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How to Get Rid of LMS Administration Headaches

View this presentation to learn the best option for providing effective LMS support for your users using the Learning Management System.

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How to Get Rid of LMS Administration Headaches

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Get Rid of LMS Administration Headaches

  2. Why is LMS administration such a headache?

  3. Typical issues with LMS support Lack of prompt service. Inability to understand user issue. Focus on LMS features instead of applicability. Ignorance about training needs. Technical responses.

  4. Typical issues with LMS support Lack of prompt service

  5. Typical issues with LMS support Inability to understand user issue

  6. Typical issues with LMS support Focus on LMS features instead of applicability

  7. Typical issues with LMS support Ignorance about training needs

  8. Typical issues with LMS support Technical responses

  9. Solution? How do organizations respond to these situations?

  10. Internal Administrator Organizations train and assign an internal resource to provide LMS support. Typically, this is in addition to the person’s primary job responsibility.

  11. Internal Administrator What happens when the number of users increase and more courses are uploaded on to the LMS

  12. Increase in number of users WORK

  13. Delegating training administration to Sub-Administrators

  14. But… Would they comply with standards during data inputs? Do they have time for a secondary job?

  15. Possible consequences Delayed response to users Reduced interest in users due to frustration Poor response to training modules on LMS Divided focus by sub-administrators Loss of man-hours for core business goals

  16. Poor LMS Administration affects Training ROI

  17. What are the possible solutions

  18. Effective LMS Administration Increase the level of support from the existing LMS vendors. Outsource it to a trusted third-party vendor.

  19. Effective LMS Administration Increase the level of support from the existing LMS vendor Technical responses limited to LMS functionality Lack of understanding of training functions Costly option

  20. Effective LMS Administration Outsource it to a trusted third-party vendor Ability to choose a trusted provider Opting a vendor with knowledge of training function Negotiating as per organizational requirements

  21. Conclusion Outsource LMS administration to free up internal resources. Use an internal team to focus on your core business.

  22. Thank you To read more such articles, please visit blog.commlabindia.com

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