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National Strategy for eHealth

Contents of this presentation. Organisation of health care in SwedenDigital information supply in daily work of swedish health care present statusThe National Strategy of e-Health, vision and goalsAction areas in making the vision realCoordinated development support and managementNational w

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National Strategy for eHealth

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Presentation Transcript

    1. National Strategy for eHealth Plan of action for Sweden’s County Councils 2007 – 2009 What are we doing, and how are we doing it? Dublin 12th of June 2008 Lars Rådh Swedish Healthcare Direct

    2. Contents of this presentation Organisation of health care in Sweden Digital information supply in daily work of swedish health care – present status The National Strategy of e-Health, vision and goals Action areas in making the vision real Coordinated development – support and management National work and ”home work”

    3. Health Care in Sweden - organisation 9 million inhabitants 21 self-governed regions/county councils with responsibilty for hospital and primary care – taxation rights 290 self-governed local authorities/municipalities with responsibility for care of the elderly – taxation rights Legislation of health care on a national level – the parliament Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions – SALAR National Center for Coordination of e-Health (NCCEH) within SALAR

    4. The general goals - health care must….. be safe and of good quality be based on patient´s dignity and self-determination be accessible give greatest possible freedom of choice provide patients with information on accessibility and on the quality of care use care resources efficiently and effectively

    5. Characteristics of today´s eHealth in Sweden Widespread use – experienced users (public and staff) Many web sites for the public – few personal services Often multiple log ins for daily work in health care History of decentralized implementation – ”archipelago” of installations with few bridges. Solutions and vendors vary between, and often within, each county Applications do not always support the business processes On the other hand: Consolidation of infrastructure and applications has started The important actors and stakeholders have agreed on a National Strategy for eHealth (2006) Several important projects are in delivery phase during 2008-2009

    6. Expectations Citizens, used to Internet, ask for health care information including advice, offers and electronic services like ”choose and book” Health care professionals ask for easy access (single sign on) to essential information independant of where it´s registered Financers and authorities ask for measures of quality and effectiveness

    7. National Strategy for eHealth – Our Vision For citizens: Easy access to full information on health, healthcare services, and individual health situation. For staff of healthcare and social services: Well-functioning and coordinated IT support to assure patient safety and facilitate work. For decision-makers in health and social services: Capacity to monitor patient safety, quality of care, and resource distribution.

    8. Actors working to make the national strategy a reality The Parliament – legislation The National Board of Health and Welfare All County Councils/Regions of Sweden The Local Authorities/municipalities The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) The private care givers Sjukvårdsrådgivningen SVR AB – (Swedish Healthcare Direct) provides project management and IT- services within the National strategy Many actors involved Conclusion; Its not possible to reach the goals without an agreement which includes all the major stakeholders

    9. How shall we reach the goal? A National plan of action New legislation Uniform content design for patient record system National solutions for secure information transfer National patient summary Healthcare advice by Web and phone Quality registries Management model for coordinated development

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