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Curriculum Based Measures vs. Formal Assessment

Curriculum Based Measures vs. Formal Assessment. What does it mean to me? Why bother?. Goals for this class. General Principles: Compare CRT, CBA, CBM, Formal tests Understand why & how we use CBM? Understanding Formal Assessment for achievement Specific to your own project

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Curriculum Based Measures vs. Formal Assessment

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  1. Curriculum Based Measuresvs. Formal Assessment What does it mean to me? Why bother?

  2. Goals for this class • General Principles: • Compare CRT, CBA, CBM, Formal tests • Understand why & how we use CBM? • Understanding Formal Assessment for achievement • Specific to your own project • What CBM measures would you give & why

  3. CBA vs. CBM • CBA=instructional tool based upon assessment of curricular information. (Glickling & Havertape, 1981) • Test items taken from curriculum • Repeated measurement over time • Use of information for instruction • Validated approach but less so than CBM. • CBA measures mastery and CBM measures general outcome over time (Hosp & Hosp, 2003)

  4. Why CBA is not used? • Perception of difficulty • Time demands • Efficacy with CBA • State or district guidelines & performance objectives

  5. CBM • Assess student’s academic growth repeatedly over time • Provide strategies to support student’s needs • Ascertain the need for additional diagnostic testing (Howell & Nolet, 1999). • Evaluate and improve instructional efficacy (Deno, 1985). • Progress monitoring not mastery achievement (Fuchs, 2006).

  6. CBM & RTI • CBM provides us with the tools for monitoring and enhancing student growth and reflecting and changing our instructional practices. • CBM also provides us with information in the area of diagnostic evaluation. • To identify non-responders we have to show a discrepancy in performance and growth between student and peers.

  7. Assessment as Problem-Solving What characterizes effective problem solving? • Generating as many alternative solutions as possible and • Testing ideas in a systematic manner • IEP is used for problem solving

  8. Problem-Solving Process • Problem identification • Observing & recording student performance • Problem definition • Describing the difference between actual & expected performance • Exploring alternative solutions • Goal setting, program planning • Implement & evaluating solutions • Progress monitoring • Problem solution

  9. Back to Joshua • Problem identification • Possible solutions • Plan of action

  10. Need for CR-CBA-CBM • Lack of focus • Teachers & students are uncertain about what the key indicators of growth in basic skills are. • Current focus is on standards and PACT • Problems with commercial achievement tests • Failure to describe growth • Reliance on face validity • Small sample, relationship to curriculum • Why CBM and not CRT or CBA?

  11. Curriculum-Based Measurement-Big Picture- • CBM is a general outcome indicator that measures “vital signs” of student achievement in areas of literacy or basic skills • CBMs function as “academic thermometers” designed to monitor student’s growth in literacy or basic skills • It is an efficient and accurate way of assessing the effects of our instruction during the course of instruction (formative evaluation vs. summative evaluation)

  12. Curriculum-Based Measurement-Details- • CBM is sensitive to difference among individuals and within individuals • Sensitive to the short-term effects of instruction • Characteristics • Indicator of student academic progress • Direct & Repeated measurement • Time-series graphic displays • Individually-referenced & goal referenced • Data decision rules • Aimlines & trendlines

  13. What is Measured? • Reading √ Words read aloud • Written Expression √ Words written in response to a story starter • Spelling √ Words spelled from dictation • Math √ Math problems completed correctly NOTE: see handout on details

  14. How Do We Measure? • Use a task of constant difficulty When level remains constant we can see changes in student performance • Choose task from same pool of material • CBM describes changes in performance on a specific level

  15. Procedures for Graphing • Collect baseline performance • Set goals • Continually chart student progress • Summarize data • Aimlines • Trend lines

  16. Data Interpretation • Use data to monitor student progress • Goal-oriented analysis • Interpret data to determine instructional changes √ Deciding when to change

  17. Deciding what to change • Program adjustments must be introduced and maintained for a period of time • Choose substantial changes • Clearly specify the changes

  18. Problem Identification • A problem is defined as a difference between what is expected in the general education curriculum and how the student performs. • If the discrepancy is large enough, formal assessment is warranted.

  19. Problem Certification • How severe is the problem? • Is the problem so severe that it is unlikely to be addressed successfully in the regular education curriculum? • What resources may be necessary to resolve the problem?

  20. Exploring Solutions • What are the goals of intervention? • What is the content of the intervention? • What is the process of the intervention?

  21. Evaluating Solutions • Is the intervention successful • Is the student attaining the established goals? • If not, does the intervention need modification or is the student in need of a different intervention?

  22. Problem Solution • Is the discrepancy between expected and actual performance still important? • If not can the additional resources be reduced or eliminated?

  23. Target criteria by grade level One example Next pages from Michele Hosp Presentation on CBM Norms for ORF

  24. Let’s practice • Let’s do a one minute reading sample • How did you do recording? • Example: • Median: 45 • Assume 1.5 words week for 36 weeks= 54 • Aim= 45 + 54 = 99 words per minute Baseline Reading Probes1: 45 words per minute 2: 42 words per minute 3: 46 words per minute

  25. Goals & Benchmarks • In 36 weeks, when given a passage from the second grade reader, Jeremy will correctly read 99 words per minute. • Every nine weeks, when given a passage from the second grade reading textbook and one minute to read, Jeremy will read 13-14 correct words over the number of words read correctly at the previous 9 week measurement.

  26. Aligning CBM and curriculum • Dissect ELA curriculum • Create 1 minute samples with one to three passages from each story read. • Sample should be at the student’s instructional level. • Authentic passages from a number of sources • Calculate the readability of each passage. • Determine baseline & aim line

  27. CBM and Tests • Helwig & Tindal (2002) no differences between general outcome measures and state tests using CBM and mathematics. • Epsin, Shinn & Busch (2005). Validity for using vocabulary matching tasks in content areas such as social studies. • Teachers who believe in CBM had students who had better results and higher trend lines.

  28. Resources • Intervention Central • http://www.interventioncentral.org • OKAPI - CBM reading probes • http://www.interventioncentral.org/htmdocs/tools/okapi/okapi.php • See other resources online • Other Documents for resources • CBMprogressmonitoringinReading.pdf • CBMprogressmonitoringinMath.pdf • CBM data collection

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