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Material Case study Line of Enquiry 1. So….. what are we looking for in terms of the investigation ? How should we look at LOI 1?................... Erm ………??!! Don’t worry …… we’ll explain. Investigation LOI 1.
Material Case studyLine of Enquiry 1 So…..what are welookingfor in terms of theinvestigation? Howshouldwe look at LOI 1?................... Erm………??!! Don’tworry……we’llexplain.
Investigation LOI 1 LOI 1: Howtheextraction and processing of materialsusedtocreateproducts has animpactontheenvironment. Prettystraight forward no? I needtoknow: • Impactontheenvironmentfrom: - theextraction of the material (mining, logging, pumpingetc) - theprocessinto a sellableproduct (normally in a factory of somesort) So, whowouldyousaythatthisis more suitedfor? TheEnvironmentalActivistor TheIndustryspokesperson? Youguessedit…..
TheEnvironmentalActivist!!!! Butthatdoesnt mean thattheIndustryspokespersonwon’thaveanythingto do. Remember, thisisanargumentthatyou’retryingtowin so the I.S willhavetocome up with….
So…. ….nowthatyouknowthatyouhavetowinanargument, we are goingto show you a very BASIC, SHORT and SIMPLE presentation. With no: • Photos • Evidence • Otherrelevantinformationto back up theargument….Remember……
Youwillhaveto do a lot, lotmore!! Youhavetowinor beat thisproposal no-matterwhat so howwillyou do that?
Withwellthoughtoutargumentsthatinclude: - Valid P.O.V - Good, strongreasons - Excellentexamplesbacked up with real, hardevidencepresented in anyshapeorform, the more imaginativethebetter…. Thecomitteewill LOVE imagination!!
So….. Youready? Good. Letsbegin.
Bottledwater (P.O.V)Governmentsshouldbantheproduction and sale of bottledwaterbecause….. (Reason) itsproduction and lifecycle has a massive, negativeimpactontheenvironment. (Youseehowtheargumentislinkedtothe LOI?)
Bottledwater (Example) Firstly, a lot of bottledwater in America comes fromgroundwater (undergroundwater reserves whereitistrapped in therocks) and itsextraction has beenlinkedtoloweredstreamlevels, dried-up wetlands and depletedordecimatedfishpopulations. (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater Holdon, beforewecontinue….theenvironmentalactivist has made a clear factual statement. It’s time nowfortheIndustryspoekspersontohave a C.A ready… What’s a C.A??? COUNTER ARGUMENT SILLY BILLY!!!
Bottledwater (C.A) Verylittlegroundwaterisused/pumpedbybottledwatercompanies in the U.S, only 0.2%, in fact - a drop in theocean (forgivethe pun) (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (Example 2 – back tothe E.A) Secondly, theplasticusedforeachbottlerequires a ¼ cup of oiltobeproduced. Millions of bottles are madeeverydayaroundtheworldrequiringmillions of litres of oil. Oilrefiningand extraction causes pollution and carries a majorrisk – weallremembertheDeepwaterHorizonspill in theGulf of Mexicolastyear, somethingthatwillaffecttheenvironmentforwellover 100 years. (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (C.A) Theoilindustrycreatesjobsforliterallymillions of people, itsustainsentireeconomies and supportsus as a race, withoutoiltheplanetwould stop. Wecan’tsimply stop usingitfromonedaytothenext, it’sridiculous. (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (Example) Thirdly, Thefactorywherethebottles are madeemitsdangerouschemicals and air pollution. Itis a known FACT thatcontamination of groundwateris a commonoccurrencewherethesefactoriesoperate. The SAME groundwaterthatispumpedforbottledwater!! What a joke! (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (C.A) Allgovernmentshavestrictlaws and legislation in place to control theenvironmentalimpact of thefactories. Wespendmillions of dollars (or pesos, pounds, shillings, rupeesorwhatever) tomakesurethattheenvironmentalimpact of thefactoriesiskeptto a minimum. Weemployenvironmentalengineerstodealwiththisexactproblem. What can we do? Shutthefactorydown and sendtheworkersintopoverty? GREAT idea!! (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (Example) Thetransportation of thefinishedbottletoitspoint of sale createspollution. Over ¼ of bottledwaterisexportedtoanother country, thiscreatesmillions of tonnes of CO2 in emissionsfromship, road and air transport. (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (C.A) So what do we do? Stop exporting? Stop freight and shipping? Everybodyelsedoesitbutwecan’t? Weshallwe do? Build a factoriesnearus of alltheproductsthatwe use in ourdailylives? Don’tbe so ridiculous. Think of allthepeoplethathavehavejobs in transportationalone. Etcetc (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (Example) Lastly, whatisleftafterthosecouple of minutes or so in whichyouhavedrunkthewater? A: A bottlethatisnot biodegradable (meaningthatitwon’trotforover 10,000 years) and thatisthesole cause forthebiggestenvironmentalproblemthatisfacingourplanet. ThePacificocean (amongothers) isnow a plasticsoup, full of ourplasticwastethatsimplydoesn’tdisappear. 29 millionbottles of water are drunk in the U.S EVERY DAY!!! Theworldsimplywillnotsurvivetheimmense wave of wastethatisbeingproducedon a dailybasis. Bottledwateralongwithplastic bags are thescourge of theEarth and willbeourdownfall. (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
Bottledwater (C.A) So it’sourfaultthatpeoplearen’trecycling? There are many, manystrategies in place toensurethatbottles are recycledafter use. Ifthepublicdoesn’t do itthenitisout of ourhandsetcetc (Thisactuallygoesinto LOI 3 – responsibility - thatwewill look at soon…) (Insertfacts, photos, videos, interviews, youknowthegist…)
So….. Yougetthe idea? Rememberthisisbasic, very, verybasic and ifyoueventhink of presenting a piece of work as simple as thisthenyoushouldbeashamed of yourself…. …..notthatyouwould
Conclusion Basedonyourinvestigation, research, informedP.O.V’s and reasons, youwillwinor beat theproposal. Be awarethatifyouwin, itsprobablybecauseyou’ve done more thantheotherpairwhichmeansthatyou’llprobablyget a higher grade. Therewillbe no roomforslackers
And…. That’sit… Off yougoto de some real, in depth, opinionatedresearch. And aboveall…….