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Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education. New Subject and Evaluation Scheme : Std . 9 th. CIRCULAR DATED 11 April 2012. GENERAL FEATURES. This scheme will be implemented for std. 9 from the ac. year 2012-13. The examination will be for 750 marks.
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education New Subject and Evaluation Scheme : Std. 9th CIRCULAR DATED 11 April 2012
GENERAL FEATURES • This scheme will be implemented for std. 9 from the ac. year 2012-13. • The examination will be for 750 marks. • Passing marks for all subjects will be independently 35%. • The 35% will include marks of written and oral, practical or internal evaluation. • The grace system for promotion will continue. • But, to avail the facility of grace marks, the student must get minimum 25% marks in written exam. • The student not scoring minimum 25% marks in written exam will not be eligible for the grace marks. • The 25% marks will include the total of written of 1st and 2ndTerm.
Language subjects : SCHEME • Three-language formula is compulsory. • It includes 1st, 2nd (Single/Composite) and 3rd Language. • For languages of 100 marks, 80 marks will be for written exam 20 marks for oral exam. • For languages of 50 marks, written exam will carry 40 marks and oral exam will carry 10 marks. • For the students of Marathi medium the facility/option of studying English (1st Lang.) instead of English (3rd Lang.) • For the English medium students the facility/option of studying Marathi (1st Lang.) instead of Marathi (2nd Lang.) • The students will have the freedom of choosing Marathi (1st Lang) and English (1st Lang.) according to the rules 2(A) and 2(B).
Language subjects : PROMOTIONS • For passing independently in each of the three languages, scoring minimum 35 marks is a must • For combined passing in 3 langs., the sum of marks obtained should be 105 out of 300. • In the three-languages scoring at least 25 marks out of 100 in each of the failed languages is a must, for applying the above provision. • This provision is applicable only if all the three language papers are appeared for in one examination. • The benefit of automatic condonation marks cannot be given while applying the combined passing provision in three languages. • The benefit of 20 grace marks given for other subjects will also not be applicable to the combined group of languages for passing.
Language subjects : year’s work Annual Result: 1stTerm, 100 marks + 2nd Term, 100 marks = 200 marks Annual result = 200/2 = 100 marks
Language subjects : year’s work COMPOSITE LANGUAGES Annual Result: 1stTerm, 50 marks + 2nd Term, 50 marks = 100 marks Annual result = 100/2 = 50 marks
Language subjects : Internal EVALUATION • A Unit Test of 20 marks will be taken and converted to 5 marks. • 5 HW and 5 essays of 5 marks each will be taken and total 50 marks will be converted to 5. • An oral of 10 marks will be taken and total internal marks will be given out of 20. • The same is true for both Terms and accordingly for composite languages.
Mathematics (Algebra & Geometry or General Mathematics, P-1 & P-2) • This subject will be of 100 marks instead of 150. • It will comprise of 80 marks for written exam and 20 marks for internal evaluation. • Separate answer papers will be provided for Algebra or General Maths P-1 (40 marks) and Geometry or General Maths P-2 (40 marks). • This scheme will be implemented from June 2012 for std. 9 and from June 2013 for std. 10.
Mathematics : year’s work Annual Result: 1stTerm, 100 marks + 2nd Term, 100 marks = 200 marks Annual result = 200/2 = 100 marks
Mathematics: Internal EVALUATION • In each Term, a UT of 40 marks (20 Alg. + 20 Geom.) will be taken and converted to 10 marks. • 3 HW of 10 marks each of Alg. and Geom. will be taken and total 60 marks will be converted to 10. • The same is true for both P-1 & P-2 of General Maths.
Science and Technology • The previous evaluation scheme will continue for the subject Science and Tech. • There will be one textbook with two Sections. • Each section of the textbook will include one unit of EVS (thus, total 2 units of EVS). • The syllabus of ST (60 marks) will include • Physics (18 marks), • Chemistry (18 marks), • Biology (18 marks) and • EVS (6 marks).
Science and Technology : year’s work Annual Result: 1stTerm, 100 marks + 2nd Term, 100 marks = 200 marks Annual result = 200/2 = 100 marks
Mathematics & Science : promotions • For passing independently, scoring 35 marks in Mathematics & Science is required. • For combined passing in Maths & Science, total marks obtained should be 70 out of 200. • For applying above provision, min. 25 marks out of 100 in Maths & Sci. separately is must. • This provision is applicable only if both the subjects are appeared for in one Exam. only. • In spite of all the above, if more marks are required for passing, then the existing benefit of automatic condonation of 5 marks can be given in the combined marks of Maths & Sci. • The benefit of 20 grace marks given for other subjects are not applicable to the combined group of Maths & Science for passing.
Social Sciences • Instead of the previous four textbooks of SS, there will be only two textbooks; • one text book for History and Political Science and • one textbook for Geography and Economics. • The subject Civics has been renamed as “Political Science”. • The syllabus will include • History (28 marks), • P Sci. (12 marks), • Geography (28 marks) and • Economics (12 marks). • Thus, 80 marks for written and 20 marks (10 marks for both sections) for internal evaluation. • Separate question and answer papers for H/P and G/E subjects will be given. • History & Political Science and Geography & Economics will be in one group of 100 marks.
Social Sciences : year’s work Annual Result: 1stTerm, 100 marks + 2nd Term, 100 marks = 200 marks Annual result = 200/2 = 100 marks
Social Sciences : Internal evaluation • In each Term, • A UT of 40 marks (20 His/PS + 20 Geog/Eco) will be taken and converted to 10 marks. • 3 HW of 10 marks each of His/PS and Geog/Eco will be taken and • Total 60 marks (30 + 30) will be converted to 10.
Social Sciences : PROMOTIONS • History & Political Science and Geography & Economics will be in one group of 100 marks. • For promotion independently min 10 marks out of 40 (written) in History & Political Science and min 10 out of 40 (written) in Geography & Economics are compulsory.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) • ICT has been introduced as a compulsory subject in place of the optional IT-subject of WE and 2 periods a week of EVS have been allotted to it. • The syllabus of ICT will be of 50 marks with 40 marks of written exam and 10 marks of practical exam. • 10 Marks of practical will include 2 marks of Journal. ICT will be introduced for std. 10 from June 2013. • IT will discontinue from June ‘12 for std. 9 & from June ‘13 for std. 10. • The two periods of EVS will be allotted to ICT and will include both theory and practical. • The topics of EVS will be integrated with regular subjects. • The periods of ICT will be allotted to regular trained teachers. New teachers will not be appointed for ICT. • The medium of examination for ICT will be Marathi or English.
ICT : year’s work Annual Result: 1stTerm, 75 marks + 2nd Term, 75 marks = 150 marks Annual result = 150/3 = 50 marks
Compulsory School Subjects • Health and Physical Education: • It is compulsory school subject. • Maximum marks for evaluation are 50 including 25 marks of theory (written) and 25 marks for practical exam. • Total marks will be included in the grand total and percentage of the annual result of the student. • Personality Development: • It is compulsory school subject with written examination of 50 marks in each semester. • 50 marks will be allotted to year’s work. • Thus, the average by 3 of marks out 150 will be added to the grand total and average of the annual result.
Optional School Subjects/grade subjects • Work Education/ Vocational : • The previously Work Experience subject has been renamed as Work Education. • Any one of the 35 subjects of WE to be chosen. • In each semester one written exam of 60 marks and practical exam of 40 marks will be taken. • Average by 2 of marks out of 200 will be converted to grade and shown in the annual result. • The same is true for Vocational Subject.
Optional School Subjects/grade subjects • MCC/S. Service/Scout/Guide/NCC/Defence Studies/Civil Defence & Road Safety & VG: • School may choose any one of the above subjects. • For Voc. Guidance, 60 marks are allotted for written exam and 40 marks for practical. • For other subjects written and practical/oral carry 50 marks each. • Each semester will be of 100 marks. • Average by 2 of the total 200 of both semesters will be converted to grade and shown in the result. • MCC subject is for std. 9 only. • The certificate of MCC will be issued to the students by the school.
General PROMOTION RULES • A minimum of 75% attendance of the total working days in each term • To pass the Std. IX Examination, a candidate must secure at least Grade ‘C’ in Work Education & the School Certificate Subject. • To pass Std. 9 Exam. a candidate must obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each subject. • Securing min. 25% marks in the written exam. of all Subjects is mandatory for passing. • No Grace (condonation) marks or other benefit, including Automatic Condonation or Combined Passing to be given, if a student fails to obtain 25% marks in the Written Exam.
General PROMOTION RULES • The 25 % marks are to be calculated by considering the combined marks obtained in the First & Second Semesters’ Written Exams. i. e.
General PROMOTION RULES • Candidate failing in one or more subjects by 2 to 3 marks shall be granted the following automatic condonation of marks for passing. The automatic condonation marks can be given in one or more compulsory subjects
General PROMOTION RULES : Grace Marks • Grace marks are applicable to the candidates who fail to obtain 35% marks in one or more subjects. • A maximum of 20 marks can be given as grace marks. • Not more than 10% (of maximum marks for that subject) grace marks can be granted in any one subject. • Grace marks cannot be given in more than three subjects. • Both Automatic Condonation & Grace marks can be given to one student but not in one & the same subject.
Complied and Presented by Ziyaur-Rehmaan M. H. Ansari Presentation owned by Sardar Haji AmeerSaheb Rais High School & Jr. College, Bhiwandi