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Theatres of Prešov. In present time many people need from time to time escape from boring stock days . Lot of people prefer cinemas or disco , but in our city are a beautiful theatres too . Let´stake a glance at them ... . D. Ivanecká V. Janeková V. Petrušková I.D.
TheatresofPrešov In presenttimemanypeopleneedfromtime to timeescapefromboringstockdays. Lotofpeopleprefercinemas or disco, but in our city are a beautifultheatrestoo. Let´stake a glanceatthem... D. Ivanecká V. Janeková V. Petrušková I.D
Portál Theatre Októbrová 46 Street, Prešov, 080 01 divadlobezopony@gmail.com Professional privatetheatreof Prešov It´ssmall and no verypopulartheatre, butplays are aswellasothers. Happy Birthday by Michal Náhlík Janko and Marienka
DRaKTheatre Hlavná 16 street, Prešov Strollingcompanyforkids Thistheatrecollaboratewith UNICEF Lotofknownpeopleplay in thistheatre. Theatretravel over the Slovak and Czechrepublic
Puppetshow Babadlo
Maybeyouknowormaybeno,butitwas1.june1995,whenthistheatrecamewithfirstdrama. ItwasontheKidsdayandsincethattheyhaveplayedalotsofdramas.Ithas beenusuallyforchildren,kids,butalsoforteenagers.
Youcanseethemon SantaClausdayand alsoin onkologyhospitalsor fosterhomes.Buttheyalsoplayin kindergardensovertheeastSlovakia. Theyprepareabig fansy-dressballeveryyearon Kidsday.
Thissummertheypreparea summertheatrecampforkidssince8to18 yearsold.Thiscampisgoingtohappenin Mníchovský potok,nearBardejov.Applicationsyoucanbuyinthetheatre.Theadressis:NámestieLegionárov 6, Prešov. Everythingwhatisn’t clearyou can findon: http://www.babadlo.sk/
History Itwas 1. december 1944 and in buildingTowntheatrewasfirstapearancefristdramaTheatreofJonášZáborský,atthetime Slovak theatre in Prešov, Škriatok. Lateritnamed Krajové slovenské divadlo in Prešov, but in 1951 itgotnameThetheatreof Jonáš Záborský(DJZ). In 1990 opened new building DJZ, firstspecialisticbuildingoftheatre in Slovakia.
I am sure, that everybody here, was in DJZ . This theatre is very big and their repertory is very interesting. Everybody can find, what he likes. They play drama for children and adults, for young and old. They also guest another theatre from Nitra, Spišská Nová Ves, Babadlo from Prešov and so on. EveryyeartheyprepareThedayofopened door.
Actualrepertoryis: • Allthebest • Betlehem • Vorvaň • Belief, hope, love • Madly sad princes • Cats play • Mariage • František from Assisi • Herministress • Hen • Bona-commontion • Littlewitch
They prepare: • Maria Antoinetta • Cheap-jack • Don Juan v Soho • Bon soir • Cabaretde Verne More information you can find on: http://www.djz.sk/
Thetheatreof Alexander Duchnovič • The only professional theatre in the world, that plays in Ruthenian language • First played russian classics in russian language • Than it reoriented on ukrainian language • from eightees theater plays in Ruthenian • It´s easier for us to understand
History The theatre was formated after second world war. It was called Ukrainian national theatre. In 1990 was renamed on Theatre of Alexander Duchnovič. It has a special place in Slovak republic. Theatre specialises on development ruthenian and ukrainian culture in our country.
Celebrity Michal Hudák played in the theatre when he was a teenager • Theatre hasn´t got its own building it belongs to catholic clergy • Every year theatre visits stages all around Slovak republic and takes a part in many home and foreign shows
Kontacts headmaster: Marián Marko address: Jarková 77 more information on: www.divadload.sk