complex

  45. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion • DNA-poly III begins synthesis of leading strand using RNA primer • Helicase unwinds DNA • ss-binding proteins keep strands separated so both can be templates. • Lagging strand synthesis more complex Lagging strand

  46. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion • The mode of synthesis of the lagging strand is more complex • Lagging strand is synthesized in fragments • such that 5′ → 3′ polymerization leads to overall growth in the 3′ → 5′ direction • Yet the synthesis of the lagging strand is coordinated with the synthesis of the leading strand

  47. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion • How is this coordination accomplished? • DNA polymerase III • The holoenzyme includes two copies of the polymerase core enzyme • The core enzymes are linked to a central structure having the subunit composition γτ2δδ′χφ • The entire apparatus interacts with the hexamerichelicaseDnaB

  48. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion • Okazaki fragments (RNA polymerase initiates) • Looping the template for the lagging strand places it in position for 5’--->3’ polymerization • DNA poly III lets go off the lagging strand after adding 1000 nucleotides • New loop formed • RNA primer made by primase • Gaps filled by ……………….(it removes primers too)

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