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Everything you need to know about garden sheds

A garden shed is basically a roofed structure in the garden or yard. It is used for storage, hobbies or as a workshop. There are various types of sheds available in Sydney. You must know which shed is better. Check out this PPT to find out which shed is better and how you can build your own shed at home?

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Everything you need to know about garden sheds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Everything You Need To Know About Garden Sheds

  2. Purpose of a garden shed The main purpose of erecting a garden shed is to organise your outdoor space. Although their basic aim is storage, many people use sheds as offices.

  3. Materials used for shed construction You have a variety of options to select the material of construction for your shed. A shed can be constructed using metal, plastic, wood, vinyl, asbestos, etc.

  4. Facts to be borne in mind before selecting a shed You need to be clear about the purpose behind the construction of the shed. This will determine the size, material, whether windows, fans, air conditioning is required or not.

  5. Benefits of garden sheds Garden sheds enable storage of yard equipment in one place, easier access, help in controlling clutter, etc. Garden sheds can serve as an office, a TV room, for pursuing hobbies such as painting, carpentry, etc.

  6. Types of Garden Sheds Skillion Roof Sheds Flat Roof sheds Gable Roof Sheds Worksheds The most widely used ones are Flat roof sheds and Gable roof sheds.

  7. Flat roof sheds Flat Roof Sheds work as an ideal storage for household equipment. They protect them from damage due to rain, wind, snow, etc.

  8. Gable Roof sheds Gable roof sheds have sloping roofs. They are easy to erect. You can DIY with the right tools or seek the help of a professional.

  9. Contact Us 24 Anderson Rd, Smeaton Grange, 2567 NSW 6/76 Hume Highwway, Lansvale, 2166 NSW 1/107 Mitchell Road, Cardiff, 2285 NSW 4632 4222 8707 0777 4954 4766 1/154 Industrial Road, Oak Flats, 2529 NSW 9/109 Batt Street, Penrith, 2750 NSW 9/281 Manns Road, West Gosford, 2250 NSW 4257 5798 4324 5967 4721 7388 Visit Us:- http://colwesternsheds.com.au/

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