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NEW COURSE: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms, including feature-based, vision-based, geometry-based, and timing-based recognition algorithms; examination of methods to combine results from various algorithms to improve recognition using AI techniques, such as graphical models. Learn how to make your drawings come alive…
Sezgin • Finds corners in a polygon or in a complex shape. • First: Polygon
Direction Direction of each stroke segment = arctan2(dy,dx) Add check to make sure graph continuous (e.g., add 2pi)
Curvature Change in direction for each segment
Speed Speed of each segment (already computed in Rubine)
Threshold Curvature • Threshold = mean curvature
Threshold Speed • Threshold = 90% of mean
Select Vertices for Each • Max of all sections above threshold • Fd = curvature points
Select Vertices for Each • Max of all sections above threshold • Fs = speed points
Initial Fit • Intersection of Fd and Fs (and of course the endpoints)
Local neighborhood: i-k, i+k • Si is a stroke point • k is number of stroke point on either side to search • Le = Euclidian distance from Si-k to Si+k • K not defined • Lets try k = 3 … AND • Variable k where min(Le > 6 pixels)
Curvature Certainty Metric for Fd • di = curvature at point i • l = stroke segment curve length from Si-k to Sj+k • Lets call it CCM(vi)
Speed Certainty Metric for Fs • Lets call it SCM(vi)
Vertex Possibilities: • Fd: Possibilities based on curvature • Fs: Possibilities based on speed • CCM(Fd) : Curvature Certainty Metric • SCM(Fd) : Speed Certainty Metric • H0 = Initial Hybrid Fit = intersection of Fd and Fs (and endpoints)
Selecting new points to add • Hi’ = H0 + max(SCM(Fs – H0) ) • Hi’’ = H0 + max(CCM(Fd – H0)) • Pick highest scoring from each list • Try to add it to the H0
Make Line Segments for Hi’ and Hi’’ • For each vertex vi in Hi – create a list of line segments between vi and vi+1 • If there are n points in the vertex selection, there will be n-1 line segments
Calculate Errorfor Both Hi’ and Hi’’ • S = total stroke length (not Euclidean distance) • ODSQ = orthogonal distance squared • ODSQ(s,Hi) = distance of stroke point s to appropriate line segment (previous slide)
Distance from point to line segment • if isPointOnLine(point, line) • theDistance = 0; • else • array1 = getLineAxByC(line); • array2 = getAxByCPerpendicularLine(line, point); • A = [array1(1), array1(2); array2(1), array2(2)]; • b = [array1(3); array2(3)]; • intersectsPoint = linsolve(A, b)'; • if isPointOnLine(intersectsPoint, line) • theDistance = getLineLength([intersectsPoint; point]); • else • dist(1) = getLineLength([line(1,:); point]); • dist(2) = getLineLength([line(2,:); point]); • theDistance = min(dist); • end • end
Select either Hi’ or Hi’’ • Pick the one with the lower error • (in the paper this is also the one with the `higher score’ – score in this sense is just an internal ranking metric) • H1 = Hi’ or Hi’’ (the one with the lower error) • We have added one vertex point.
Repeat • Create new Hi’ and Hi’’ • Hi’ = H1 + max(SCM(Fs – H1) ) • Hi’’ = H1 + max(CCM(Fd – H1)) • (Note one of them will be the same as the previous time.) • Recompute error and continue
When to Stop • Stop when error is below the threshold. • … what is threshold? • Not in paper • Lets • Compute the error for H0 = e0 • Compute the error for Hall (all the chosen v) = eall • We want something in the middle: close to eall • .1*(e0-eall) + eall • You will try other thresholds in your implementation
Implications • Anything that you can describe geometrically you can build sketch system for
Curves • Stroke between corners can be curve or line • Is line if l2/l1 is close to 1. • Lets use .9 < l2/l1 *1.1 < 1 • Else is curve
Sezgin Bezier Curve Fitting • Want to replace with a Bezier curve • http://www.math.ubc.ca/people/faculty/cass/gfx/bezier.html • Bezier Demo • 2 endpoints and 2 control points
Bezier curve equation • http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Teaching/2000/AGraphHCI/SMEG/node3.html • http://www.moshplant.com/direct-or/bezier/math.html • P0 (x0,y0) = p1, P1 = c1, P2 = c2, P3 = p2 • x(t) = axt3 + bxt2 + cxt + x0 • y(t) = ayt3 + byt2 + cyt + y0 • cx = 3 (x1 - x0)bx = 3 (x2 - x1) - cxax = x3 - x0 - cx - bx • cy = 3 (y1 - y0)by = 3 (y2 - y1) - cyay = y3 - y0 - cy - by
Sezgin Bezier Curve Fitting • Control points • Endpoints: u = p1, v = p2 • T1= tangent vector – initial direction of stroke at point p1 • T2 = tangent vector of p2 – initial direction of stroke at point p2 • K = stroke length / 3 • 3 is common approximation • c1=k*t1 + v • c2 = k*t2 + u
Want to Test our Approximation • Perhaps this is really a very complex curve which can’t be fit with a simple Bezier curve • E.g., the treble clef of a musical staff • Discretize the curve. (It doesn’t say into how many parts – I leave that up to you.) • Linear approximation for each part
If error too high • Break our curve down the middle into two curves, and try again.
Matlab Curve Fitting • function [estimates, model] = fitcurvedemo(xdata, ydata) • % Call fminsearch with a random starting point. • start_point = rand(1, 2); • model = @expfun; • estimates = fminsearch(model, start_point); • % expfun accepts curve parameters as inputs, and outputs sse, • % the sum of squares error for A * exp(-lambda * xdata) - ydata, • % and the FittedCurve. FMINSEARCH only needs sse, but we want to • % plot the FittedCurve at the end. • function [sse, FittedCurve] = expfun(params) • A = params(1); • lambda = params(2); • FittedCurve = A .* exp(-lambda * xdata); • ErrorVector = FittedCurve - ydata; • sse = sum(ErrorVector .^ 2); • end • end
Circles and Ellipses • Least squares fit • Make a bounding box of stroke and form • Oval is formed from that bounding box. • Circle is easy: • Find out how far the circle is from the center = d, return (d-r)^2 • Ellipse more complicated
Project Suggestions • Build a finite state machine recognizer for the computability class to easily draw and hand in their diagrams. • Build a physics drawing program that attaches to a design simulator (we have interactive physics 2005) • Build a fashion drawing program. You draw clothes on a person, and it puts them one the person.
Project Ideas • Build a robot drawing and simulation program. You draw the robot and have a number of gestures to have it do different things • Gesture Tetris
Project Suggestions • Use both rubine and geometrical methods in recognition • Develop new ways for editing. • Build new low level recognizers
Projects! • Proposal due: Sept 22 • Visualization Contest • Ivc.tamu.edu/competition • Smart Boards coming • IAP (Industrial Affiliates Program) Demo
Projects! • 2 types: • Cool application • Sketch front end to your own research system • Fun application to go on smart board/vis contest • Gesture Tetris • TAMU gesture-based map/directory info • Computability/Physics/EE/MechEng simulator • New recognition algorithm • Significant change to old techniques to make a new application
Final Project Handin • Implementation… Build it… • In class Demonstration (5-10 minutes) • Previous work • Find at least 3 relevant papers (not read inc class) • Assign one for class to read, you lead short discussion • Test • Run your recognition system on data. • Find out what data you need (e.g., UML class diagrams) • Each student in class will supply others data • + Find 6 more people outside (to give 15 different people) • Paper • Introduction (why important) • Previous Work • Implementation • Results • Conclusion
Syllabus • http://www.cs.tamu.edu/faculty/hammond/courses/SR/2006