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GLOSS Training Workshop Course Japan Meteorological Agency May 15-26, 2006. Sea Level Data Processing with SLPR2 1. Introduction. Sea Level Processing Software (SLPR2) http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/UHSLC/jaslsoft2.html. *motivation: TOGA Program (1988); GLOSS-endorsed (1991).
GLOSS Training Workshop Course Japan Meteorological Agency May 15-26, 2006 Sea Level Data Processing with SLPR2 1. Introduction
Sea Level Processing Software (SLPR2) http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/UHSLC/jaslsoft2.html *motivation: TOGA Program (1988); GLOSS-endorsed (1991) Previous Courses Brazil, 1993 India, 1995 Caribbean, 1997 Guatemala, 2001 Chile, 2003 India, 2005 Panama, 2005
Introduction to SLPR2 Three most important points to remember *Make copies of original data files *Keep the manual at hand *Email questions to Patrick Caldwell, caldwell@hawaii.edu
SLPR2: General Features • * Basis of Processing and Quality Control aimed at HOURLY data • * Includes M.Foreman Tidal Analysis and Prediction Programs • SLPR2 simplifies use of Foreman software • SLPR2 fixed for data at hourly intervals • -provides output option for Hi-Lo tide predictions (tide table) • -primary use of predicted tides is for quality control *Uses PLOT88 graphical package *SLPR2 filter computes daily and monthly values
System Requirements * DOS systems - most routines can be initiated from Windows - a few programs require using the MS DOS prompt window * Requires about 4 megabytes of disk space * Output of plot programs to a range of printers or to a PostScript file * Need text editor to perform various tasks Participant Background • * Assume some experience with sea level data • * Assume some experience with personal computers
Basic Scheme of SLPR2 Set up information about your station Convert your format to SLPR2 format for hourly data Monthly files: Tide staff readings comparisons Calibration Yearly files: Make copy of original data Plot Hourly Data Choose time period for tidal analysis Run tidal analysis -> harmonic constituents Run tidal predictions for each year of data Calculate residuals (hourly data minus predicted tides) Plot residuals Perform corrections as necessary Make backup copies of finalized hourly data Filter hourly data to daily and monthly values Plot daily and monthly data Compare daily and monthly data to nearby stations
Installation of Software • * Download from http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/UHSLC/jaslsoft2.html • (or require via diskette or CDROM) • * On C: drive, make directory slpr2 • * Place file slpaq2.exe (self-extracting zip file) on \slpr2 • * Execute slpaq2.exe
Directory Tree \SLPR2 | |--\DIN {data information files} | |--\DMT {manual} | |--\DAT {data files} | |--\PRD {predicted tide files} | |--\CAL {calibration data files} | |--\TIDE | |---\ANA {tidal analysis} | |---\PRD {tidal prediction} | |---\HARM {harmonic constituents} | |--\PLOT {plotting software} | |--\QC {quality control} | |--\FILT {filtering software} | |--\UTIL {utility programs} | |--\SAMP {sample data} * | |--\SRC {source code} under most directories
Station Information File Setup Appendix E.1 * Assign 3-digit station number * Name, position, time zone, 24-hour time scheme * Plot factor for for hourly data (depends on tide range) Example: ### station name latitude longitude mer S start date country P 001 Ponape 06 59N 158 14E 165 1 Apr 1974 Micronesia 2 002 Tarawa,Betio 01 22N 172 56E 180 1 May 1974 Kiribati 2
Filename Conventions Manual Section 1.5, Appendix D Hourly Data Files Grouped by Year:CVSSSYY.DAT C: century (U:1800-1899, V:1900-1999, W:2000-2099) V: file version (letters A-Z) SSS: station number YY: the last two digits of the year *Hourly data files grouped by month: VSSSYYMM.DAT V: fixed, always V MM: numeric month (this is only used in the calibration stage) eg, VA03299.DAT Hourly Predicted Tides Files Grouped by Year: CVSSSYY.DAT C: century (O:1800-1899, P:1900-1999, Q:2000-2099) eg, PA03299.DAT Daily and Monthly Data; All Years in One File: TVSSS.DAT T: type, D (daily) or M (monthly) eg, DA032.DAT MA032.DAT
Hourly Data File Format Appendix D.1 Notes: 1) one year of data per file 2) one header per month 3) one footer per month (line of 99999999s) 4) two lines (records) per day 5) missing data indicator: 9999 6) utility \slpr2\util\FILLVM.EXE can be used to make blocks of missing data flags (by month) Example: 003BALTRA LAT=00 26.8S LONG=090 17.2W TMZONE=GMT REF=00000 60 APR 85 M 30 003BALTRA 1985 4 11 1492 1668 1879 2054 2152 2161 2067 1890 1663 1445 1285 1218 003BALTRA 1985 4 12 1266 1431 1667 1921 2123 2235 2230 2097 1893 1650 1432 1299 . . 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Convert to SLPR2 Format for Hourly Data Manual Section 2.1, Appendix E.3 Step 1. Convert from original format to a simple format per line as: year month day hour data *if original data not hourly, suggest Hanning filter of weights 25-50-25 Step 2. Edit \slpr2\din\DTDCNV.DIN and enter position information for the parameters Step 3. Run utility, \slpr2\util\DTDCNV.EXE Step 4. Inspect the output using a text editor, compare to input.
Plot Program for Hourly Data Manual Section 3.1 • Recall Station Information File, \slpr2\din\STAINFO.DIN • Data file must be in directory \slpr2\dat • Run \slpr2\plot\HOURYR.EXE • (from Windows or MS DOS prompt) • interactive input (filename, scale, output) • 4. May have to adjust \slpr2\PLOTSIZ.DIN or the plot factor • in \slpr2\STAINFO.DIN • 5. This program can be used for observed hourly data, • residuals, and predicted tides
First Assignment for Hands-On Training Session • (HOTS) • Load SLPR2 onto computer • Copy c:\slpr2\samp\va0038?.dat to c:\slpr2\dat • (if you have your own data, convert format • to SLPR2 and place in \slpr2\dat) • Inspect station information in • c:\slpr2\din\stainfo.din • (if you have your own data, assign a number • in \slpr2\din\stainfo.din) • 4. Plot data (c:\slpr2\plot\houryr)