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Over 35,000 category. 1 st place Subscriber Acquisition St Louis Post Dispatch . St. Louis Post-Dispatch Entry– Slide 1. Newspaper : St. Louis Post-Dispatch City and State : St. Louis, Missouri Circulation Group : Over 35,000 Entry Category and Name : Subscriber Acquisition
Over 35,000 category 1st place Subscriber Acquisition St Louis Post Dispatch
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Entry– Slide 1 Newspaper: St. Louis Post-Dispatch City and State: St. Louis, Missouri Circulation Group : Over 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Subscriber Acquisition Name of Entry: November One Day Sale Submitted By: Becky Griess Phone: 314-340-8910 E-Mail: bgriess@post-dispatch.com Title: Director of Sales, Promotions and Audience Development Objective: To push subscriptions sales on Monday, November 5, 2012. The Post-Dispatch had a goal of 500 total new subscribers acquired based from the heavily promoted sale. Summary: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch used many traditional and non traditional methods of communications between Sunday, November 4 and Monday, November 5 to promote this very limited time offer. Customers were instructed to go online or call in on Monday, November 5 and were also required to pay in advance to be eligible for the special. The following communication methods were used:- Single Copy Inserts- Email Blast- Local Area Bloggers – Stlmommy.com- Stltoday.com – Home Page Ad; Story Top Mod promotion.- Facebook Posts on Stltoday.com and Post-Dispatch main pages- Twitter - @Weatherbird- Mobile Apps – Stltoday mobile apps. Results: The Post-Dispatch secured a total of 536 new subscribers, with the efforts outlined above.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Entry– Slide 2 Mobile: Tablet Ad Mobile: Phone Ad Online: STLtoday Big Ad Single Copy Insertion – Inserted 11/04/12 and 11/05/12 Email Blast– Sent on11/05/12 at 6:17am and 4:07pm
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Entry– Slide 3 Online Promotion: Top Mod on Stltoday.com Twitter Promotion: @Weatherbird Facebook Promotion: Stltoday.com and Today’s Deal Blogger Promotion:Stlmommy.com
Over 35,000 category 2nd place Subscriber Acquisition Green Bay Press Gazette
Bay Park Square Mall– Slide 1 Newspaper: Green Bay Press-Gazette City and State: Green Bay, WI Circulation Group : OVER 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Name of Entry: Bay Park Square Mall Promotion Submitted By: Scott Daily, Joe Suttner, & Katy Duzinske Phone: Phone: (920) 993-7103 E-Mail: jsuttner2@gannett.com Title: Regional Sales Manager, Consumer Sales Manager, Consumer Sales Specialist Objective: To get approval for kiosk sales inside the Green Bay area’s largest mall and to increase awareness of our multiple platforms. Summary: At a Green Bay mall we established an ongoing campaign and kiosk promotion, including table tents with QR codes and subscription information on the food court tables. From the ceiling in a shopping wing, a 7x10 ft banner hangs. There is also a 7 Periodically a kiosk booth is staffed to drive subscriptions. New subscribers receive a$40 mall gift card. Final Results: The first month of weekend kiosk sales resulted in 203 sales. These starts reflected an anticipated annual gross profit of $52,800.
Bay Park Square Mall Kiosk booth Giant sky banner in mall’s Wing 203 New Home Delivery Sales! Generated $52,800 in New Revenue New subscribers received up to a $40 mall gift card 7- ft Standee • 4-sided table tents on food court tables
Over 35,000 category 1st place Single Copy News- Gazette
Entry Template – Slide 1 Newspaper: The News-Gazette Circulation Group : Over 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Single Copy Name of Entry: Shop and Win Submitted By: Melinda Carpenter Phone: 217-351-5601 E-Mail: mcarpent@news-gazette.com Title: Single Copy Manager Objective: To increase sales at our single copy rack and dealer locations as well as benefit the participating Casey's stores by generating more traffic at those locations. Summary: ROP ads ran in our weekly newspaper as well as our weeklies encouraging readers to look for the Bingo entry forms in upcoming editions of the paper. Readers removed the entry form and played the Bingo game by shopping for certain items at a Casey's General Store and then marking them off on their entry form. Completed forms were entered into a weekly drawing for a $100 gift card to Casey's. The promotion ran for three weeks. Four winners were drawn each week. Results: The promotions netted approx. 1,312 additional single copy sales versus non-promotional weeks.
Entry Example – Slide 2 Enter Example of your promotional pieces here The ROP ad below ran three times over the course of the promotion and was used as the “Bingo Card” for the contest. The ROP ad above ran in our weekly newspaper to promote the upcoming contest.
Over 35,000 category 2nd place Single Copy Omaha World Herald
Build-a-Husker Newspaper: Omaha World-Herald City and State: Omaha, NE Circulation Group : Over 35,000 select from: <UNDER 35,000 or OVER 35,000) Entry Category and Name: Single copy Name of Entry: Submitted By: Kurt Welu Phone: 402-444-1290 E-Mail: kurt.welu@owh.com Title: Build a Husker Objective: Increase single copy sales in Participating outlets Summary: Each day, one piece of the 5’ tall Husker poster is printed in the newspaper as a double truck. You collect all 5 pieces and build your own Husker. We also had 30 corrugated full size plastic posters printed as a giveaway “Win this Husker Poster” at 30 retail locations throughout the metro area. Results: Daily sales increased by 1,000 copies per day during the 5-day promotion
On site examples of P.O.P. Sales increase of 5,000 copies over the 5-day promotion
Under 35,000 category 1st place Subscriber Acquisition Daily Journal
Newspaper: The Daily Journal City and State: Kankakee, IL Circulation Group : Under 35,000 select from: <UNDER 35,000 or OVER 35,000) Entry Category and Name: Subscriber Acquisition or Retention Name of Entry: Grocery Grab Submitted By: Craig Campbell Phone: 815-937-3870 E-Mail: ccampbell@daily-journal.com Title: Circulation Sales Manager Objective: To increase Circulation volume by acquiring new subscribers. To grow subscriber loyalty by offering an opportunity to win a grocery shopping spree. Summary: Promotion included: 1) ROP ads, 2) Direct mail campaign, 3) Facebook contest app, 4) Single Copy inserts, 5) Web ads, 6) Contest game boards inserted full Circulation on two days and available for download on our Facebook page. Results: 3,100 contest entries from print edition, game board, and Facebook entries. 545 new subscription sales. Overwhelmingly positive response from contestants, community, and grocery store owner.
Contest Game Board Full page ROP Ad, with week 1 game piece
Direct mail piece (tri-folded, tabbed, tear-off order form.)
Under 35,000 category 2nd place Subscriber Acquisition Columbia Daily Tribune
Paid Circulation - Subscriber Acquisition & Retail Campaign Newspaper: Columbia Daily Tribune City and State: Columbia, MO Circulation Group : under 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Paid Circulation Name of Entry: Don’t Miss a SEC Submitted By: Tanya Ragsdale Phone: 573.815.1617 E-Mail: tragsdale@columbiatribune.com Title: NIE Coordinator/Graphic Design Objective: To maximize subscriber acquisition through single copy inserts promoting the Tribune’s sports coverage and utilize rack card imagery to help drive the concept. Summary: We created both a football and basketball “SEC” rack card to compliment the retail insert which capitalized on the Tribune’s sports coverage. Results: In five months, the inserts generated over 400 new PIA yearly weekend subscriptions. This resulted in a cost per order of $12.50 and generated over $20,000 in circulation revenue.
Subscriber Acquisition & Retail Campaign Retail Insert • Rack cards were displayed at retail locations during football and basketball season • The promotional material was inserted into retail papers 1-2 times per week from October 2012 through February 2013. • Over 400 customers subscribed to this offer in 5 months, which generated over $20,000 in circulation revenue and significantly increased our weekend home delivery volumes.
Subscriber Acquisition & Retail Campaign Point of Sale Material Basketball SEC Rack Card Displayed Dec 2012-Feb 2013 Football SEC Rack Card Displayed Sept 2012-Dec 2012
Under 35,000 category 1st place Single Copy Telegraph Herald
Newspaper: Telegraph Herald City: Dubuque, IA Circulation Group : under 35,000 Category and Name: Single Copy Name of Entry: Casey’s Gas Promotion Submitted By: Michelle Schmidt Phone: 563-588-5651 E-Mail: mschmidt@wcinet.com Title: Circulation Sales Manager Objective: Increase single copy sales through Casey’s gas promotion. Results: The Telegraph Herald and Casey’s partnered together offering a gas promotion of buy 8 or more gallons of gas and add the Telegraph Herald to your order for only $.01 more. Final results: Over a 25 week period, we sold 63,346 additional daily and 11,278 additional Sunday papers, which is equivalent to an incremental revenue of $62,734.05.
Sample of ROP ad promoting Casey’s 8 Gallon Gas Offer • Several ROP ads ran from 1/6/12 through • 6/30/12 promoting the 8 gallon • gas promotion. • We sold 63,346 additional daily and 11,278 additional Sunday papers during a 25 • week period, which equates to over • $62,734.05 in revenue.
Under 35,000 category 2nd place Single Copy Daily Journal
Newspaper: The Daily Journal City and State: Kankakee, IL Circulation Group : Under 35,000 select from: <UNDER 35,000 or OVER 35,000) Entry Category and Name: Single Copy Name of Entry: McDonald’s Customer Appreciation Special Submitted By: Milford Wichelt Phone: 815-937-3325 E-Mail: mwichelt@daily-journal.com Title: Single Copy Manager Objective: To increase Single Copy sales and promote McDonald’s McRib sandwich. Summary: We partnered with McDonald’s in December 2012. We promoted a free copy of The Daily Journal with the purchase of a McRib sandwich at eight McDonald’s locations. Results: For the month of December we increased Single Copy sales by 6,700 units.
Promotional poster displayed at McDonald’s. Promotional ROP ad.
Under 35,000 category 1st place New Business Telegraph Herald
Newspaper: Telegraph Herald City: Dubuque, IA Circulation Group : under 35,000 Category and Name: New Business Name of Entry: Telegraph Herald 175th Anniversary Submitted By: Michelle Schmidt Phone: 563-588-5651 E-Mail: mschmidt@wcinet.com Title: Circulation Sales Manager Objective: In celebration of 175 years, the Telegraph Herald went back into archives to produce a four special commemorative section that wrapped around the Telegraph Herald on Monday, March 26, 2012 and was delivered to all 7-day home subscribers. In addition, the sections were packaged, boxed and sold as a historic keepsake for only $9.95. Results: From March 26, 2012 through April 30, 2012, we sold the keepsake package for only $9.95 at 17 different retailers. In the short five week period, we billed $3,375 to retailers for packages sold. Final Results: The entire 175th Anniversary initiative generated over $175,000 in revenue.
Sample of ROP ad promoting 175th Anniversary Keepsake • Several ROP ads ran from 1/17/12 • through 4/30/12. • On-line ads such as peel downs, sliding • billboards e-mail blast, sticky notes and • TH on-line video ran from 1/17/12 • through 4/31/12.
Under 35,000 category 2nd place New Business Janesville Gazette
Newspaper: The Gazette City: Janesville, WI Circulation Group : <25thousand Category and Name: Circulation Operations – New Business Name of Entry: Email Newsletter Sponsorship Submitted By: Sara Miller & Lon Haenel Phone: 608-755-9430 E-Mail: smiller@gazettextra.com or lonh@gazettextra.com Title: Marketing & Circulation Director Objective: E-Newsletter targeting subscribers with Gazette previews of upcoming stories, features, and events. Results: E-Newsletters were sponsored by Dunham’s. Final Results: $2000 in new revenue for the months of October, November & December.
Samples of E-Newsletter with Dunham’s Ad Sponsor E-Newsletter
Under 35,000 category 1st place NIE Columbia Daily Tribune
Verified Circulation – NIE Newspaper: Columbia Daily Tribune City and State: Columbia, MO Circulation Group : under 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Verified Circulation Name of Entry: Block Sale Submitted By: Tanya Ragsdale Phone: 573.815.1617 E-Mail: tragsdale@columbiatribune.com Title: NIE Coordinator/Graphic Design Objective: To promote our NIE program and increase donations to ensure that every request for the Tribune was able to be fulfilled. The Block Sale promotion ran once every quarter throughout 2012. Summary: We asked area businesses to donate either a gift card or product. We advertised the date and time of the Block Sale in print and online. We then sold the donations (up to 50% off the actual value) on a first come, first served basis at a specified date and time. While the customer was on the phone, we also asked if they would like to donate to NIE in addition to their purchase. This resulted in an average of 50 dollars extra per sale. The actual sales last for one hour, and we follow up with a thank you ad for the businesses that donated. Results: In 2012, we averaged over $1,300 per quarter on the sale of donated goods from area businesses. This resulted in nearly $5,500 for the year and placed over 35,000 papers in area schools.
Verified Circulation - Block Sale Newspapers In Education Fundraiser • Approximately one month prior to the sale, we advertise for our Block Sale via the web and in print to help reach a vast audience and create a “buzz.” • We ran preview ads in the paper along with “teaser” ads both in print and online. Each business that donated received a “business card” size block that we sold on a first come, first served basis. • Our largest Block Sale in 2012 generated over $1,500 of donations for our NIE program in just a little under an hour. • Businesses who donated to the sale are acknowledged in a Block Sale “thank you” ad as well as our ongoing monthly NIE thank you ads for the year. • We have been so successful at this campaign, that some area businesses are on a waiting list for the next sale. The Block Sales account for nearly 20% of all donations needed to satisfy our school orders.
Verified Circulation - Block Sale Actual Sale Ad – Two Full Pages Thank You Ad – Print & Online Banner Ad Online
Under 35,000 category 2nd place NIE Telegraph Herald
Newspaper: Telegraph Herald City: Dubuque, IA Circulation Group : under 35,000 Category and Name: Verified Circulation - NIE Name of Entry: Baby of the Year Submitted By: Michelle Schmidt Phone: 563-588-5651 E-Mail: mschmidt@wcinet.com Title: Circulation Sales Manager Objective: The Baby of the Year contest ran from February 2, 2012 through March 8, 2012. The contest was set up to obtain sponsorships for Newspaper In Education (NIE) program through voting for Baby of the Year. Results: Subscribers submitted photos of babies born in 2011. A special tab featuring the 181 babies was published and inserted into the Telegraph Herald on Thursday, February 2, 2012. The contest was divided into four rounds of voting which began February 2, 2012 and ended on March 8, 2012. Round one consisted of all 181 babies, round two was narrowed down to the top 50 babies, round three was narrowed down to the top 25 babies and the final round was narrowed down to the top 12 babies with the most votes. Final results: Over 901 voters cast 28,811 votes, producing $13,993 in revenue for the Newspaper in Education program. This will place over 87,456 newspapers to schools in the Telegraph Herald readership area.
Sample of ROP ad promoting Baby of the Year Contest • Several ads ran from 1/26/12 through • 3/14/12 when the winner was announced • as Baby of the Year. • 901 people cast 28,811 votes; • generating $13,993 in revenue • for the Newspaper in Education • program.
Under 35,000 category 1st place Cost Efficiency Salina Journal
Rack Audit – Salina Journal Newspaper: Salina Journal City and State: Salina, KS Circulation Group : Under 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Cost Efficiency Projects Name of Entry: Rack Audit Submitted By: Mollie Purcell Phone: 785-822-1459 E-Mail: mpurcell@salina.com Title: State Circulation Sales Manager Objective: Maximize ROI on single copy sales. Summary: We did an extensive audit of the draws and returns on our racks to ensure that they were individually selling a profitable amount of newspapers. Results: In our audit we found a large number of our machines were only selling one to two newspapers a week. We stopped draws on the machines that were selling less than two a week and converted machines that were getting daily draws to Sunday only if that is the only newspaper that was selling. We placed signs in the windows for a week to let customers know where the nearest dealer location was. In the end we pulled over 200 machines.
Rack Audit – Salina Journal Cost savings per month: Returns - $680 District manager mileage - $50 Rack write offs - $3,000 Total cost savings: $3,730 • While revenue will be affected by the reduction in racks our total cost savings outweighs the loss of revenue.
Under 35,000 category 1st place Carrier Recruitment Salina Journal
Did you know? – Salina Journal Newspaper: Salina Journal City and State: Salina, KS Circulation Group : Under 35,000 Entry Category and Name: Carrier Recruitment and Retention Name of Entry: Did you know? Submitted By: Mollie Purcell Phone: 785-822-1459 E-Mail: mpurcell@salina.com Title: State Circulation Sales Manager Objective: Recruit carriers for home delivery. Summary: This flyer is inserted any time we need to find a carrier. Each time it is inserted we received a number of carrier applications. Results: In one of our smaller towns the carrier put in their notice and we had not had any luck with the regular recruitment ad that ran in classifieds. With this bright orange insert we had three new carrier applications within two days of inserting this into all of the newspapers in this town.
Did you know? – Salina Journal • This piece is inserted in home delivery and single copy newspapers in areas we need a carrier for. • In our smaller towns we typically receive two to five new carrier applications and in the larger cities ten to twenty. • We keep these on hand at all times in case they are needed so we were able to get a discount for printing such a large quantity.