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The Impact of Tacit K nowledge T ransfer during Technical Training in Online Learning Environments. Amanda Kuhnley. Objectives. Define tacit knowledge Introduce research problem Review literature & significance State the research question & hypothesis
The Impact of Tacit Knowledge Transfer during Technical Training in Online Learning Environments Amanda Kuhnley
Objectives Define tacit knowledge Introduce research problem Review literature & significance State the research question & hypothesis Describe instrument, sample & data collection Address limitations & contingency plan Clarify contribution to the field List references
Tacit Knowledge Howells (1996) describes tacit knowledge as non-codified, disembodied knowledge that is acquired through the informal take-up of learned behavior and procedures. Michael Polanyi (1966) argued that tacit knowledge is more fundamental than explicit knowledge. He is famously quoted, “we can know more than we can tell” (p. 4). Yi (2006) lists criteria to differentiate tacit knowledge from explicit knowledge. These criteria include (a) personal, (b) difficult to communicate, (c) problematic, and (d) contextual. Zack (1999) describes tacit knowledge as subconsciously understood and applied while being difficult to articulate, developed from direct experience, and shared through interactive conversation, storytelling, and shared experience. Zack (1999) describes tacit knowledge as subconsciously understood and applied while being difficult to articulate, developed from direct experience, and shared through interactive conversation, storytelling, and shared experience. Durrance (1998) claims tacit knowledge to live in an individual’s “hunches, intuition, emotions, values, and beliefs” (p. 24).
Why Tacit Knowledge? • Undergraduate research • Problem-based learning • Designed curriculum • “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel” – Socrates • Undergraduate degrees • Technology • Design
Research Problem Significance global economic competition, traditional education is not enough tacit knowledge is overlooked in the U.S. tacit knowledge = competitive performance among organizations technology allows for “tacit knowledge networks”
Assumptions Tacit knowledge can be shared through online learning environments Shared experience is the most effective way to transfer tacit knowledge in online learning environments Transfer of tacit knowledge requires the active participation of the employee during technical training
Question and Hypothesis Can the believability of a training simulation influence the transfer of tacit knowledge in an online learning environment for technical training? Employees will be more open to completing technical training and engaging in the transfer of tacit knowledge if they can believe in the training simulation.
Population and Sample • Field Service Technicians • Fortune 500 Company – PepsiCo • Convenience Sample – Virginia Market Unit • All 100 field service technicians • All complete computer-based technical training • Goal: 50 responses • HR Representative Kristen McCullough
Contingency Plan • Sample size • Other market units • Interview protocol • Unlikely to not meet sample size!
Limitations • Common threats to survey research: location, instrumentation, instrument decay, and mortality • Location – one market unit • Instrumentation – closed questions, Likert scale • Instrument decay – short time period, no changes • Mortality – individual experiences • Generalizability – limited in size and scope
Contribution to the Field • Quantitative study of tacit knowledge – novel idea • Step toward validating the measure of tacit knowledge • General framework and survey • Could be solicited to larger/more diverse samples
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