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High Level Physics Applications – The Big Picture. Day 1: Relation of High Level Applications to Other Systems. It can be big!. Accelerator View: Satellite. Accelerator View: Engineer. Engineer’s view: lot’s of real stuff in it that requires interfaces and meets design requirements.
High Level Physics Applications – The Big Picture Day 1: Relation of High Level Applications to Other Systems J-PARC
It can be big! Accelerator View: Satellite USPAS
Accelerator View: Engineer Engineer’s view: lot’s of real stuff in it that requires interfaces and meets design requirements
Accelerator View: Theoretical Physicist An abstract object that performs manipulations on ideal beams under ideal conditions
Accelerator: Operations View A control room with interfaces to whatever is required for seamless accelerator operation.
Accelerator: Manager’s View A device that meets the promises made to the funding sponsor
High Level Control Room Physics Applications Need to consider the many points of view of the disparate systems that an accelerator is composed of: Magnets RF Diagnostics Timing Control system All of these are input/output to the high level applications There can be many devices Effect on the beam is coupled Not feasible to control each device individually Need a physical model to help guide the setting of these
Relation of High Level Applications to the Control System and the Hardware The high level applications communicate with hardware through a control system It’s important to carefully spell out the requirements / interfaces for the control system and the underlying hardware. Control System
EPICS View of the Data Flow Here XAL would be a client Most “MEDM” screens are preconfigured interfaces to hardware MEDM MEDM Client Client Client MEDM Channel Access Server IOC IOC IOC Meter Power Supply Camera
High Level (physics) Applications High level applications typically integrate information from multiple systems over an extent of the accelerator These applications often require information about the beam (from beam diagnostics) and perform manipulations on the beam (magnets / RF) They communicate with these systems through a control system Often a physics based model is used to provide information how to control the beam Examples: Orbit display and correction, orbit bumps, setting RF phase and amplitude, …
Specify the Interfaces, and all should work In principle things are simple: Specify what you want to receive from measurement devices, e.g. a measure of the horizontal beam position at some place and time and return its value in mm, with name “xyz” Specify what you’d like to control E.g. a magnet field level, in Tesla, for magnet xyz. Wire it all up and hit the “On” button
What Could Go Wrong??? Since high level applications use information measured from many sources, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of these sources It is also important to understand the limitations of equipment you may try and control There are inherent difficulties in trying to communicate quickly with many information sources – control systems are complicated and not consistently reliable. Often the majority of a high level application is exception handling – checking for the things you are aware of that can go wrong. Let’s examine some of the primary players in accelerator measurement and control
Magnet Controllers Typically engineers provide a current or voltage setpoint and readback Physicist need magnetic field Power supply can be tripped (setpoint is OK, but readback may be bad) Iron core magnets take time to settle – need to wait after setting them before measuring the effect on t the beam Hysteresis affects the field level for a given current setting
Diagnostics - Eyes and Ears to the Beam BPM – Beam Position Monitor measure beam position BCM – Beam Current Monitor (current transformer) BLM - Beam Loss Monitor Ionization chamber (IC) Photomultiplier tube (PT) Profile measurement Wires Fluorescence screens Residual gas stripping Lasers
Beam Position Monitors Moving charge induces current in surrounding electrodes Zo electrode beam
BPM BPM signals: Amplitude = sum of top + bottom +left + right Vertical position = (top-bottom)/amplitude Horizontal position = (left – right)/amplitude R Zo - - - - - -- - Zo Iwall Reflection ++++++++ - - - - - - Ibeam + - - - - - - - ++++++++ Zo - - - - - - - Zo R
Beam Current Monitor (BCM) Magnetic Field R N turns v Toroidal Core is proportional to I I out is 1/N times I in Varying Current • A changing current induces a voltage on a current loop surrounding it:
Typical Analog Front End & Digitizer Block Diagram There is typically a fair amount of information processing in the analog / digital conversion Often there are gain settings (saturation effects) AD602A or AD603 -10dB to +30dB AD8131 Diff. Out SWITCHED ATTENUATOR 0dB,-20dB,-40dB 7MHz Gaussian LP Filter Dual-amps switched 78 Ohms FILTER -40 dB 6mV to 23.4 V -34dB to +26dB Duplicated for switched amps 8 Bits GAIN FRONT END REG. 1.05MHz rf 8 Bits AD6644 14 Bit +/- 1.1V DIGITAL INTERFACE 14 Bits + DAC ADC +0dB DATA - 40MHz or 60MHz Clock (continuous) DIGITIZER
Example Digital Interface Plenty of room for problems in the digitizer to control system interface as well Timing triggers are always an issue 1.05MHz (f) RING Ref. 1.05MHz RING Ref PLL and TIMING TIMING EVENT TRIGGER 1mS GATE 67MHz Clock Gate Control Timing Data Timing In 14 Bits Data Timing Out DIGITIZER CIRCULAR DATA MEMORY FIFO DATA LOCAL COMPUTER DATA DATA PC INTERFACE 8 Bits GAIN & SETTINGS MEMORY
BCMs BCMs are quite simple looking
Controllers for diagnostics are located in racks in service buildings Sometimes someone brushing against a cable can mess up things They have their own expert system interfaces (be careful that the proper values are restored after re-boots!)
RF Systems Use Oscillating Electric Fields to Accelerate a Charged Particle High Voltage Convertor Modulators High Power RF Low Level RF accelerated Electric Force in Cavity accelerated Time decelerated 10-9 sec
RF System Components Klystrons Klystrons Klystrons Ring Cavity Transmitter Linac LLRF Reference Line System Ring LLRF
Typical LLRF Control Rack Typical LLRF control rack installation in the superconducting linac. • The VXI crate contains: • Input/Output Controller: PowerPC running VxWorks • Utility Module: Decodes events from Real Time Data Link (Global Timing System) • Timing Module: Generates RF Gate timing signal • Two FCM/HPM pairs – generates the patterns for the high power RF, includes feedback, feed-forward, interfaces to the control system, etc.
Field Control Module (FCM) Regulates frequency control , field amplitude and phase regulation Corrects for correlated and uncorrelated errors Adaptive feed-forward control used for correction of repetitive field errors caused by beam loading and Lorentz force detuning RF Sequencer is used for normal operations – startup, warming up cavities, tuning cavities, etc. Primary interface to the Control system, e.g. what phase and ampltude does the user want the cavity to run at.
High-power Protection Module (HPM) Responsible for protection of the RF systems Monitors up to 7 RF inputs Detects cavity and klystron arc faults utilizing the AFT FOARC chassis Vacuum interface is connected to LLRF via HPM Soft interlocks from Cryo, Water, HPRF and Coupler Cooling Chatter faults are expert settable to fine tune individual channels History plots are available to monitor any two input channels
Timing Systems (Master) Master Timing system generates event signals and propagates these throughout the accelerator to be used as triggers for systems Pulsed magnets Diagnostics RF …
Timing Systems (Clients) A difficulty is that different systems receive separate triggers and handle these triggers differently
Timing Signals from Multiple Sources Providing common units and ways of providing information amongst disparate groups is important
High Level Applications – Systems Interfaces The interface between high level applications and the different machine systems is through the control system The high level application developers should request the information they would like to receive from the system experts Measureable/settable entity, units, context, Good communication between experts is important – needs to be initiated as early as possible Access to raw data is valuable for verification
Putting it All Together – Control Room Software Applications We want to know what the beam is doing where and when We want to control the magnets and RF with “physically meaningful units” relative to the beam We want to adjust the controllable parameters in a predictable manner This is what High Level Physics Applications tend to do Lots of things can go wrong: “trust but verify” all information that you use. The beam never lies!!!