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Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

Presentation given at WebCom Montreal, November 16, 2011

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Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation BuildingTHOUGHT LEADERSHIP in an age ofCURATIONPresentation by Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D.St. Edward’s University • @corinnew

  2. cu • ra • tor

  3. cu • ra • torSomeone who plans and oversees thearrangement, cataloguing, and exhibitionof collections. S/he describes andanalyzes valuable objects for the benefitof researchers and the public.

  4. contentIS KING

  5. content

  6. contentcreated

  7. content aggregatedcreated

  8. content aggregatedcreated curated

  9. contentcuration vs. aggregation

  10. sper•ma•lo•gos - a bird picking up seeds here and there.A loafer in the marketplace who picks up scraps of learning& then parades them around without first digesting them.

  11. An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info without providing a frame or contextualizing them.

  12. An aggregator simply bundles together pieces of info without providing a frame or contextualizing them.

  13. Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in newspaper style format really curation?

  14. Is bundling tweets and repackaging them in newspaper style format really curation?

  15. A curator adds a point of view and contextualizes the info s/he is culling together thereby framing the message

  16. “ Anyone can collect links, and algorithms can aggregate. But only trained editors have the skills to select and collect the best information and build a “ loyal audience. - Mark Briggs, Journalism Next

  17. curationHow to become a KING

  18. curationHow to become a KING

  19. STEPSto successfulcuration

  20. findSTEPSto successful track selectcuration engage editorialize share arrange create

  21. 1. FIND • Identify your niche

  22. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources

  23. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources - set up a network (PLN)

  24. 1. FIND • Identify your niche • Find content sources - set up a network (PLN) • Aggregate what you discover

  25. “ The summation of human experience isbeing expanded at a prodigious rate, andthe means we use for threading throughthe consequent maze to the momentarily“ important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.

  26. “ The summation of human experience isbeing expanded at a prodigious rate, andthe means we use for threading throughthe consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships. “ Vannevar Bush, 1945

  27. 2. SELECT • Filter content

  28. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content:

  29. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality

  30. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality - originality

  31. 2. SELECT • Filter content • Select content: - quality - originality - relevance

  32. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content

  33. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content • Introduce/summarize

  34. 3. EDITORIALIZE • Contextualize content • Introduce/summarize • Add your perspective

  35. A retweet with no comment of your own can easily be seenas a sign of approval of what you’re relaying. For instance:RT @jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy ourschoolsUnadorned retweets must be avoided. Use colons &quote marks to make clear you’re simply retweetingopinionated material.RT Jones campaign now denouncing smith on education:@jonescampaign smith’s policies would destroy our schools

  36. Arrange4. • Sort content

  37. Arrange4. • Sort content • Rank content

  38. Arrange4. • Sort content • Rank content • Lay out content

  39. Arrange4. • Sort content • Rank content • Lay out content - Juxtaposition

  40. INFO MOLECULES“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in away to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble

  41. INFO MOLECULES“A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in away to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” - Scoble

  42. CREATE5. • Decide on a format

  43. CREATE5. • Decide on a format - Paper.li, Scoop.it

  44. CREATE5. • Decide on a format - Paper.li, Scoop.it - Storify, Storiful

  45. CREATE5. • Decide on a format - Paper.li, Scoop.it - Storify, Storiful - Twitter curation

  46. CREATE5. • Decide on a format - Paper.li, Scoop.it - Storify, Storiful - Twitter curation • Credit sources

  47. SHARE6. • Identify your audience

  48. SHARE6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use?

  49. SHARE6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use? - share where they are

  50. SHARE6. • Identify your audience • What media do they use? - share where they are • Sharing as a lagniappe

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