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The Case for Professional LEARNING

The Case for Professional LEARNING. Purpose:. To engage in meaningful discussions that lead to new actions and behaviors. Topics Available : Reasons That In-service Is Out and Professional Learning Is In! KSDE Task Force Professional Learning Recommendations Teacher Leader Standards

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The Case for Professional LEARNING

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  1. The Case for Professional LEARNING

  2. Purpose: To engage in meaningful discussions that lead to new actions and behaviors. TopicsAvailable: • Reasons That In-service Is Out and Professional Learning Is In! • KSDE Task Force Professional Learning Recommendations • Teacher Leader Standards • Daniel Pink’s “Drive” • Promising Practices • Student v. Learner

  3. Purpose Continued: To engage in meaningful discussions that lead to new actions and behaviors. TopicsAvailable: • 21st Century Learner Profile • Project Based Learning • The 21st Century Kid • A Brave New World Wide Web

  4. Top 8 Reasons “Inservice” Is Outand “Professional Learning” Is In!! – Learning • L E - Engaged A - Accountability R – Relevance N – Needs I – Impact N – Numbers Talk! G – Growing

  5. Top 8 Reasons “Inservice” Is Outand “Professional Learning” Is In!! • Learning is for everyone! Students AND adults! Engaged in professional collaboration about student achievement! Accountability – we’re all in this together! We have a collective responsibility to make it happen and it saves time to work together! Relevance – Professional LEARNING isn’t a one-time event – it’s a way of life – and ongoing un-event!

  6. Top 8 Reasons “Inservice” Is Outand “Professional Learning” Is In!! Needs –of adult learners – timely, choices, collaboration, dialog, opportunities to practice, implement, & discuss after implementation! Impact-Professional LEARNING needs to be evidence based to tie it directly to student achievement and how I might use it! Numbers Talk! The conversation and actions are driven by data! Growing – Professional LEARNING means that the staff is growing – it either changes your behavior or your practice!

  7. Table Talk/Self Reflection • How is this different from the experiences you’ve had? • What would be the impact if your professional learning experiences included these eight? • What is needed in your professional setting to move to this level? • Is anything missing from the list? • In an ideal world, what does a learning school look like?

  8. Early Attempts at Collaboration Collaboration Video Link 5 minute video

  9. Current Concepts: KSDE Task Force Recommendations • Definition of Professional Learning • Accountability for High-Quality Professional Learning • Career-Long Professional Learning • Professional Educator Standards on High-Quality Professional Learning • Time for Job-Embedded Professional Learning

  10. 1. Definition of Professional Learning • Using the National Staff Development Standards, specify the essential attributes of professional learning in Kansas.  In an accompanying policy document, include the requirement that general fund budgets must include PreK-20 educator professional learning.

  11. 2. Accountability for High-Quality Professional Learning • Establish a system of accountability for high-quality professional learning with specific checks at multiple points within its design, implementation, support and evaluation. Professional learning should reach beyond developing educator knowledge to application and impact on student learning.

  12. 3. Career-Long Professional Learning • Ensure that all individuals involved in the education process participate in career-long learning. Require educators to develop a professional learning plan during his/her initial preparation based on his/her strengths and areas for improvement that is continuously revised to follow the educator throughout his/her career and strengthen his or her practice and impact.

  13. 4. Professional Educator Standards on High-Quality Professional Learning • Ensure that state standards for teachers and school and district leaders, currently under revision, align with and include concepts and practices of high-quality professional learning, including active participation in and facilitation of both job-embedded and externally provided professional learning. Empowering the 21st Century Learner

  14. 5. Time for Job-Embedded Professional Learning • Ensure that local districts provide 40-80 hours of student achievement-focused professional learning for licensed educators and support staff directly involved in student learning each year as part of the student contact hours as established in KSA 72-1106. Because the majority of professional learning is job-embedded, there will not be the need for additional special days within school calendars devoted to professional learning as time away from the classroom. Professional learning can occur in classrooms and school during student contact time or within educators’ workday. Time for professional learning during the school day includes teacher collaboration time driven by specific goals for educator learning that are based on an analysis of student achievement data. Learning Community

  15. Current Concepts: KSDE Task Force Recommendations Table Talk • Discuss what impact each of these might have on our practices at school.

  16. KSDE Teacher Leadership Standards • The teacher leader is able to apply strategies of adult learning across teacher leadership activities. • The teacher leader is able to advance the professional skills of colleagues by demonstrating and applying expertise in observational skills and in providing quality feedback in order to support reflective practice focused on improving curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Link to T/L Standards

  17. KSDE Teacher Leadership Standards • The teacher leader is able to improve the quality of colleagues’ collaboration and interaction with families and other stakeholders. • The teacher leader is able to initiate and facilitate colleagues’ design and implementation of action research and analysis of data for individual and group decision making.

  18. KSDE Teacher Leadership Standards • The teacher leader is able to develop and support collaborative teams and promote collegial interactions that improve the effectiveness of practice. • The teacher leader is able to identify and assess opportunities for educational improvement, and advocate effectively for them within and beyond the school community .

  19. KSDE Teacher Leadership Standards • The teacher leader is able to inform and facilitate colleagues’ selection or design, use, and interpretation of multiple assessments, along with other available data, to make informed decisions that improve the quality of instruction and student learning. • The teacher leader is able to inform and facilitate the design and implementation of coherent, integrated and differentiated professional development based on assessed student and teacher needs.

  20. KSDE Teacher Leadership Standards Table Talk • Discuss what needs to happen to move people from teachers to teacher leaders.

  21. What Motivates Us? Daniel Pink Video Link - "Drive" 12 minute video

  22. Daniel Pink“Drive” Table Talk • If reward/punishment thwarts motivation and creativity, what impact does that have on how we work with teachers? With students? • How do we create an environment that includes autonomy, mastery, and purpose for students and teachers?

  23. Students vs. Learners 1.0 Housewarming Link 2.0 The Quiz Link 90 second video 90 second video 3.0 The Teacher Link 90 second video

  24. Students vs. Learners Table Talk • What is the difference between a student and a learner? • What professional learning opportunities are needed to prepare learners? • How do we prepare learners?

  25. A Vision of K-12 Students Today K-12 Student Today Video Link 4 minute video

  26. A Vision of K-12 Students Today Table Talk • What professional learning opportunities do teachers need to prepare learners for tomorrow?

  27. Conversations of a Learning Community Rocklin Academy Video Link 11 minute video

  28. Conversations of a Learning Community Table Talk • What guiding questions would prompt this conversation? • What obstacles would you need to remove to facilitate this conversation?

  29. 21st Century Learner Profile

  30. 21st Century Learner Profile Table Talk • Where is the teacher represented? • What aspects already exist in your school? • How would you begin to incorporate other aspects?

  31. Project Based Learning Project Based Learning Video Link 4 minute video

  32. Project Based Learning Table Talk • What themes from the 21st Century Learner Profile might be incorporated using Project Based Learning?

  33. Table Talk • Does this accurately represent our vision of the 21st Century kid? • How or how not?

  34. Using Web Tools to Teach A Brave New World Wide Web Video Link 11 minute video

  35. Using Web Tools to Teach Table Talk • What professional learning opportunities would be needed to support teachers in this learning environment? • What obstacles would you need to overcome? How?

  36. References For the most current set of references, go to: http://groups.diigo.com/group/kansas-learning-first-alliance-klfa Most of the digital links have a wealth of additional resources with them!

  37. References Classroom Examples • Websites aligned to the 21st Century Learner Profile - http://buhlerkeys.wikispaces.com • Tech Snacks by Kay Tibbs - http://web.me.com/techsnacks/Site/TechSnacks.html • Art Snacks by Kevin Honeycutt - http://essdackartsnacks.ning.com/

  38. References Digital Citizenship • Institute for Excellence and Ethics in the Resources - http://excellenceandethics.com/ • Unmasking the Digital Truth - http://unmaskdigitaltruth.pbworks.com • Digital Policy - http://www.scribd.com/doc/19255791/Digital-Project-Policy • Guidelines for Educators Using Social and Educational Networking - http://www.scribd.com/doc/23712519/Guidelines-for-Educators-Using-Social-and-Educational-Networking-Sites • Digital Citizenship & Netiquette - http://www.slideshare.net/stevekatz/digital-citizenship-netiquette • Social Media Policies - http://socialmediatoday.com/index.php?q=SMC/155843

  39. References Teaching Ideas: • Introductions of complex subjects- http://www.youtube.com/user/leelefever • Brain Rules Book - http://www.youtube.com/user/brainrulesbook • Daggett, Willard (1998). Facilitating Learning • Discovery Education - http://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryEducation • Esquith, Rafe (2009). Light Their Fires: Raising Extraordinary Children • Jensen, Eric (1998). Sizzle & Substance: Presenting with the Brain in Mind

  40. References Teacher Leadership: • ASCD Teachers as Leaders September, 2007, http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept07/vol65/num01/toc.aspx • Blog of Teacher Leaders and their thoughts on current education trends http://future.teacherleaders.org/ • Edweek Creating Young Teacher Leaders http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2010/02/24/tln_norton_teacherleadership.html • Katzenmeyer, M. and Moller, G. (2009) Awakening The Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders • Key Issue: Enhancing Teacher Leadership (National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality) http://www2.tqsource.org/strategies/leadership/EnhancingTeacherLeadership.pdf • Mackenzie, Sara (May 2006). Uncovering Teacher Leadership, Educational Leadership. • Searby, L and Shaddix, L. (2008). Growing Teacher Leaders in a Culture of Excellence. Professional Educator, v 32 Spring 2009 www.theprofessionaleducator.org • Teacher Leader Network http://www.teacherleaders.org/

  41. References Local Annual Conferences • Kansas Staff Development Council - http://www.ksdc.us/ • Podstock - http://podstock.ning.com/ • iConnect iLearn - http://iconnectilearn.ning.com/

  42. References Professional Learning • Eaker, Robert (2006). Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work • Gause, C. P. (2009). 201+ Strategies for Successfully Transforming Today’s Schools • Godin, Seth (2010). Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? • Heath, Chip & Heath, Dan (2010). Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. • Hirsh, Stephanie, and Killion, Joellen (March, 2009). When Educators Learn, Students Learn: Eight Principles of Professional Learning, http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/k_v90/k0903hir.htm • Pink, Daniel (2009). Drive: What Motivates Us • Schlechty, Phillip (2002). Working on the Work: An Action Plan for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents • Waitzkin, Josh (2007). A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence: The Art of Learning • Weiner, Edie & Brown, Arnold (2005). Future Think

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