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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). 11 September 2013. Call to Order – 1 st Vice President Charlie Osborne called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) 11 September 2013 Call to Order – 1st Vice President Charlie Osborne called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation – David Hunter: Oh, Lord, we love this lunch a bunch. To munch and crunch is pure delight alright. But let us focus not on our meal, but helping others' eyes to heal. Amen.Vittles – Salad and Toppings. Lemon Chicken, Rice, Vegetables, Rolls and Butter, and Pecan Pie.
Birthdays – Rich King (9/9). Attendance – 21 members. 3 Guests – Jay Hoeflinger’s wife, Donna,
Lions Report – Pat Bryan reported Homer Kuder passed away September 3 at the Country Health Nursing Home in Gifford. Former member of the Champaign Lions Club, Robert Valentine, Sr. passed away September 6, at the Presence Covenant in Urbana. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion who is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.
Football Guessing– Football Swami Tom Yaxley said our club came in 2nd last week and we are in 3rd place overall. Last week Rich King and Ed Tichenor both had 9 right. Rich King is leading with a cumulative of 18.
Announcements– A moment of silence was observed for Homer Kuder and the 12th anniversary of 9/11. Candy Day, October 11 and 12, is coming up.
Sam McGrew said he is having trouble securing locations for Saturday the 12th. Sams Club (Mr. Walton’s, not Mr. McGrew’s) and Savoy Wal-Mart have already been reserved by the Boy Scouts. He is hoping we can get the Champaign Wal-Mart.
Program – Sam McGrew introduced today’s speaker, Mike Schlosser,
Mike has a Master’s in Public Administration from Governors State University, a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Illinois and is seeking a second Masters in Legal Studies at the University of Illinois. He has over 30 years in law enforcement.
He said the Institute does things differently than most others around the state.
The Institute started in 1955 with its first graduating class in 1956 after 160 hours of training. Now they take about 500 hours of classes over 12 weeks.
The Institute was set to be closed recently but managed to stay open by reaching out to Chiefs, Sheriffs and officers from around the state and collaborating with colleges to do research and create training films.
Staffing also had to be reduced, so that he now is director, assistant director, his own secretary and instructor.
College credit can be earned from Parkland in Criminal Justice.
Recruits must be hired by a police department full-time in order to attend the Police Training Institute.
The work includes classroom instruction and then practice scenarios on basic law enforcement,
and are exposed to pepper spray. The exposure to pepper spray and tasers is so they will know firsthand how it feels and that pepper spray drifts and sometimes officers are accidentally sprayed so they must learn to continue to function.
with practice scenarios in all weather conditions, day and night.
Each year in the spring they offer a ten-Thursday-night Citizens Police Academy. This program allows citizens the opportunity to learn about the issues that face law enforcement efforts in Champaign County.
Tailtwister –Tom Yaxley fined Pat Bryan, today’s greeter, for not greeting him
He paid a fine just to show us how easy it was. Yeah, if you’re rich!
He got Gordie for being honest and returning the $1 Tom himself had overpaid for lunch,