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Have you ever seen a Java course that is 'visual' in nature? The kind of lessons where you can see what happens when you are creating an object, doing method overloading, and using run-time polymorphism. I bet you haven't. Welcome to the most 'visual' Java course you will ever take.<br><br>This course teaches you everything you need to get started with Java programming. It divides each topic into explanation and example.<br><br>The explanation section deals with how a particular concept works in Java and covers the following:<br><br>Data Types & Variables, Typecasting,<br>Operators & Conditional statements such as if, if else, switch<br>Loops such as for, for each, while, and do while<br>Methods, Types of methods, Call by Value vs. Call by Reference, Variable Scope, Method Overloading,<br>Arrays and ArrayLists,<br>Classes and objects, How classes and objects work, and How primitive types vs. reference types are stored<br>Swing classes to take input from the user and command line methods to take input from the user such as BufferedReader, Scanner, Console,<br>Static variables, static methods, this keyword, super keyword, method overriding,<br>What is inheritance<br>And a real world example of run-time polymorphism that actually demonstrates what happens with vs. without polymorphism.<br>The example section covers an example for every concept discussed above. The course will be updated constantly to keep in sync with the real world developments in Java. So, are you ready to become a Java PRO?
The FREE Java Course The FREE Java Course that doesn’t SUCK that doesn’t SUCK Part 1 Part 1
1. Memory Organization 2. Data Hierarchy Agenda 3. Types of programming languages 4. Hello World 5. Steps to Run A Java Program 6. Type Conversions
7. Operators 1. Arithmetic Agenda 2. Relational 3. Assignment 4. Increment/Decrement 5. Logical
8. If 9. Ternary Operator 10. for Agenda 11. while 12. do while 13. break 14. continue
15. Strings 16. String Builder & Conversions Agenda 17. Methods & Types of methods 18. Method Overloading 19. Variable Scope 20. Arrays
Where do I watch these videos? coursetro.com
Keyboard Input Devices Main Memory Mouse Control Unit Display CPU ALU Output Devices Secondary Storage Printer Storage CPU
0 1 Bit or Unicode Letter V 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i z V v Field 26 Vivz Record 26 Vivz 32 Gary File 26 Anky coursetro.com
Machine Level Assembly Level High Level +1300042774 +1400593419 +1200274027 load pay add overtime store total total = pay + overtime coursetro.com
Click To Watch Videos Below Install Java JDK On Mac Install Java JDK On Windows Relevant Videos Install IntelliJ On Windows Install IntelliJ On Mac
Google It! • ASCII table • unicode table • ASCII vs Unicode • utf-8 means • utf-8 vs utf-16 • machine level language vs assembly language
Hello World Hello World coursetro.com
“ “Hello World” ” coursetro.com
println println( (“Hello World”); ); coursetro.com
System.out. System.out.println(“Hello World”); coursetro.com
Google It! 1. println in Java 2. system.out.println 3. java system class 4. java String 5. java main method 6. string args in java 7. void in java
Create 5 steps to run a Java program Run Compile Verify Load
Create Editor Disk coursetro.com
Compile Compiler Disk javac HelloWorld.java -> HelloWorld.class coursetro.com
Load Class Loader Primary Memory Disk java HelloWorld coursetro.com
Verify Bytecode Verifier Primary Memory coursetro.com
Run Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Primary Memory coursetro.com
Click To Watch Videos Below Memory Hello World Explained Organization And Data Hierarchy Relevant Videos Hello World Example Steps To Run A Java Program
Google It! 1. list of java editors 2. javac command 3. java command 4. java compiler vs interpreter 5. java classloader 6. java bytecode verifier 7. jvm in java 8. jvm vs jre 9. jvm vs jre vs jdk vs jit
What is a variable? Storage location in a computer program. It has a name and value. Assign a value to it any number of times. coursetro.com
byte short int long 1 byte 4 bytes 8 bytes 2 bytes
boolean char float double Not precisely defined 4 bytes 8 bytes 2 bytes
byte byte myByte = 100; = 100; short short myShort = 1000; = 1000; int int myInt = 100000; = 100000; long long myLong = 1000000; = 1000000; coursetro.com
float float myFloat = 125.124f; = 125.124f; double double myDouble = 125.214545544; = 125.214545544; char char myChar = ‘C’; = ‘C’; boolean boolean condition = true = true coursetro.com
What is a constant? It has a name and a value. You must assign the value while creating it and cannot change it afterwards. coursetro.com
Example final final double PI = 3.14159625; coursetro.com
Google It! 1. Data types in java 2. java constants 3. java final variable
Type Conversion Type Conversion A small box can be fitted into a bigger box but vice versa is tricky. A small box can be fitted into a bigger box but vice versa is tricky. long int int long Implicit Type Conversion Explicit Type Conversion
Type Conversion Type Conversion int earthRad = 6371; long long radius = earthRad earthRad; long int coursetro.com
Type Conversion Type Conversion long galaxyRad= 1000000000000000000L L; int int radius = ( (int int) ) galaxyRad; long int coursetro.com
Click To Watch Videos Below Variables And Constants Example Variables And Constants Explained Relevant Videos Typecasting Explained Typecasting Example
Arithmetic Operators Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus + - * / % coursetro.com
Modulus Operator • It gives you the remainder between 2 numbers. It gives you the remainder between 2 numbers. 5 % 2 = 1 5 % 2 = 1 3 4 5 1 2 2 * 2 = 4 2 * 2 = 4 • 3 % 4 = 3 3 % 4 = 3 coursetro.com
Expression • Expression in Algebra 1 + 2 + 3 + 4+ 5 = 3 5 • Expression in Java (1 + 2 + 3 + 4+ 5) / 5 = 3 coursetro.com
Operator Precedence In Java Arithmetic Operators are evaluated in the following order from first to last Multiplicative * / % Additive + - Example: 3 * 41 + 7 / 3 – 2 % 1 = ((3 * 41) + (7 / 3)) – (2 % 1) = 125.33 coursetro.com
Google It! 1. explicit typecasting in java 2. implicit typecasting in java 3. integer division in java 4. modulus operator can be applied to which of the following 5. java expression example 6. precedence of operators in java 7. associativity of operators in java
Greater Than //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 > 4; result = 5 > 4; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 4; = 5; = 4; //Contains true boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne > > numTwo numTwo; ; coursetro.com
Less Than //Contains false boolean boolean result = 5 < 4; result = 5 < 4; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 4; = 5; = 4; //Contains false boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne < < numTwo numTwo; ; coursetro.com
Greater Than Or Equal To //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 >= 4; result = 5 >= 4; //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 >= 5; result = 5 >= 5; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 4; = 5; = 4; >= numTwo numTwo; ; //Contains true boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne >= coursetro.com
Less Than Or Equal To //Contains false boolean boolean result = 5 <= 4; result = 5 <= 4; //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 <= 5; result = 5 <= 5; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 4; = 5; = 4; <= numTwo numTwo; ; //Contains false boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne <= coursetro.com
Equals To //Contains false boolean boolean result = 5 == 4; result = 5 == 4; //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 == 5; result = 5 == 5; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 5; = 5; = 5; //Contains true boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne == == numTwo numTwo; ; coursetro.com
Not Equals To //Contains true boolean boolean result = 5 != 4; result = 5 != 4; //Contains false boolean boolean result = 5 != 5; result = 5 != 5; int int numOne numOne = 5; int int numTwo numTwo = 5; = 5; = 5; //Contains false boolean boolean result = result = numOne numOne != != numTwo numTwo; ; coursetro.com
Click To Watch Videos Below Arithmetic Operators Example Arithmetic Operators Explained Relevant Videos Relational Operators Explained Relational Operators Example