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NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Roberta Losik-Welch

NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Roberta Losik-Welch. NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps. Application process to officially establish unit: Collaborative MRC unit to serve all member tribes of the NWTEMC MRC representatives from participating tribes

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NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Roberta Losik-Welch

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  1. NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Roberta Losik-Welch

  2. NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Application process to officially establish unit: • Collaborative MRC unit to serve all member tribes of the NWTEMC • MRC representatives from participating tribes • Encourage each tribe to consider using MRC resources in their communities

  3. How did MRC start? • September 11, 2001 • Other major disasters • Injuries overwhelm hospitals and staff, first responders • Spontaneous volunteers • Supplies not accessible

  4. MRC – What is it? A Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Unit is a group of medical and support volunteers who are: community-based organized preparedness-trained Intended to supplement existing community health, medical and emergency response systems Volunteers are pre-screened, credentialed and trained in all-hazards response in advance Participate in community health outreach programs May deploy to other locations but emphasis is LOCAL

  5. VISTA Volunteers in Service to America NCCC National Civilian Community Corps Grantees include: American Red Cross Habitat for Humanity Boys & Girls Club Foster Grandparents Program Senior Companion Program Retired & Senior Volunteers (RSVP) Created in 1960 Since created over 170,000 volunteers have served in 137 countries

  6. MRC BASICS RECRUIT volunteers to respond in a public health emergency TRAIN volunteers to respond efficiently and be prepared to function in an emergency RESPOND as needed in an emergency SUSTAIN the interest and commitment of the volunteers, participate in community events

  7. Why do we need an MRC? • Incidents of Nature • Severe Weather • Earthquakes • Fires • Tsunami • Hazardous Materials Incidents • Major Interstate Highways • Pipelines • Railroads • Haz/Mat Facilities • Domestic Security Incidents • Nuclear, Biological, Chemical • Mass Clinic Needs (Smallpox, Anthrax)

  8. BENEFITS of MRC • Provides supplemental personnel to support existing public health and emergency response systems • Surge capacity • Vaccination and prophylactic treatment • Field response • Provides mechanisms for information sharing and coordination among community partners • Emergency management and public health systems • Enhances community preparedness through citizen involvement • Communities improving their own health and safety through local volunteers • Allows communities more autonomy in responding to emergencies • Immediate response and action • Less reliance on state and national resources

  9. Where is MRC today? • Emphasis is local • MRC Units housed by: • health depts. • emergency management depts. • religious organizations • hospitals • local volunteer organizations • colleges and universities • MRC Units established in cities, counties and regions across the country • MRC Units established by tribes

  10. National MRC Status • 662 MRC units in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam • Over 121,599 volunteers: • Physicians • Physician Assistants • Nurse Practitioners • Registered Nurses • Dentists • Veterinarians • Pharmacists • Mental Health Professionals • EMTs and Paramedics • Epidemiologists • Health Educators • Others…SUPPORT PERSONNEL

  11. Where do we fit in?REGION X 33 MRC UnitsRegional Coordinator: Jesus Reyna

  12. Carnation-Duvall MRC Carnation, WA Fall City MRC Fall City, WA Grays Harbor Emergency Health Worker Reserve Corps Aberdeen, WA Island County MRC Coupeville, WA Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management MRC Bremerton, WA MRC of Eastern Washington Spokane, WA Pierce County MRC Tacoma, WA Public Health Reserve Corps for Seattle and King County Seattle, WA Region IV MRC (Southwest Washington) Vancouver, WA Skagit County MRC Mt Vernon, WA Snohomish County MRC Everett, WA Tulalip Tribes MRC Tulalip, WA Vashon Island MRC Vashon Is, WA Washington Region 3 MRC Olympia, WA Whatcom County MRC Bellingham, WA Yakima County MRC Yakima, WA NWTEMC – MRC (in progress) Washington State 16 MRC Units

  13. NWTEMC – MRCWhere we’re at: • Registration application for NWTEMC – MRC unit • Collaborative MRC unit for member tribes of NWTEMC • MRC representative from each participating tribe • Volunteer recruitment within communities • Coordinate NIMS training, practice drills and exercises • Assist individual tribes develop their own MRC units • Work with partners to develop MRC role in emergency response

  14. NTWEMC – MRC PARTNERS • Tribal Emergency Management Agencies • Tribal Councils/Board of Directors • Health Clinics • Police Departments • Fire Departments • Public Health Departments • Community Volunteer Organizations • Local Schools and Colleges • Local, state and federal agencies

  15. NWTEMC – MRCWhere we’re going: • Have trained, prepared medical personnel and support staff to assist during an emergency within the tribal communities of Washington State • Sensitive and respectful of the cultural needs of those Native American communities • Work with ALL partners to identify and address the specific needs of each tribal community • Educate our communities on emergency preparedness • Participate in community outreach programs to improve the overall health of the communities

  16. NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Each tribe is encouraged to participate and utilize MRC resources in their communities. ???QUESTIONS???

  17. CONTACT US: • Roberta Losik-Welch, NWTEMC – MRC Unit Director (360) 651-3294 cedargrass@yahoo.com • Lynda Harvey, NWTEMC/Tulalip Tribes OEM (360)651-3295 blockwtch1@aol.com • Jesus Reyna, MRC Region X Coordinator (206) 615-3678 jesus.reyna@hhs.gov • Scott Carlson, WA State Volunteer Systems Coordinator For questions about ESAR-VHP, WAHVE (360) 236-4086 scott.carlson@doh.wa.gov

  18. For a complete list of all MRC Unit Coordinators, Regional Coordinators and National MRC program information: www.medicalreservecorps.gov NWTEMC - MRC updates and contact information will be posted to the NWTEMC website: www.nwtemc.org

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