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Title of Project

Title of Project. PI Name PI Organization Co-PI + Co-PI organization Team members. Basic Research Technical Review. UNCLASSIFIED. PI Institution Logo Here. Proposal Title (should not be the same as the topic title). PI: name, institution; Co-PI: name, institution

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Title of Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title of Project PI Name PI Organization Co-PI + Co-PI organization Team members Basic Research Technical Review

  2. UNCLASSIFIED PI Institution Logo Here Proposal Title (should not be the same as the topic title) PI: name, institution; Co-PI: name, institution Award Number: HDTRA-x-xx-x-xxxx Objective: Clear, concise (1-2 sentence) description of the objectives/goals of the effort (Ariel 14 point) Picture or graphic that illustrates the research concept Relevance: Impact or relevance of this work for DTRA’s counter-WMD mission (Ariel 14 point) Results this year: Bullet list of major tasks/milestones for this year (Ariel 14 point) Approach: Clear, concise (1-2 sentence) description of the approach/method (Ariel 14 point) Personnel Support: Number and types of technical personnel such as faculty, post-doc, grad students, undergrads, etc supported by the project (Ariel 14 point) Funding: Year 1: FYxx-$xxxk, Year 2: FYxx-$xxx, Year 3: FYxx-$xxxk (Ariel 12 Point Bold) PI contact Information: Name, Email address, Phone (Ariel 12 point Bold) UNCLASSIFIED

  3. Program Objective • State specifically what scientific problem you are trying to address (Research Objectives of the proposed work) • How it relates to DTRA C-WMD mission from a basic research perspective. • Where it fits in the general scientific field • Does this project affect other scientific areas

  4. Background and Significance • Should include any general scientific background that is essential to understand the work being presented. • Also include any preliminary work that specifically relates to the project, done either by performer or others, prior to this project being funded.

  5. Technical Approach • Experimental or Computational method should include • Technical approach and how it will address your objective. • Show benefit or uniqueness of proposed approach • Technical scope, limitations and risks • Describe alternative approaches if applicable • For computational projects discuss Reliability/Repeatability of datasets and validation of results, as appropriate

  6. Results (since last review) • Discuss results to date • New work and/or results to understand current hypothesis and specific goals • How did the results modify or confirm your approach? • Residual risk/milestone status

  7. Accomplishments • Publications • Presentations • Awards for this work, Awards to PI or co-PIs • Any coursework or classes taught on c-WMD subjects • Graduate students, undergrads or post-docs supported, their major or subject area, and expected MS or PhD dates

  8. Coordination/Collaboration and Transition • Please list internal or external collaborative efforts (including projects partially funded by other agencies) • Transition paths or transition evaluations, if any

  9. Conclusions • If any broad conclusions or new hypotheses can be drawn from this work they should be described in detail.

  10. Future Directions • What are the next steps? • Potential transitions of the research results (information or materials) to applied research? • Potential for collaborations within the larger scientific community? • What, if any, new basic research questions have come from this work?

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