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Class of 2013 Residency Application & Matching Process June 7, 2012. What’s on the Agenda?. Checking-in What to expect in Year 4 Dispelling a few myths 4 th Year Timeline MSPE and Evaluations Timeline and structure Evaluations Letters of Recommendation External Application Elements
Class of 2013 Residency Application &Matching ProcessJune 7, 2012
What’s on the Agenda? • Checking-in • What to expect in Year 4 • Dispelling a few myths • 4th Year Timeline • MSPE and Evaluations • Timeline and structure • Evaluations • Letters of Recommendation • External Application Elements • ERAS • NRMP • Early Match (CAS) • Upcoming Workshops and Support • Upcoming Meetings • Advice from graduates • Tutorials and FAQs • ERAS • NRMP
What to expect… Specialty Choice The Perfect Match There’s no “right way” to match Follow your instincts Listen to the people you trust • You won’t be positive about your career choice until after a couple rotations this summer • It is ok to change your mind • You do not have to take time off if you don’t know yet
Dispelling a few myths… Away Electives AOA Elections What’s included? Who makes the decision? What happens if I don’t get it? • Do I have to do one? • What if I change my mind but already committed to one on my schedule? • When’s the perfect time to do one?
Dispelling a few myths… What does competitive mean? How many applications do I submit? How many and to where? What are the “best” programs? Should I have a back-up plan? • How do I know? • What resources are there? • Can I become more competitive?
East Coast Programs Brigham and Women’s Boston Children’s Hospital Emory University Johns Hopkins Massachusetts General Hospital New York Presbyterian--‐Columbia University New York University Yale University
Southern and Midwestern Programs Baylor School of Medicine Emory University University of Texas Southwestern Vanderbilt University Wake Forest Mayo Clinic Northwestern University University of Minnesota University of Michigan University of Wisconsin
West Coast Programs (non-CA) University of Arizona University of Colorado University of Hawaii University of Oregon University of Washington
4th YEAR TIMELINE Timeline Timeline
Hard Dates July 1st ERAS Opens September 15th -First day to submit application on ERAS -Last day for faculty to submit evals to the SAO October 1st MSPEs uploaded to ERAS December 31stLast day to take Step 2 January 15th Rank lists open February 22nd Rank lists due March 11th Unmatched notified *All students are required to be in LA during Match Week and SOAP process* March 14th Match Day March 15thSenior Scholarship Day Time Frames July-September Confirm career choice Register on ERAS Purchase interview attire Take senior photo Identify letter writers Make spreadsheet for process August Input application Register on NRMP Have 2+ LORs in the SAO CV and PS drafted July-September Meet with Drs.Parker/Calmes Sign-off on MSPE Have 3+ LORs in the SAO Finalize CV and PS October-January Interview Season Graduation checks in the SAO February-May Electives to prepare for residency
What does an MSPE Look Like? • All Medical Schools follow the AAMC guidelines to format and submit their MSPE. • All have the same headings and content. For review of the guidelines: https://www.aamc.org/download/139542/data/mspe.pdf
What goes into the MSPE? • Unique characteristics (based on your input) • Years 1&2 evaluations summarized in 2 paragraphs • Does NOT include exam scores • All of Year 3 evaluation comments (verbatim) • Summary of academic progress (including gaps or leaves of absence) • Summary paragraph written by Dr. Parker
The Evaluation Section of MSPE • Evaluations go in verbatim-remember, this is an evaluation not a recommendation • The only way to have comments revised on your MSPE is to have the Clerkship Director submit new comments on ESS. ***THIS MUST BE DONE WITHIN SIX WEEKS OF YOUR EVALUATION BEING SUBMITTED TO ESS • All Sub-I and revised comments must be submitted to the SAO on ESS by September 15, 2012 in order to be included on the MSPE. • Jason and Meredith will not be able to make revisions or alter your evaluations in any way during the MSPE review process • Questions or concerns about evaluations should be discussed with Dr. Parker, Jason, or Meredith before approaching Clerkship Director.
What Is Removed from the Evaluation? • PDA logs • Attendance (Unless it is an issue noted within the narrative of the evaluation.) • Nomination for a LOD (If you received one, it will be noted in bold at the end of the evaluation.) • Exam scores or percentiles • References to graded presentations • Physician/evaluator names • Websites and journal citations • Dates of Clerkships (the MSPE is written in chronological order)
How does the MSPE process work? Spring : Complete online MSPE Questionnaire - Done June: Mandatory Application Process Meeting - Now July-September: Meet with Dean Parker (appointments will be scheduled by SAO and assigned to you…if you cannot make your assigned appointment time you will be rescheduled at the end of the list. Again, don’t worry, every student will meet with Dr. Parker and have an MSPE completed and released at the exact same moment, so it neither harms nor helps you to meet with him early vs. late) July 1: Issued ERAS token by SAO to Mednetaccount – make sure there are no junk mail filters set • All students (early match too) register on ERAS
How does the MSPE process work? July-September: Complete ERAS application, finalize CV and Personal Statement, begin to submit to programs. August-September: MSPE Editing Begins • You are notified by SAO when your MSPE is ready for review… again, we will ensure that you all have MSPEs completed before the deadline so do not worry about this! September 15: Last day for faculty to submit evaluations to be included in MSPE, so schedule your Sub-I’s accordingly if you want them included. October 1: MSPEs released automatically to all programs (National Deadline).
Letters of RecommendationOverview Who: Faculty (MD or PhD) Knows you well Is well-known What : 4 LORs total (1-2 from Year 3) Medicine or Surgery Any with LOD When: Ask in Year 3 and follow-up in Year 4 Where: LORs are sent to the SAO and stored until you need them *Jason will email you when LORs are received*
Obtaining an LOR: Logistics • Whenever possible, ask in person and ask in advance • Allow at least 4 weeks for them to write-let them know your deadlines/timelines • Ask if they can write a strong letter of recommendation on your behalf. • Best to provide Letter Writer with your CV, Personal Statement (rough draft), and with signed waiver form • Waiver is found here: http://www.medstudent.ucla.edu/offices/sao/academic-career/documents/lorcoverus.pdf
ERAShttps://www.aamc.org/students/medstudents/eras/ ERAS is comprised of four (4) main components: • MyERAS is the Web site where applicants complete their MyERAS Application, select programs to apply to, and assign documents to be received by programs. • DWS is the software used by the designated dean's office. From this software, medical school staff create the ERAS electronic token that applicants use to access MyERAS. They also use this system to scan and attach supporting documents to the application, such as photographs, medical school transcripts, MSPE, and LoRs. These documents are then transmitted to the ERAS PostOffice. • PDWS is the ERAS software used by program staff to receive, sort, review, evaluate, and rank applications. • ERAS PostOffice is the central bank of computers that transfer the application materials from applicants and their designated dean's office to residency programs.
How does ERAS work? • Applicants receive an electronic token from their designated dean's office and use it to register with MyERAS. • Applicants complete their MyERAS application, select programs, assign supporting documents, and transmit their application to programs. • Schools receive notification of the completed application, and start transmitting supporting documents: transcripts, LoRs, photographs, MSPE. • Examining boards receive and process requests for score reports. • Programs contact the ERAS PostOffice on a regular basis to download application materials.
ERAS TIMELINE Mid-late June 2012MyERAS User Guide is available. Google “myeras user guide” periodically and it will show up once available.Schools may begin to generate and distribute MyERAS tokens to applicants. July 1, 2012MyERAS Web site opens to applicants to begin working on their applications.Osteopathic applicants may begin selecting and applying to osteopathic training programs only. July 15, 2012Osteopathic training programs may begin contacting the ERAS PostOffice to download application files. September 15, 2012Applicants may begin applying to ACGME accredited programs.ACGME accredited programs may begin contacting the ERAS PostOffice to download application files. October 1, 2012MSPEs are released to ACGME accredited programs. December 2012Military Match January 2013Urology Match February 2013Osteopathic Match March 2013NRMP Match results will be available. Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) starts Match Week 2013, for more information see the joint SOAP document from ERAS and NRMP. May 31, 2013ERAS PostOffice will close to prepare for the 2014 season.
NRMPhttp://www.nrmp.org/res_match/yearly.html National Residency Matching Service • Results and Data: 2012 Main Residency Match • 2012 Match Results by State, Specialty, and Applicant Type • Program Results, 2008-2012
Some advice… • No matter how smart or how well-respected someone is, they don’t know you. Stay true to yourself, take your time deciding, and don’t show all your cards at once. • Pick a specialty because it makes you happy-not because someone thinks it is more prestigious or just because you would match in it. • Interview lots of places and meet lots of people-this process helped tremendously for fellowship applying • Make UCLA look good and protect our reputation for future applicants! Go to your interviews, never cancel last minute, show up on time, and always be polite. • Enthusiasm and sincerity worked better than anything else on my application! • Call us! We are here to help!
Upcoming Workshops and Meetings SAO Sponsored Workshops August What to do and NOT do on the Interview Trail October Mock Interviews January Rank Lists College Workshops Mock interviews, personal statements, interviewing—etc. Grad Division Workshops http://gsrc.ucla.edu/ Schedule a writing consultation appointment. Email gwc@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu or call (310) 267-4805
ERAS Tutorials Application Worksheet (available before July 1) • https://www.aamc.org/download/139512/data/worksheet.pdf (2012) PowerPoint of MyERAS • MyERAS 2011 Allopathic Applicants (not yet available) MyERAS Tutorials The following items are step-by-step demonstrations (not yet available): • MyERASRegistration Tutorial • MyERASAccount Tab Tutorial • MyERASApplication Tab Tutorial • MyERASDocuments Tab Tutorial • MyERASPrograms Tab Tutorial
ERAS: UCLA Specific Information Drew students only (UCLA Students are BLS) Select: “Alpha Omega Alpha Elections held in senior year”
ERAS: UCLA Specific Information Drew Students “Charles Drew University” UCLA Students “David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA” UCR Students “David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA”
ERAS: UCLA Specific Information LEAVE BLANK
ERAS: UCLA Specific Information Research, Teaching, Volunteer, etc.