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Version. IHL. Total Length. Type of Service. Identification. Flags. Fragment Offset. Time To Live. Protocol = 6. Header Checksum. IP Header. Source Address. Destination Address. Options. Padding. Source Port. Destination Port. Sequence Number. TCP. Acknowledgment Number. Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Version IHL Total Length Type of Service Identification Flags Fragment Offset Time To Live Protocol = 6 Header Checksum IP Header Source Address Destination Address Options Padding Source Port Destination Port Sequence Number TCP Acknowledgment Number Data offset S Y N F I N U R G A C K P S H R S T Window Checksum Urgent Pointer Padding TCP Options TCP Data

  2. Source: Dest: Private Address Realm Host A Host B  Source: Dest: Public Internet

  3. Public Internet Private Address Realm Source: Dest: Source: Dest: Site NAT NAT Binding / 2000 / 3000 Host A Source: Dest: Source: Dest: Host B

  4. Host B Source: Z / 3001 Dest: B / 90  Source: A / 2001 Dest: B / 90 Port 90 Initial Packet  Port 91  Port 2001  Site NAT Host A Port 90 Port 91 NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask A / 2001  Z / 3001 -- B / 90 Host C

  5. Host B Source: Z / 3001 Dest: B / 90  Source: A / 2001 Dest: B / 90 Port 90 Initial Packet  Port 91  Port 2001 Site NAT  Host A Port 90 Port 91 NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask A / 2001  Z / 3001 -- * / * Host C

  6. Source: Z / 3001 Dest: B / 90  Source: A / 2001 Dest: B / 90 Port 90 Initial Packet  Port 91  Host B Port 2001  Site NAT Host A Port 90 Port 91 NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask A / 2001  Z / 3001 -- B / * Host C

  7. Host B Source: Z / 3001 Dest: B / 90  Source: A / 2001 Dest: B / 90 Port 90 Initial Packet  Port 91 Port 2001   Site NAT Host A Port 90 Port 91 NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask A / 2001  Z / 3001 -- * / 90 Host C

  8. STUN Request Same IP Addr and Port? STUN Request Change Response: Addr and Port N Y Y Response? N UDP Blocked STUN Request Change Response: Addr and Port N Response? Y Open Internet UDP Firewall Y Response? N Full Cone NAT Same IP Addr and Port? STUN Request To alternate Addr and Port N Symmetric NAT Y STUN Request Change Response:Port N Response? Y Port Restricted NAT Restricted NAT

  9. Source: Y / 3002 Dest: A / 2001 Port 2001 Host A Source: Y / 3002 Dest: Z / 3001 Site NAT NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask A / 2001  Z / 3001 -- * / 2001 D / 2002  Y / 3002 -- * / 2002 Port 2002 Host D Source: D / 2002 Dest: Z / 3001

  10. Source: X1 / x1 Dest: Y1 / y1 Source: X / x Dest: Y1 / y1 Port y1 Host Y1 Use Address and Port X1 / x1 Port x Site NAT Host X Port y2 Source: Y2 / y2 Dest: X / x Source: Y2/ y2 Dest: X1 / x1 Host Y2 NAT Binding NAT Filter Local Addr / Port  External Addr / Port -- External Access Mask X / x  X1 / x1 -- ? / ?

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