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Why And How of Customizing Open Source LMS?

Learn why you should consider open source LMS and how you can customize it to suit training needs of your organization.

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Why And How of Customizing Open Source LMS?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why And How of Customizing Open Source LMS

  2. LMS Trends

  3. What is Open Source LMS? Open source LMS refers to a Learning Management System whose source code is freely available for use and/or modification from its original design.

  4. Benefits of Using opensource lms

  5. Benefits of Open Source LMS No Licensing or Per-User Costs

  6. Benefits of Open Source LMS Quick troubleshooting and fixing of problems

  7. Benefits of Open Source LMS Faster access to product upgrades and improvements

  8. Benefits of Open Source LMS Needs of end-users better addressed

  9. Benefits of Open Source LMS Liberty to Choose External Vendors for Support, Service, Maintenance or Customization

  10. Options for Using Open Source LMS

  11. Open Source LMS Options CUSTOMIZATION IS A BETTER OPTION Install it as it is on the server without customization Choose a vendor to install and customize LMS according to your requirements

  12. Why Should you Go for LMS Customization?

  13. Why Customization? Default features may not cater to organization’s needs

  14. Why Customization? Training Programs Training Programs Lms Lms

  15. LMS Customization – key aspects

  16. When Customizing LMS… Document Your LMS Requirements

  17. When Customizing LMS… Remember that customization should be a one-time effort

  18. Key Areas That Need Customization

  19. Key Areas That Need Customization Customized Theme

  20. Key Areas That Need Customization Enable and Disable Features

  21. Key Areas That Need Customization Re-configure Default Settings

  22. Key Areas That Need Customization Create Custom Roles

  23. Key Areas That Need Customization Modify User Profile Fields

  24. Key Areas That Need Customization User Friendly Course Catalog

  25. Key Areas That Need Customization Simple User Navigation

  26. Key Areas That Need Customization Customized Reporting

  27. Key Areas That Need Customization Evaluation and Certificate Templates

  28. Key Areas That Need Customization Help Page and User Manuals

  29. LMS Customizations 6. Course Catalog 7. Navigation 8. Reports 9. Evaluation/Certificates 10. Help page/manuals Customized Theme Unwanted Features Default Settings Custom Roles User Profiles

  30. Conclusion Open Source LMS provides a good option in terms of costs, flexibility and scalability. Customization ensures the LMS best caters to an organization’s requirement. Understand the key areas that need to be customized to get the best fit.

  31. To read articles on similar topics, please visit blog.commlabindia.com THANK YOU

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