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Heavy quark nuclear modification factor: more baryons, less mesons, less energy loss

Heavy quark nuclear modification factor: more baryons, less mesons, less energy loss. Alejandro Ayala Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM. STAR non-photonic electrons R AA Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 , 192301. Nuclear modification factor R AA. R AA = d 2 N AA /dp  d 

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Heavy quark nuclear modification factor: more baryons, less mesons, less energy loss

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  1. Heavy quark nuclear modification factor: more baryons, less mesons, less energy loss Alejandro Ayala Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM

  2. STAR non-photonic electrons RAAPhys. Rev. Lett. 98, 192301

  3. Nuclear modification factor RAA RAA = d2NAA/dpd <Nb> d2Npp/dpd RAA should be ~1 in the absence of medium effects

  4. ALICE non-photonic electrons RAAarXiv:1106.4042 [nucl-ex]

  5. ALICE heavy flavorsarXiv:1106.4042 [nucl-ex]

  6. ALICE heavy flavor RAAarXiv:1106.4042 [nucl-ex] Suppression as strong as for light flavors

  7. STAR proton to pion ratiosnucl-ex/0703040

  8. STAR lambda to kaon ratiosnucl-ex/0601042

  9. RecombinationarXiv:1102.5723 [nucl-th] Low to intermediate pt, falling off exponential Large pt power law fall off

  10. Recombination/coalescence meson momentum p p p1+p2 Parton pt distribution (log scale) (recombination)

  11. baryon momentum p p p1+ p2 + p3 Recombination/coalescence Parton pt distribution (log scale) (recombination) higher yield

  12. Features • quark momenta add to produce a given pT hadrons • soft parton density depends on medium • more quarks for baryons than for mesons • enhanced dependence on centrality for baryons when thermal partons are involved

  13. Is there a relation between the properties of RAA and baryon/meson enhancement? Number of hadrons containing charm in either AA or pp collisions Energy loss

  14. RAA and baryon/meson enhancement relation If heavy flavor baryon/meson is enhanced in AA with respect to pp then there is a source of RAA other than just energy loss Neglectng one gets

  15. Same effect for non-photonic electrons : branching ratio for the decay of heavy flavor meson and baryon into electrons < 1

  16. Same effect for non-photonic electrons < 1 for x < 1 provided baryon/meson is enhanced in AA with respect to pp

  17. Dynamical Recombination Model

  18. Probabilities from dynamical heavy-quark recombination baryons mesons

  19. Charm meson/baryon

  20. D mesons RAA

  21. Non-photonic single electrons RAA

  22. Conclusions • Accounting for medium’s quark momentum redistribution (recombination/coalescence) heavy flavor nuclear modification factors well described without the need of large energy loss in the intermediate pt region. • Overall results independent of model as long as the enhancement of baryon/meson exists in AA with respecto to pp (even for high momentum)

  23. Backup slides

  24. Momentum distributions speed of sound vs2 =1/3, critical temperature Tc = 175 MeV, initial time 0=1 fm, finite transverse expansion velocity vT=0 - 0.4 finial temperature T=100 MeV, initial temperature T=200 MeV.

  25. Momentum distributions

  26. Branching ratios Average between masses of B0 and D0 Average between masses of c and b

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