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Custom Components in Webcenter

Custom Components in Webcenter. Components. M odular programs designed to interact with Content Server at runtime Types of components: s tandard components system components c ustom components. Use of components. M odify the standard security features

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Custom Components in Webcenter

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  1. Custom Components in Webcenter

  2. Components • Modular programs designed to interact with Content Server at runtime • Types of components: • standard components • system components • custom components

  3. Use of components • Modify the standard security features • Change the way search results are requested and returned • Enable Oracle WebCenter Content Server to work with a particular system (such as a Macintosh client or a proprietary CAD program)

  4. Advantages • You can modify source code without compromising the integrity of the product. • You can use a custom component on multiple instances across multiple platforms. • You can turn individual components on and off for troubleshooting purposes. • You can reinstall or upgrade an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance without compromising customizations.

  5. Constraints • Custom components change behavior and look-and-feel systemwide. • for limited situations consider dynamic server pages • Custom components can be affected by changes to the Oracle WebCenter Content Server core functionality. • review and test your custom components upon upgrade • A component may not be necessary for simple customizations. • a large number of simple components could become difficult to manage

  6. Files used in component creation 1. HDA • HyperData File • used to define properties and tabular data in a simple, structured ASCII file format • used by Content Server to determine which components are enabled and disabled and where to find the definition files for that component • useful for data that changes frequently because the compact size and simple format • used to define the following component files: • Components file (idcshort-product-id_components.hda) • Component definition file • Manifest file • Dynamic table resource file • Template resource file

  7. Files used in component creation 2. Custom Resource Files • define your Content Server customization • usually HDA files but some are HTM files. • typically located in the DomainHome/ucm/short-product-id/custom/component_name directory

  8. Files used in component creation 3. Manifest file • used to upload or unpackage a component ZIP file on Content Server • tells Content Server where to place the individual files that are included in the component ZIP file • created automatically when you build a component in the Component Wizard, or when you download a component using the Admin Server Advanced Component Manager. • all manifest files must be: • called manifest.hda • included in the component ZIP file along with the other component files • at the top level of the ZIP file directory structure

  9. Creating a component • Create a definition file. • Add a reference to the definition file in the idcshort-product-id_components.hda file to enable the component. • Restart Content Server to apply the component. • Create resources and other files to define your customization. A good approach is to copy, rename, and modify standard Content Server files to create your custom resource files. • Test and revise your customization as necessary. You may need to restart Content Server to apply your changes. • If you want to package the component for later use or for deployment on other Content Servers instances, build the component and create a component ZIP file.

  10. Creating Resources for a Component • HTML includes • Dynamic data tables • String resources • Dynamic tables • Static tables • Queries • Services • Templates • Environment resources

  11. Working with Component Files • Component Wizard • Content Server utility that can help you create and edit component files • use it to package, unpackage, enable, and disable components • Text editor • most component files are plain text files

  12. Tools for Managing Components • Component Wizard • automates the process of creating custom components, including creating and editing all the files necessary for custom components • modify existing components • package and unpackage components for use on Content Server instances • Advanced Component Manager • Advanced Component Manager • provides a way to manage custom components in Content Server • easily enable or disable components or add new components to Content Server • ComponentTool • command-line utility for installing, enabling, and disabling components in Oracle WebCenter Content Server

  13. Downloading a component • With the Advanced Component Manager • From Oracle Technology Network

  14. Q&A

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