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August 12, 2014. Department of Pupil Services Staff Development In-Service. Mr. Randy Park (Administrator) Mrs. Lucila Garza (Supervisor) Mrs. Ida Saenz (Supervisor). Mr. Randy Park (Administrator) Mrs. Ida Saenz (Supervisor) Mrs. Lucila Garza (Supervisor).
August 12, 2014 Department of Pupil ServicesStaff Development In-Service Mr. Randy Park (Administrator) Mrs. Lucila Garza (Supervisor) Mrs. Ida Saenz (Supervisor) Mr. Randy Park (Administrator) Mrs. Ida Saenz (Supervisor) • Mrs. Lucila Garza (Supervisor)
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Found online under BISD Website and Department of Pupil Services Discipline Updates page 6 and 14 Attendance Updates pages 23- 35
BISD Calendar 2014-2015 (on website) First Class Day..August 25th Last Day……..June 5th PEIMS Snapshot…October 31st
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 6) Right of Appeal- Suspension ISS… is limited to an equivalent total of 30 days within an instructional year per student
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 14) Length of Placement ISS- 30 days per instructional year When there is more than one offense, or while pending placement… and another infraction occurs…. Consider having the removal terms run concurrently.
Discipline Reminders Refer to the Administrative Guidelines From Department of Pupil Services
2014-2015 Disciplinary Chart 425Chart for Determining Mandatory Placement and Expulsion Codes See Bottom of Chart * Retaliation against school employee or volunteer coupled with an offense in TEC 37.007(a) or (d). While a school may find it necessary to temporarily remove a student for safety reasons using in-school or out-of-school suspension, the mandatory actions taken against a student for particular offense should include at least one (1) 425 record that matches this chart. ** 2ndOffenses *** 90 day @ JJAEP (MOU)
Once enrolled, Compulsory Attendance Law requires PK & Kinder Students to attend school (SCC page 23) “If an enrolled student under the age of six, or if a student is 18 or older, and that student has more than five unexcused absences in a semester, the district may revoke the student’s enrollment.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 23) • Official Attendance roll (2nd Period for all grades) will be as follows: • Elementary Schools 9:40 AM • Middle Schools 9:15 AM • High Schools 10:15 AM *Subject to Change
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 23) Home Schooling HOME SCHOOLING (As per Policy FEA Local) • Parents have the right to provide home schooling for their children. To be home schooled the following must be met; • A letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian stating that the student is being home schooled is acceptable documentation when addressed to the District and received by the campus administrator. Letters from parents/guardians must indicate the actual date home schooling began. • If the parents refuse to submit a letter of notification or if the District has evidence that the school-age child is not being home-schooled within legal requirements, the District may investigate further and, if warranted, shall pursue legal action to enforce the compulsory attendance law.
FEA (Legal) Compulsory Attendance Private or Home School • A student in a home school shall be exempt from compulsory attendance if he or she is pursuing in good faith a curriculum consisting of books, workbooks, other written materials, or any combination of these. The curriculum shall be designed to meet basic education goals of reading, spelling, grammar, mathemathics and a student of good citizenship. TEA v Leeper, 893 S.W. 2d 432 (Tex. 1994)
FEA (Local) Compulsory Attendance for Students in Home Schools • PEIMS Revised FEA (Local)/ Pending Board Approval • PEIMS Appendix D: Leaver Code 60-Documentation requirement: A letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian stating that the student is being home schooled. Letters must indicate the actual date home schooling began. • If the District has evidence that the school-age child is not being homeschooled, the District may investigate further, and if warranted, shall pursue legal action to enforce the compulsory attendance law. • Also in SCC- HomeSchooling 2014-2015
FEA (Local) Compulsory Attendance for Students in Home Schools • PEIMS Revised FEA (Local)/ Pending Board Approval • PEIMS Appendix D: Leaver Code 60-Documentation requirement: A letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian stating that the student is being home schooled. Letters must indicate the actual date home schooling began. • If the District has evidence that the school-age child is not being homeschooled, the District may investigate further, and if warranted, shall pursue legal action to enforce the compulsory attendance law. • Also in SCC- HomeSchooling 2014-2015
Student Intra-DistrictTransfer Information (on website)*End Sept. 15, 2014*Must follow UIL requirements*Must meet Eligibility
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 24) Application for those living outside Brownsville: BISD Employees Non-Employees (work in Brownsville) INTER-DISTRICT TRANSFERS • Inter-district transfers are available the entire instructional year and may be obtained at the Department of Pupil Services, 708 Palm Blvd. room 123. • The Texas Education Code does not allow a district the authority to revoke any transfer mid-year except for nonpayment of tuition.
Residence Verification Report Form • Verification Form used by Attendance Liaisons • Verification Results of Student Status (Reprove, Revisit, moved out of zone, or moved to new address) • Verification Form Report signed by Campus Administrator, PEIMS Administrator for Attendance Liaison to follow through with parent notice to Revoke Dual/POA
Revoking Dual Residence Form (on website)*Can be revoked at the end of the closest grading period.*Send copy to Dept. of Pupil Services.
Revocation of Power of Attorney *Parent and Guardian must come to Dept. of Pupil Services
Revoking Transfers (on website)*Revoke at the end of the 1st-3rd six weeks grading period for: 1) excessive tardies, and/or absences, 2) failing classes, 3) violations of code of conduct.* If revoked, will not be eligible to request transfer to same school the following school year. * Last Day to Revoke is the End of the 1st Semester or End of the School Year , Dec. 18, 2014.* Send copy to Dept of Pupil Services.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 24) Truancy Forms Notices to Parents - Warning of Absences • A student is truant if he/she is absent 10 or more days or parts of days without proper excuse within a 6-month period in the school year or is absent 3 or more days or parts of days within a 4-week period. • The campus will notify a student’s parent with a warning notice letter if the student is absent from school, without excuses, after three or more days (or parts of days within a four-week period). • Then a court warning notice letter will be given to the student’s parent after the student has been absent ten or more days without excuses (or parts of days within a six-month period) in the same school year (See policy FEA Legal).
FEA (LEGAL) compulsory attendanceNon-AttendanceFiling Requirements Each referral to juvenile court alleging a violation by a student of Education Code 25.094 must: • 1) Be accompanied by a statement from the student’s school certifying that the school applied the truancy prevention measure (see FED) to the student, and the measures failed to meaningfully address the student’s school attendance… • 2) Specify whether the student is eligible for or receives special education services under Education Code Chapter 29, Subchapter A. A court shall dismiss a complaint or referral by a district that does not comply with these requirement. Education Code 25.0915 (b), (c)
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 25) • . A teacher, principal, nurse, or counselor of the school in which a student is enrolled may excuse the temporary absence of the student for any reason they deem acceptable with adequate documentation (See policy FEA LEGAL). • Tardiness does not equal anunexcused absence as per (op. Texas Attorney General, DM -2000 (1993). • Tardiness is a discipline matter that should be handled through the Campus Discipline Rules.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 25) WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL State law requires all children between the ages of 6-18 years to be enrolled in school. In addition, once a child is enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, he/she is required by state law to attend. This also applies to tutorials and/or extended year service programs (EYS) which a student is required to attend. Minor students, ages 6 through ages 17, may withdraw from school by presenting a request signed by the student’s parent/guardian and stating the reason for the withdrawal, but the student must re-enroll in another public/private school within a 10 day period.
Student Code of Conduct (SCC)Attendance Requirements = on BISD WebsiteTRUANCY – No Credit Policy (page 25) According to Policy FEC (LOCAL), any student with less than 90% (percent) attendance for the days the class is offered shall be subject to loss of credit in the course(s) where excessive absences have been recorded. In order to maintain credit, a student may not exceed the number of unexcused absences listed: Elementary Schools…18 days per year Middle Schools… …8 days first semester, 10 days second semester or 18 days per year High Schools…… …8 days first semester, 10 days second semester or 18 days per year If a student is absent, the parent or guardian must call the school office that day to report the reason. Within five days of returning to school, the parent must submit a written note stating the reason for the student’s absence. The district will accept parent’s handwritten notes to excuse five absence days during the instructional year (see Policy FEC Local).
FEC Local- Written Excuses (WEX) • EXCUSED ABSENCES • The Superintendent or designee may excuse a student absence. The student shall only be allowed five written excused absences per calendar year. Additional absences after five shall be unexcused unless excused by the campus principal. Board Approved on Sept. 17, 2013
PreK Attendance Pledge 2014-2015After 5 days of written unexcused absences per year, the Principal may withdraw child from school (SCC page 25) Alma Garza Burns Principal
Parent Attendance Commitment LetterFor Unexcused Absences (ABS):3 days=Attendance Warning Letter6 days= Attendance Plan10 days= Court Warning & File Complaint (within 10 days)
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 25) • TRUANCY – No Credit Policy Students who are absent as a result of observance of religious holy days or documented health care appointments that make up the work missed may not be penalized for the absences. [Ed. Code 25.087(b) and Ed. code 25.092(e)]
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 25) Perfect Attendance= No ELR • TRUANCY – No Credit Policy (page 25) District procedures for perfect attendance recognition are outlined in “Perfect Attendance Recognition.”Campus Incentives and Awards will be available every six weeks for Pk-12th graders who meet the District Student Attendance Goals (see DIP 2014-2015, section 7.3).
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 29) Athletics • . A copy of the UIL constitution and contest rules are available for review at the BISD Athletics department, BISD Fine Arts Department or a the UIL website: www.uiltexas.org/athletics. • Please contact the respective campus principal or the appropriate department for contest eligibility.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 30) Dress, Grooming, and Accessories (Revised by District Dress Code Committee) • Note: Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, all elementary and middle schools will implement a standardized attirerequirement as designated by the respective campus administration. All elementary campus dress codes will include a white polo style (collar) shirt that may include BISD official logo.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates (page 31) Grooming (Revised by District Dress Code Committee) • No exposed tattoos that display gang symbols, obscenities, suggestive slogans, nudity, crime, violence, death imagery, drugs, alcohol, or which promote the use of tobacco.
Health Care Appointment (SCC page 32) Know when to Count Present for “MED” • Whenever possible, doctor appointments should be scheduled outside the school day. However, the student who has a documented appointment with a health care professional during school hours may be excused and shall be counted as having attended for purposes of calculating the average daily attendance in the district, provided the following conditions are in place: 1) commences classes or returns to school on the same day of the appointment, 2) brings back a note from the health professional, 3) makes up work within a reasonable time.
SCC and Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Updates(page 35) Perfect Attendance Recognition • “PERFECT ATTENDANCE is as defined: No absences for any part of the day that the student is scheduled to be in attendance at school with the exception of documented school business or school-related activities…. • Campus Incentives and Awards will be available every six week for PK-12th graders who meet the District Student Attendance Goals (see DIP 2014-2015, section 7.3).
Early Release Form for Perfect Attendance Recognition AwardData Entry Inputs ELR
District Improvement Plan 2014-2015Attendance Strategies 7.1 Monitoring that Parent Truancy Court Notices/Letters are generated through eSchool. Campus provides parents with Attendance Notice Letters and Student Attendance Plans…. 7.2 Training provided to ensure student attendance is monitored through Court Complaint Affidavits filed..
District Improvement Plan 2014-2015Attendance Strategies 7.3 Distribution of Campus Incentives and Awards available every six weeks…. 7.4 Contacting Parents of students with Excessive Unexcused Absences through District Truancy Sweeps.. 7.5 Upcoming Training for PEIMS new Student Accounting System – TSDS ….
Believe in BISD Attendance (Pending Updated Flyers on BISD Wedsite)
Perfect AttendanceInitiativesHigh SchoolCar Giveaway 2014-2015
Perfect Attendance (Elementary & Middle School)Grand Prize Giveaway
Believe in BISD Decals* Decals given to All Students & Employees by Grants Department*Random decal numbers selected to win at the end of every six weeks.
eSchool GeneratedTruancy Reports for PEIMS Supervisor, Data Entry, Attendance Clerks/Liaisons,Parental Liaisons Upcoming Training dates: Sept. 2nd AM- Hanna & Veterans Cluster (Elementary) PM- Lopez & Rivera Cluster (Elementary) Sept. 3rd AM- Pace Cluster (Elementary) PM- Porter Cluster (Elementary) Sept. 4thAM- Middle Schools PM- High Schools
FED (LEGAL) attendance EnforcementTruancy Prevention Measures The District shall adopt truancy prevention measures designed to address student conduct related to truancy in the school setting, minimize the need for referrals to juvenile court for conduct described by Family Code 51.01 (b) (2), and minimize the filing of complaints in courts alleging a violation of Education Code 25.094 (a).
eSchoolTruancy Form:Campus Attendance Monitoring Checklist Truancy Form:*Fill-in information not merged from eSchool (ie. IDEA, Age….)*Must show Interventions and Parent Signature*Submit within timeline with Court documentation to our Dept.
eSchoolTruancy Form: Attendance Notice Letter*Fill-in information not merged from eSchool (ie. IDEA, Age….)*Needs Parent Signature