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Learn about UK commitments, trigger, DAQ, and readout electronics issues discussed at an HCAL meeting, including latency, distribution, and calibration questions. Find out about event sizes, numbers, readout interface, data format, and more.
UK/HCAL common issues Paul Dauncey Imperial College Outline: • UK commitments • Trigger issues • DAQ issues • Readout electronics issues Many more questions than answers! UK/HCAL common issues
UK commitments The CALICE-UK groups have bid for funding to do: • Physics prototype ECAL readout electronics • This might be reusable for tile HCAL but we are short on engineering effort for major extra work • Physics prototype general data acquisition (DAQ) system • This must include control of the trigger, but we will not have funding for the trigger itself We will hear if funded in ~ three weeks (1 July) UK/HCAL common issues
Why am I at an HCAL meeting? We are currently writing specifications for the UK items: http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~dauncey/lc/specification.ps To complete this, we need to know: • What are the HCAL interactions with the trigger? • What are the HCAL interactions with the DAQ? • Are there small changes we can make to the readout electronics to enable it to work easily with the tile HCAL? The answers may already be known: • If so, please direct us to the documentation! • If not, can we make decisions soon? UK/HCAL common issues
Trigger: latency What is the allowable latency of the trigger? • The ECAL needs the sample-and-hold to be timed to coincide with the shaped pulse peak at 180ns after the event • What are the corresponding numbers for the two HCAL options? • How sensitive is the timing? • Where will the timing be adjusted? • Will it vary channel-to-channel? UK/HCAL common issues
Trigger: distribution What inputs from the trigger are needed? • Will trigger distribution to the whole of the HCAL be done within its electronics? • If not, how many input trigger lines are needed? • What signal level will they be; LVDS? • Will the HCAL allow a trigger to be aborted? • Required in ECAL if second particle arrives within ~ 100ns • Will HCAL electronics be retriggerable without readout? UK/HCAL common issues
Trigger: calibration Is there HCAL front-end circuitry for a calibration signal? • How will selection of this be done? • Trigger must be switched to calibration mode • Is timing identical for calibration and real events? • ECAL may need different times to the sample-and-hold between the calibration pulse and real events due to change of pulse shape • Is this true for the HCAL? If so, where will the adjustment be made? UK/HCAL common issues
DAQ: event sizes What are the expected data sizes? • ECAL will not be threshold-suppressed • 9720 channels with 16 bits every event ~ 19 kBytes • What are the corresponding numbers for the HCAL options? • ? Tile HCAL is up to 1200 channels, each 16 bits, so total ~ 2 kBytes • ? Digital HCAL is up to 38 layers, 10k channels/layer, total 380k channels, each 1 bit ~ 50 kBytes • Will the HCAL have threshold suppression? • If so, what are the expected number of channels to read out? UK/HCAL common issues
DAQ: event numbers What are the requirements for numbers of events? • What event rate is needed for the DAQ? • We assume 100Hz is adequate, 1kHz is prefered • What is the total number of events needed? • We assume ~ 106 events per set-up (i.e. energy, particle type, etc.) • We assume between 10 and 100 set-ups (? e.g. what range of energies are needed?) giving 107 to 108 events total • Total sample of 108 events at 100Hz is 106 secs or 2 weeks actual running time UK/HCAL common issues
DAQ: electronics What is the readout interface? • ECAL will be purely VME • Crate controller, trigger board and 15 readout boards occupy 17 slots of 21 slot crate • Can HCAL be made VME also? • If so, then how many slots are needed? If HCAL can fit into four slots, only one crate needed • If not, a VME accessible interface (e.g. from CAMAC) will need to be supplied UK/HCAL common issues
DAQ: other issues • What is the output data format? • Needs to be machine-independent and easy to use • We suggest ROOT-based files • Are we restricted by a 2 Gbyte file size limit? • Older operating systems will not deal with bigger files • Older ftp will not transfer bigger files • With digital HCAL, this is only ~30k events, i.e. 5 minutes of running UK/HCAL common issues
Readout electronics Can ECAL readout boards be used for tile HCAL? (We assume digital HCAL is too different…) • Interface is through 36-pin connector • 18 signals, • Mixed analog and digitial • All differential • Not yet completely defined • Still time for changes • Each ECAL readout board handles 6 cables • Identical signals on all 6 • Total of 15 boards, 90 cables in system UK/HCAL common issues
Connector signals UK/HCAL common issues
ECAL VFE • ECAL Very Front End (VFE) chip handles 18 channels • Serial readout using a shift register • All shift register logic controlled by FPGA on readout board; can be made flexible, e.g. number of clocks • What is readout scheme for tile HCAL? Is it multiplexed? Is it compatible with these connectors? • Analog channel output digitised using (we hope!) 16-bit ADCs • Maybe 14-bit if cannot find fast enough components • Voltage range not yet specified; what is range for tile HCAL? Mounting different level converters would be possible if we can find compatible components UK/HCAL common issues
Conclusions • Many unknowns (to us) which need to be determined before we can finalise the specifications • Schedule for first readout board prototype is early 2003 • Need ~ 6 months to design (from scratch) • Need answers to questions within ~ 1 month • We will try to retain maximum flexibility • But difficult if significant cost or effort UK/HCAL common issues