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Fractions and Decimals. 4.6. Writing Fractions as Decimal. Writing Fractions as Decimals To write a fractions as a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. Example. Write as a decimal. Thus, written as a decimal is 0.2. Writing Fractions as Decimals. Practice Problem 1a.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fractions and Decimals 4.6

  2. Writing Fractions as Decimal Writing Fractions as Decimals To write a fractions as a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.

  3. Example Write as a decimal. Thus, written as a decimal is 0.2.

  4. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 1a Write as a decimal. SOLUTION P 298

  5. Writing Fractions as Decimals Problem Practice 1b Write as a decimal. SOLUTION P 298

  6. Example Write as a decimal. Should be Notice that the digit 1 keeps occurring as the remainder. This will continue the digit 3 repeating in the quotient. We place a bar over the digit to indicate it repeats. P 298

  7. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 2a P 298

  8. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 2b P 298

  9. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 3 P 300

  10. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 4 P 299

  11. 0.375 Example Write as a decimal. 4.375 Option 1. Option 2. Write the fractional part only as a decimal. Write as an improper fraction and divide.

  12. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 5 P 300

  13. Writing Fractions as Decimals Practice Problem 6 P 300

  14. Comparing Fractions and Decimals Thus

  15. Comparing Decimals and Fractions Practice Problem 7 Thus P 300

  16. Comparing Decimals and Fractions Practice Problem 8a Practice Problem 8b Practice Problem 8c P 300

  17. Comparing Decimals and Fractions Practice Problem 9a Practice Problem 9b Practice Problem 9c P 300

  18. Solving Area Problems Containing Fractions and Decimals EXAMPLE The area of a triangle is Find the area of the following triangle. 4.4 feet 17 feet SOLUTION Write as .5.

  19. DONE

  20. 4.4 feet 17 feet Example The area of a triangle is Find the area of the following triangle. The area of the triangle is 37.4 square feet.

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